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Starting to Decode 2014


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Also, a couple of you keep saying "CSW." I am trying to figure out what CSW is?

Last time I drove by (7-30-13) it was still CSF, not CSW. :D

Some reason I keep thinking it's steel works. But at least you knew what I was talking about. lol

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Secondson, you have a good idea. I'd love to be able to do that, but the comments in this thread sometimes just scream like a Banshee for a response from me.

Also (this is way off topic, but I really wanted to share it and there is no "correct" place to put it), Big Sexy has been non-existent on here for a while, but he has gathered a total of 5 recent posts on the TPR forums. I can't see Robb putting up with his crap for long.

Scroll about halfway through this page for his latest post: http://www.themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=45427&start=6440#wrap

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There are people behind the avatars of every board member here. I've looked at a lot of them. Some of them are just pictures of different things, but a lot of them are actual faces of members, and I see many beautiful faces of people with real feelings. They are people with hopes, dreams, ambitions, and ideas. We never know what personal fears, struggles, pains, or heartaches they may be experiencing. Sometimes I think if we actually all met one another in person, we wouldn't say some of the things we say in this forum.

I think I'm going to back out for a while and wait until the night of the 8th to find out what this project is all about. So I'm going to retreat to being a lurker again. I'll still be around, but just observing. You guys take care.

If once you forfeit the confidence of your fellow-citizens, you can never regain their respect and esteem.

Abraham Lincoln

Ride Warriors..Not just a coaster rider, but a way of life!

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How I think the announcement should go....

You're sitting there watching the fireworks and you fully know that after the fireworks are done is the big announcement. So the fireworks end and you sit there waiting. A few minutes pass and you look to your friends and say "Man, the announce AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" you hear a scream coming from behind the wall. Everything goes silent....a bit passes and you hear another ghostly scream from behind the fence followed by Don running to the stage he looks frightened. Gregg comes out and asks Don what is wrong. Don *while panting* says he saw it. Greg asks "Saw what Don what did you see?!"..Don seems to blow off the question and says "It must have been at least *insert ride height here* tall. Greg says "What?! Surly we would've seen something that tall!" Don: "No it was there only for a second it must have ran at least *insert ride speed here* fast." Greg "DON what did you see!!!!!!" Don: "THE Banshee!"

I just hope the announcement is nothing like how the announcement during last years pink snoopy event went, it was a travesty.

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Who cares what it is! It's a new coaster! The one thing we all have in common on here, we love them! Let's just sit back and enjoy the next few days. Kings Island will be changed forever in a good way. This is like a parent saying, I want my child to be tall, smart, funny, have blue eyes, and be able to fly or I won't love them. HUSH PEOPLE! Do you think anyone is still bummed out that Diamondback wasn't an Invert or an Intiman?! If they are, get over it.

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Who cares what it is! It's a new coaster! The one thing we all have in common on here, we love them! Let's just sit back and enjoy the next few days. Kings Island will be changed forever in a good way. This is like a parent saying, I want my child to be tall, smart, funny, have blue eyes, and be able to fly or I won't love them. HUSH PEOPLE! Do you think anyone is still bummed out that Diamondback wasn't an Invert or an Intiman?! If they are, get over it.

I am still bummed it wasn't an intamin. I am still bummed IJST was not an intamin.

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Okay kids. Your Uncle beastfan11 has had a few to drink tonight and was just dropped off at home. Here's what I'm thinking:

There was a time, but now it's all gone by

where I was just a young lad.

Now in these times, I'd see the park once a year, if lucky,

And every year I'd make a great return to the Island of Kings, and BEHOLD! A new attraction would appear.

You see, in these days, the best things in life were a surprise, and every surprise took me farther away from the everyday

and when you're taken away from the everyday, you are happy, no?


You are.

My point? Be a young kid again.

Intamin? B&M? Vekoma? Ahhh, come on. Let's have a real good time, whatever it is.

Does it really matter? No. We'll all have a great time,no matter what, only if we let ourselves.

Let's be surprised and happy. Any new addition is another way we can escape. Got it, bro?



PS: My current (legal) state is proof that anyone has the ability to use proper grammar. No excuses.

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Who cares what it is! It's a new coaster! The one thing we all have in common on here, we love them! Let's just sit back and enjoy the next few days. Kings Island will be changed forever in a good way. This is like a parent saying, I want my child to be tall, smart, funny, have blue eyes, and be able to fly or I won't love them. HUSH PEOPLE! Do you think anyone is still bummed out that Diamondback wasn't an Invert or an Intiman?! If they are, get over it.

I am still bummed it wasn't an intamin. I am still bummed IJST was not an intamin.

I'm still bummed Intamin can't make a ride without downtime on a daily basic bro.

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