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How long would you wait in line to ride on Banshee, for the first time?


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This is a thread on whats the max you would wait to ride Banshee the first time.

I would max out around 4hrs of waiting in line for Banshee. First ride would be during Scream for A Kid Again, which would also make my first ride at night on Banshee.

I will try and take some pictures! (not on the ride of course)

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As I've mentioned in other posts, I waited about 3 hours to ride Diamondback on it's opening day and that was one of the WORST lines I've ever seen at any park I've visited. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that Banshee's line won't be as bad as that next Friday (or at least just as bad). If I could get me a ride in 3 hours or so, I think I'd be ok. My wife and I both have the day off, so we can get there whenever we feel like it. Unless something unexpected comes up, I'll definitely be getting my first ride on opening day!

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I would wait over 5 hours. My brother and I waited over 5 hours for Firehawk, but that's mostly because it didn't open when they said it would. We would hold each others' spots in line and go ride Racer or Zephyr or use the restroom while we were waiting lol it was worth it though :)

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Two hours waiting for the gates to open.

Two hours of guests standing with their hands in their pockets when they could be handing Cedar Fair money.

Two hours making people tired so they leave the park earlier.

Two hours restaurants and shops could be open, guests could be walking around the park.

Two hours..the end of which the guests hoarded into a frightening clump, all semblance of lines gone.

Insanity. In a town where the Who concert trampling happened.

Why do not the admissions gates, shops and restaurants (and guest services) open when the parking lot does?

This dumbness started with CBS. Why does it continue?

It's world class dumb.

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BUT in past years (at least in 2009/2010) the admission gates did open before ERT started/rides opened, correct? Maybe not when parking tolls opened, but still earlier? But yeah, making people wait outside of a gate makes no sense. Even if not done regularly, on a day like today, open the gates early, let people buy stuff, and start queueing people at the ride. SOMETHING to help with the crowds.

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I was there- it was Chaos. 15 minutes to enter the parking lot. 30 minutes just to get in the park. 4 1/2 hours for Banshee. Everything in the park had monster lines at one point...I only rode 3 rides all day, though this was mainly due to our group deciding since we had season passes (got my first Gold Pass- getting that, which I did later in the day, was fast & efficent & easy) and would return on a less crowded date.

I would have been FURIOUS- but, thankfully, Banshee actually turned out to be worth a 4 1/2 hour wait, and the other 2 rides I rode (BLSC & Beast at Night) were good (BLSC) and Beast was it's usual epic, raging nighttime self.

A full trip report will come tommorow- I had a LOT of fun in spite of the problems (I was with cool friends some old some new who made the day as well as my sister), but these crowds...the park did NOT handle them well. And Fast Lane was out of control on Banshee.

EDIT: Eh, couldn't wait. Trip Report up NOW.

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I skipped the madness and went to Dollywood....well the madness followed....everything at Dollywood on Friday was 45 minutes to an hour and a half...including restaurants and toilets. Saturday on and off rain with a Qbot...great times...(Wild Eagle was my Banshee test seat) Yea, I fit comfortably.

Returned on Easter Sunday, renewed my KI pass at 4:45pm and drove an hour to the park. Got in the park around 6pm and went straight to Banshee line. Got into Banshee line at 6:05 and rode at 6:20pm (right side) and then again at 6:40pm (left side). Rode it twice in 35 minutes. Then tested my big butt on BLSC fit semi-comfortably. Rode The Beast comfortably and rode Diamondback loosely for the first time ever (rode the last three in last 20 minutes before the park closed)....Thank you Dr. Atkins and Dr. Brenner for the weight loss.

Looking forward to many more rides on Banshee.

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I would not wait more than an hour and a half on a normal day. The reason I waited 3 and a half hours in Friday was because it was opening day. Some of my best memories are from waiting in line in Diamondback and even Banshee on opening day. I don't know why but I really enjoyed waiting in the temporary queue on the roads behind Banshee.

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I would wait up to 3 hours for my first ride if I had to, after that probably 90 minutes would be my limit unless every other line was huge as well.

That said I did skip a projected 2 hour wait on Sunday so I guess my vote wasn't really accurate. But it was much shorter later so think I made the right call.

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