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Worst Job At Kings Island


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I agree with the restroom attendant being one of the worse jobs at the park. I have done that when it was first given to us in park services in the 90's and the guest can really be gross at times. I would rather clean up dog poo in pet care than cleaning up after some disgusting humans. But then the financial rewards it offered was worth it.

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If your working in an Amusement Park I would say your job cant be to bad no matter what it is.Even cleaning a crapper sounds pretty nice when you look at things from some peoples perspective. I have yet to hear somebody lose their life to cleaning a toilet bowl. Why am I thinking Terp is going to post an article about death from toilet cleaning! :P

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I would go with rides supervisors too. The characters get required breaks, and shorter times on stage based on temperature.

Rides sups have to walk and sometimes sprint to rides based on different reasons. To often have someone start foaming at the mouth about how they weren't happy with XYZ on the ride.

I know when i worked at Universal I would walk 5+ miles a day.

And restroom attendant isn't that bad... I cleaned plenty in my day, and you learn techniques to make it easy.

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  On 7/16/2013 at 5:31 AM, Jr for Birdy said:

If your working in an Amusement Park I would say your job cant be to bad no matter what it is.Even cleaning a crapper sounds pretty nice when you look at things from some peoples perspective. I have yet to hear somebody lose their life to cleaning a toilet bowl. Why am I thinking Terp is going to post an article about death from toilet cleaning! :P

Like all jobs, safety is important:


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Sweeps have the worst job ever IMO, I had to do it for a day and it sucked. Ride Sup isn't too bad, they get breaks too, I mean it could be cut short if the ride goes down loaded or whatever, but it's not terrible. Think sweeps though, rain or shine, cold, hot, ect. They're out there roving the midway sweeping, mopping, decobweb, ect. All DAY. I had to do an OC of that, it freaking sucked. They come to the park early to clean up/get ready, clean during the day, then stay a bit after park close and clean up the leaving mess until night shift comes. Ride sups, they're only there while the ride is up for their respective shifts. I've done both, and I'll never be a sweep again, ride sup, why not.

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I would take about any job at KI over two particular places in the park to work- the Reds HOF Grille (at least back when it was WINGS) and Festhaus, especially closing them. Not only were they the two most popular eateries in the park, but both required extensive amounts of time after the park was closed to tidy up for the next day. I remember having to close WINGS on a weekday (10 pm closing) and not getting out of the park until about 12:30-1 am.

Also, I must tip my hat to those working security and those who are life guards at Kings Island, both of which are jobs I probably would avoid myself considering all the potential stuff both jobs might have to deal with. I also try and have good fun with ride ops with all the stuff they go through as well, plus the fact that we as guests couldn't enjoy our favorite rides without them. I won't go into how, but I've had experiences with the group who runs first aid and they do a wonderful job as well.

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My friend is a sweeper and he switched from being a Beast ride op because he says you get paid more as a sweeper.

I think the worst job is whoever has to work the games and constantly try to fish for potential players and constantly get ignored. That's why I always tell them "no thank you"

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  On 7/16/2013 at 6:02 AM, BavarianBeatle said:

I think that keyhole photo photographers at the entrance have to be miserable standing on that hot pavement for hours directly in the sun.

Not to be that guy but, the Keyhole Photo people no longer exist. But there are people at the front of the park who will help you to make some Photo Memories!

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I always found sweeps or litter getters, as we used to be called, was one of the best jobs in the park. We were not confined to just one small area but had our entire area to sweep and talked to guests as we went about our duties. Unless you were working a double shift, you either worked an early to sweep and prepare the park to open, or open shift working until around 4pm or so and finally, working a closing shift. Yes, when it rained we had to work in it. If the guests were in the rain, then we worked in the rain while wearing our rain gear. The heat and sun does not matter as long as you keep yourself well hydrated and wear a protective hat and sun screen to protect the skin. But I did remember when I came back to work in 1992 in mid-season, all of the hats had been used and I was forced to work in Water Works without any head gear to protect my bald head. I received a very bad sun burn that blistered my head. But all the sweeps work very hard to keep the park clean and their hard work really shows.

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  On 7/16/2013 at 12:52 PM, mullimann said:

I would go with rides supervisors too. The characters get required breaks, and shorter times on stage based on temperature.

Rides sups have to walk and sometimes sprint to rides based on different reasons. To often have someone start foaming at the mouth about how they weren't happy with XYZ on the ride.

I know when i worked at Universal I would walk 5+ miles a day.

And restroom attendant isn't that bad... I cleaned plenty in my day, and you learn techniques to make it easy.

Walking 5+ miles a day sounds like a vacation to me.

If you think sweeps walk a lot, try being a sweeps supervisor.

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Yeah I give mad props to sweeps and their area sups. I know I walked countless miles that OC, and it sucked. Plus the day I did it, mad humid June, downpour with crappy raingear pushing water with a broom/squeegee, amidst picking up trash & stuff, then more humid post rain, then staying after for the live show they had in 2011. Screw that, never again haha. Being a ride sup, it's actually enjoyable because then you can bring the ride in the direction you see the crew working in. It's def. a big responsibility to not be just in charge of guests and their safety, but that of the crew and stuff too. Lots of work

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I walk miles a day at my current job. Unfortunately it's indoor in a shop environment. No real complaints though.

As far as KI goes, I am pretty sure I wouldn't want to be a ride operator in Planet Snoopy. Parents are very critical of strangers when it comes to their kids and after a while my patience would run thin.

If I could sweep the park and pay my bills I would do with little hesitation.

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  On 7/16/2013 at 3:13 AM, upstop said:

I would have to say restroom cleaning.....any job cleaning that stuff up has to be worst for me. People can be disgustingly dirty sometimes.

But someone has got to do it... when it doesn't get done you got a disaster on your hands. Bout 8 years of that at KI and The Beach under my belt. I loved the exercise x)

On another note...I wouldn't call it the worst (because it was some of the best fun I ever had) but I will call it one of the hardest and that is.....Haunt monster.

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  On 7/16/2013 at 9:02 PM, silver2005 said:

I would take about any job at KI over two particular places in the park to work- the Reds HOF Grille (at least back when it was WINGS) and Festhaus, especially closing them. Not only were they the two most popular eateries in the park, but both required extensive amounts of time after the park was closed to tidy up for the next day. I remember having to close WINGS on a weekday (10 pm closing) and not getting out of the park until about 12:30-1 am.

That's nothing. When my sister and I both worked at KI in 2005, she ended up getting sent to the funnel cake stand on I-Street one night, and we didn't get out of there until 2am - and then only because she told them she had to go because her ride was waiting. Being on I-Street, that stand is one of the last to close, and apparently takes a really long time to clean up (why it takes so long is beyond me - surely it doesn't take more than an hour or two to clean the machines, sweep, mop, etc.)

  On 7/18/2013 at 3:20 AM, TTD-120-420 said:

Aren't the costume characters air conditioned on the inside?

Nope. There's a reason you don't see them much during the hotter months.

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