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Decoding Episode II: Rivertown 2017 and the Falling Trees


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  On 6/8/2016 at 2:15 PM, ethancoaster said:


  On 6/8/2016 at 2:05 PM, benny1388 said:

Where did you read that? Was it an official announcement or press release from CF/CP/RMC?

Probably not.



I was hoping that was understood in my comment. Maybe not...

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I believe Mean Streak is having major work done.  While I want it to be RMC I have my doubts.  I still think that it is more likely we will see GCI.  The stake which says RMC on it is just too obvious.  Cedar Fair has stated more than once about the company's relationship with GCI.  Also at CoasterMania, Rob Decker was talking about how good the Ghostrider changes came out and that the CEO had recently been riding it and thought that they did a fantastic job.  He then asked the audience how many people planned on going and riding it with the modifications.

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  On 6/8/2016 at 5:47 PM, Flight Deck'd said:

Besides Rob Decker's comments, has anyone heard how Ghostrider turned out (fanboy feedback)?

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Have not ridden it yet myself.  But everything I have read has been good.  The MCBR was totally removed, although it still has some trims in areas.  The ride is comfortable, but you can tell it is still a wooden coaster, and has some good airtime.  The banking on turns has been changed so people think it has less laterals.  The biggest complaint I have read is some people wanted it to be an RMC.

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  On 5/24/2016 at 7:10 PM, medford said:

anyone else looking at that tunnel they're building and really, really, like REALLY wishing its a return of the floral (or vine) tunnel from several eras ago?  That would make my summer.

I saw them too and it bought back childhood memories of walking from Hannah Barbara and into Rivertown!  It looks like their will be more than one arch going through the White Water Canyon line.

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  On 6/8/2016 at 8:26 PM, Skyrider said:
  On 5/24/2016 at 7:10 PM, medford said:

anyone else looking at that tunnel they're building and really, really, like REALLY wishing its a return of the floral (or vine) tunnel from several eras ago? That would make my summer.

I saw them too and it bought back childhood memories of walking from Hannah Barbara and into Rivertown! It looks like their will be more than one arch going through the White Water Canyon line.
Good news then because that's what it is. Yes, there are two floral tunnels and there is wisteria already planted and I think more will be added too. Should look really good in some time (maybe a couple of years)

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If my memory is correct it's where the current CFA table seating is located now. It sort of acts as a cut through from where the Fred Flintstone Yogi Bear entrance to River Town was. I believe it came out where the current DB exit/gift store is located

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Thanks for the info and that thread bump. I see its original path basically has been blocked off by, I think, the Cornerstone Café (or is it Grill), which is an employees-only eatery I've become a little fascinated with after noticing its sign while on DB's brake run. No wonder I couldn't figure out where it had been.

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  On 6/8/2016 at 9:47 PM, KI Guy said:

I'm wondering how this is going be when it's all said and done. I seriously doubt that they'd go to the trouble is that tunnel is just for the WWC line. That would seem like a waste.

I sometimes wonder if the new attraction will somehow utilize the Crypt building---maybe some type of interactive coaster that comes inside the building and shoots outside the building.  Thinking of something similar to Verboten at Colonial Williamsburg Bush Gardens or Mystery Mine at Dollywood.  If you have been on Verboten that coaster has a computer randomly change the scene inside the building and the cars start at the top in the building and the coaster cars has a freefall feeling as the lower track connects before shooting out of the building.  I hope to have something as thrilling and themed as those two great coasters!

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