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You Know It's the Off Season When...

Ride On_17

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You know.....when you try to make a grocery store purchase by swiping your Platinum Pass. (True story)

You know.....when you try to make a grocery store purchase by swiping your Platinum Pass. (True story)

I am glad I am not the only one who has done that!
You mean I'm not the only one who's done that? I love KICentral!

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I don't know about you guys, but I'm kind of grateful for the off season. If you spend as much time as I do at KI, you really need some time to recharge the batteries. Don't get me wrong, I'm as bummed as everybody else on closing day, but I like to take the off season to try new things since so much of my time is wrapped up in the park while it's open.

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When even the idea of riding Woodstock Express excites you.

what's wrong with that? haha

When I was younger I got a huge thrill when Woodstock Express was The Beastie. I also remember that I used to close my eyes in the tunnel after the first drop, man those were the days.

My knees might not always like it too much, but I ALWAYS try to make it a goal to stop in at Woodstock Express when I'm at the park!

It is definitely a spectacular wooden roller coaster, in my opinion.

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When I am kind of wishing there was no mandatory work next week so I could go to my sisters house in Alabama and make a side trip to Atlanta to go to SFOG because I haven't been on a coaster in 4 months.(just looked it up and SFOG doesn't open for 2 more weeks)



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