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Mystic Timbers Coverage on Media Day


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I couldn't really make out what the dialogue was saying except for the warning. I do hope they turn the audio up, but I love the extra mile. I hope KI/CF continue to theme rides this way!


By the way, one of the Mystic Timbers tees, a design with the shed in the back and the truck in the front, reminds me of the poster for Christine. 

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  On 4/14/2017 at 5:31 PM, SonofBaconator said:

Would Mystic Timbers confuse people who are just visiting the park, i.e someone who doesn't regularly visit like from say Florida or even Athens? 


I don't think it would...don't really see a reason why it would, aside from knowing what the "Miami Valley Lumber Co." represents and even then, it just fits in with the theming.

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I am not sure how confused one would be, but if they were were, assuming Mystic Timbers were to the first ride they hit up, it wouldn't be for long. All you would have to do is look at the ride logos and memorabilia. But even if it goes over someone's head, I doubt it would ruin the ride for them. 

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Just a note: Miami River Lumber Company (not Miami Valley). It's easy to remember because it is in Rivertown. 

Its not that I personally care what other people call it, but I know I personally feel embarrassed when I get names wrong. Like repeatedly saying "Total Eclipse of the Sun" this weekend, or calling John "Neil" and later finding out "Neil" is actually Noah anyway :( Felt so stupid and rude. 

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  On 4/17/2017 at 7:22 PM, Magenta Lizard said:


Its not that I personally care what other people call it, but I know I personally feel embarrassed when I get names wrong. Like repeatedly saying "Total Eclipse of the Sun" this weekend, or calling John "Neil" and later finding out "Neil" is actually Noah anyway :( Felt so stupid and rude. 


Magenta Lizard, no problem!  Things happen and I'm bad with names too.  I'm not one of the more well-known KICers, but I feel like  I got to know people more on Thursday and for that I'm grateful.  This was in spite of alll the hootin' and hollerin' that went on Wednesday night at the Super8!  ;)

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It was particularly bad because I feel familiar with you, I had just misassociated your name. Sometimes I store multiple people on the same brain cell I guess. 

Worse is when people call me by name with perfect familiarity as though we're friends, and I recognize neither the face nor name. That happened a couple times over the weekend: I figured out later one of them is someone I "know" through Twitter though. 

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