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Canada's Wonderland Stabbing

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And at a Cedar Fair park.

I have zero sympathy for those involved.....unless it's proven these two guys were just minding there own business when -bam- they were stabbed for no apparent reason. Highly unlikely.

This type of douchbaggery just angers me and could possibly put an end to these type of events, or at least have adverse affects in the future.

Way to ruin it for those that enjoy it and capable of acting in a civil manner.....

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It would not at all shock me to see some cut back on haunt hours next year. It seems like the majority of these stories contain the phrase "just after the event ended" or something similar. Maybe having thousands of teens and young adults all hopped up on adrenaline running around a parking lot at 1am isn't the best idea in the world.

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Haunts have been going on for many many years. Is this the first year there have been multiple incidents?

I say keep the hours the same, and make it a hard ticket event with more expensive tickets.

Sometimes that sort of thing is the perfect way to......"Fix" things.....

.....Other times........Not so much......

BUT hopefully this would be a situation where an increase of that sort would end up being a benefit.

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I mean, what else are you going to do? You can't quit Boofests all together; they're the biggest part of the season. You can't add the stupid metal detectors to the parking lot and screen everybody as they come in. The only thing to do is try to price the riffraff out of the event.

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^^ the problem with over pricing is that many would say KI is already highly priced for the haunts it has. Then again less people in lines would mean smaller groups going through. That means better opportunities to reset some scares....

Land of Illusion is $40 for 5 well done haunts + Bon fire + bars + food + karaoke......

Of course you pay for the bar and food items

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The only thing to do is try to price the riffraff out of the event.

I think Cedar Fair has made it clear they're not going to do that while said "riff raff" are buying Fright Lane, Skeleton Keys and eight dollar pretzels.

Or $9+ cans of beer...

(Yes, Wonderland sells alcohol on Haunt nights. At least they did last Sunday...)

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And at a Cedar Fair park.

I have zero sympathy for those involved.....unless it's proven these two guys were just minding there own business when -bam- they were stabbed for no apparent reason. Highly unlikely.

This type of douchbaggery just angers me and could possibly put an end to these type of events, or at least have adverse affects in the future.

Way to ruin it for those that enjoy it and capable of acting in a civil manner.....

I'm sorry, but is provoking a man, even a fair amount, justified for stabbing someone to death and/ or near fatal condition?

We are all only human; threatening someone or making someone mad, intentional or intentional, and although not a mature thing to do, or a safe one, is not without sympathy if they are stabbed in the end.

Taking it too far was done by the person stabbing them -- The only way I can think the, as they are now, victims deserve no sympathy, is if they pulled a weapon or aggressive assault upon the stabber first.

(I sometimes like to put lots of commas in one sentence, because I like to be understood.)

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I'm sorry, but is provoking a man, even a fair amount, justified for stabbing someone to death and/ or near fatal condition?

We are all only human; threatening someone or making someone mad, intentional or intentional, and although not a mature thing to do, or a safe one, is not without sympathy if they are stabbed in the end.

Taking it too far was done by the person stabbing them -- The only way I can think the, as they are now, victims deserve no sympathy, is if they pulled a weapon or aggressive assault upon the stabber first.

Call me cold hearted.....I've been called worse.

Or call me....realistic.

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I mean, what else are you going to do? You can't quit Boofests all together; they're the biggest part of the season. You can't add the stupid metal detectors to the parking lot and screen everybody as they come in. The only thing to do is try to price the riffraff out of the event.

To an extent, this is already happening at CW, moreso than at Kings Island at least. They do not have a gold level pass, so for locals, unless they invest in a Platinum, they'll be paying for an individual admission - and individual parking - to attend Haunt.

Based on the confused looks I got from employees when I tried to use my platinum pass for the 20% discount on food and merchandise, I'd reckon that they aren't particularly common, and that most passholders at that park use a regular pass.

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^ That's actually the most logical reasoning I've ever heard for why parks like Canada's Wonderland and Cedar Point don't offer a mid-level Gold pass. They're pricing pass holder access to Haunt sky-high to keep undesirables out. I'd never thought of it that way before. That's pretty effective, too, based on the crowds at Halloweekends last weekend. I wonder why Kings Island doesn't adopt a similar system.

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Uh... did he just insinuate that Canada's Wonderland can't control and isn't responsible for controlling what goes on in Canada's Wonderland's parking lot? Isn't the whole point of park security to prevent things that "could happen anywhere" from happening wherever they are? Does Wonderland not patrol their parking lots the way Kings Island does?

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At least SFA's response could, theoretically, be chalked up to issuing a response before all the facts were reviewed. They denied the rumors, then retracted the statement and acknowledged that the incident(s) had occurred. And then they responded by allegedly increasing security.

Canada's Wonderland is saying, "Yeah, it happened. That's life: sometimes you get stabbed in an amusement park parking lot." What? No.

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