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Idiots At Halloween Haunt


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Okay i was at Halloween Haunt yesterday and i was walking to Planet Snoopy, my friend pointed out these people who were acting like they were smoking in the fog machine and i recorded some of it and it is now on YouTube and there was some more that i have yet to upload.

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I remember kids having fun with candy cigarettes...the kind that were hollow and you could blow through it and a cloud of powdered sugar was created if you blew through the center....I usually blew out the sugar then promptly ate the cigarette....I know OMG a candy cigarette! The candy was banned many years ago, but the real smoking and smoking of other stuff still continues.

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They had a fog machine positioned directly behind one of the benches of the Rivertown smoking section. It gave the illusion of someone really getting their fix. This one woman was calmly sitting there with a cigarette, and it looked like she was smoking like sixty.

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  On 10/6/2014 at 3:18 AM, KI Guy said:

I also saw the real version just three weeks ago in downtown Indianapolis at a store called Rocket Fizz.

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I see no idiots and no harm being done. The juice used in fog machines these days in non toxic. I just see two park goers enjoying themselves and having harmless fun which impacted you in no single way. Even if they had been doing something bad, if it doesn't impact you then who cares? Why bother video taping it and posting it?

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Things I expected:

Kids knocking over things

Kids breaking things

Someone picking on a kid

A fight


Standing up on a coaster

Smoking in line

Punching an actor

Spitting in someone

Things I didn't expect: 2 people enjoying themselves without harming anyone else

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