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The Giga Speculation Thread


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Let's move away from politics!

I personally would like to see a Maverick (Blitz) at KI. If it came before the Giga it would not hurt my feelings. Maverick is my favorite coaster. So many elements and just the right amount of intensity. In this case, yes I want to see Intamin working with the park on a new project.


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If the park needs a Blitz or another coaster more than a Giga, then that will definitely come first. I'm on the side that thinks MT was in a good direction to provide more family options (although we have also gotten a couple of flats in Planet Snoopy) to help provide the park with some less intense options post-Diamondback and Banshee. I'd love to see a few surprises in regards to new flats coming about this year, since all we know is that KI is getting a new restaurant. Nonetheless, KI is probably trying to balance itself out by moving towards the family-friendly side of things by giving the park things it needs, such as a new sit-down restaurant and in the recent past, the new flats in Planet Snoopy. KI is balancing itself out, and it may be leading to something big or nothing at all.

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  On 3/15/2018 at 3:45 PM, BloodBlade21 said:

Gigas are great and all but, I feel a Mack terrain-hugger that is a cross between Helix & Maverick (that doesn't deforest an entire area) would be excellent. 


Why do people have a fascination with mack launch coasters when most has never been on one.  I would go with maverick & taron over helix and blue fire anyday

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Just because you haven't been on a coaster doesn't mean you don't have an idea on how it'll perform.  If you ride enough coasters, you can get how elements flow at different speeds.  I've been hearing a lot of positive stuff about Mack's newer stuff. 

Mack is in a position to do pretty much anything Intamin can do with much better reliability, that's why we're mentioning them.  

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  On 3/16/2018 at 1:29 AM, silver2005 said:

Just because you haven't been on a coaster doesn't mean you don't have an idea on how it'll perform.  If you ride enough coasters, you can get how elements flow at different speeds.  I've been hearing a lot of positive stuff about Mack's newer stuff. 

Mack is in a position to do pretty much anything Intamin can do with much better reliability, that's why we're mentioning them.  


The bigger macks are overseas.  Of course your not going to hear about reliabilty issues.

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^I follow a lot of other forums other than this one, including one I used to belong to, with international members, and I consistently read better reports about the reliability of the newer style Mack coasters than I do Intamins.  

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  On 3/16/2018 at 5:02 PM, Maverick44 said:

^ I have a feeling that MT will be the only woodie built at KI by the team at CF. Not really known for wanting them.


I have no idea why so many people are against Kings Island getting an RMC. Remember Kings Island likes being known for their wooden coasters and Cedar Fair used Kings Island with Mystic Timbers to start the next generation of wooden coasters. This will be over ten years later and probably they'll want to start another generation of wooden coasters with an RMC topper track woodie. While I see a giga and a mack multilaunch or spinning coaster like Helix or Time Traveler coming first, I'm not ruling it out 100% since Kings Island will probably want another woodie since they like being known for the wooden coasters.

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KI is know for The Beast. It is also knows for the failure of Son of Beast. I know they are also know for one of the best inverted coasters. I don't think CF is a huge fan of wooden coasters and just wanted to put a small one in for KI. Who knows you may be right. CF doesn't have a track record when dealing with wooden coasters and I am just basing it off that. I need a giga or a terrain coaster hopefully Intamin but probs not -_-

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I know this is probably nothing in fact I pretty much know it’s nothing but just thought I’d share.. Kings Island twitter page and Instagram page within the past week have used this picture at least a few times each.. it’s the same pic from what seems above MT facing Diamondback and back that way.. maybe showing a pic facing a new future attraction (giga) that will change skyline... I know it’s just me hoping lol just wanted to share haha 


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  On 3/16/2018 at 5:54 PM, Hawaiian Coasters 325 said:

I have no idea why so many people are against Kings Island getting an RMC. Remember Kings Island likes being known for their wooden coasters and Cedar Fair used Kings Island with Mystic Timbers to start the next generation of wooden coasters. This will be over ten years later and probably they'll want to start another generation of wooden coasters with an RMC topper track woodie. While I see a giga and a mack multilaunch or spinning coaster like Helix or Time Traveler coming first, I'm not ruling it out 100% since Kings Island will probably want another woodie since they like being known for the wooden coasters.


Prowler, renegade, gold rush.....

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  On 3/16/2018 at 8:01 PM, GigaLover said:

I know this is probably nothing in fact I pretty much know it’s nothing but just thought I’d share.. Kings Island twitter page and Instagram page within the past week have used this picture at least a few times each.. it’s the same pic from what seems above MT facing Diamondback and back that way.. maybe showing a pic facing a new future attraction (giga) that will change skyline... I know it’s just me hoping lol just wanted to share haha 



It could also just be a picture of the park. Meh? haha

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  On 3/16/2018 at 9:33 PM, Tera Ryzing said:

Why wouldn't they RMC racer?


 The Racer has a TON of history and some even credit it for paving the way for a new era of coasters. It's a very important ride to KI and the rest of the Amusement/Rollercoaster Industry (Coaster Enthusistate too and locals). Also, it's an ACE landmark, So I'm not exactly sure if the new RMC'd structure would be allow to keep the ACE Landmark award... (If anybody knows the answer on this please fill me in) KI could RMC The Racer one day in the future and if they did I personally wouldn't be mad, but for now, I don't see it happening and I think they are going to try to keep it running at good condition as long as possible.

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Having getting our first looks at wicker man GCI at Alton towers today and recently, that thing looks amazing.. I’m more talking about the theming and ride experience with fog, lights, speakers, etc. whatever Kings Island next coaster is I want theming as extreme as wicker man, everything is done so well the station and everything.. I know Cedar Fair doesn’t do much theming at all, but I believe they took a good step in the right direction with Mystic Timbers. I want some really good theming like wicker man, just look it up and you’ll see what I mean... whether it be a giga or multi launch coaster I want some really good theming 

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  On 3/16/2018 at 9:58 PM, Tera Ryzing said:

There has been iconic rides taken down.....


Most of the times those rides got taken down because the park had no option, Either the ride was in very poor condition or other reasons that forced them to shut it down. The Racer is still in good condition and can be with good upkeep for the Next 20 years+ KI isn't just going to let The Racer sit and ruin, I again am positive they will keep it in good condition as long as they possibly can.

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  On 3/16/2018 at 10:05 PM, Xdog42 said:

Most of the times those rides got taken down because the park had no option, Either the ride was in very poor condition or other reasons that forced them to shut it down. The Racer is still in good condition and can be with good upkeep for the Next 20 years+ KI isn't just going to let The Racer sit and ruin, I again am positive they will keep it in good condition as long as they possibly can.


Plus, The Racer still brings in over 1 million riders each season, giving more rides each season than The Beast according to the numbers the park publishes.

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