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Where else could IJST have gone?

Captain Nemo

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I always thought it was themed to Indiana Jones and The Temple of Doom because you could hear Indiana Jones theme music in the que lines sometime, in Temple of Doom there is a big chase in mine cars that resemble the Adventure Express trains, and at the end after you go up the 2nd lift hill the temple preist or whatever is pousring posion over you just like in temple of Doom when they forced Indy to drink the poison.

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It’s a nice flat area of land. It’s centrally located in the park. And it’s the first themed coaster of its kind. I wish they would have relocated the flyers but it’s a great trade off!

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The B*TCHIN is just totally B*TCHIN! laugh.gif

I think its a good spot for it. It will be highly visible, and easy to access. Plus people will be able to go all around the ride and watch it from different angles - wheras with Vortex, you can pretty much only look at it from the line or from by the batwing. On Italian Job you can walk around it and see it from different angles. So I think it will be cool.

I like Top Gun. I wish it wasn't so much a walk, but I am not going to whine about it. What is better - walking a half mile to get to Top Gun, or sitting at home watching TV. I would take Top Gun. laugh.gif

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I can't believe what half of you are saying...

You sit here and complain that PKI never gets a new coaster. We finally get one for you and all youdo is complain about where its placed. Anyone can sit here and crtitcize the kind of ride and the choice Here is a starlting fact for everyone, PPKI is a business. Its making money. Sometimes when you want something bigger and different you have to make sacrifices (Antique Cars, Eagles).

IJST is being built as we speak so why complain over something you cant change. I think the placement was the right call. I could think of only one other area that that coaster could have fit in , but it would have taken away from the carnival feel of Coney Mall.

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I can't believe what half of you are saying...

You sit here and complain that PKI never gets a new coaster. We finally get one for you and all youdo is complain about where its placed. Anyone can sit here and crtitcize the kind of ride and the choice Here is a starlting fact for everyone, PPKI is a business. Its making money. Sometimes when you want something bigger and different you have to make sacrifices (Antique Cars, Eagles).

IJST is being built as we speak so why complain over something you cant change. I think the placement was the right call. I could think of only one other area that that coaster could have fit in , but it would have taken away from the carnival feel of Coney Mall.

I do agree with you for the most part, but you're overlooking a couple of things. First of all, on a very basic level, yes, we traded in two small flat rides for a new an innovative coaster... cool. Regardless to anyone's attachment to either ride (particularly the Eagles), having very scenic rides like that at the crest of RT and Coney really set the feeling for that part of the park. There were countless trees, making the whole area very green. You also must not forget the history wrapped up in both of the rides.

Regardless, I think most of you agree that if the park is going to remove both the Tiques and the Eagles, they've got to replace it with something darn GOOD. You know what? I think the park had that in mind, and the animations won't hold a candle to the finished product of the Italian Job.

Granted, as far as a coaster is concerned, there aren't a lot of "elements" but in all honesty, what's left? Would you really be more content if they launched you 450ft in the air and it was over? After the first couple of weeks, probably not.

In this new attraction, there are going to be several scenes (13, I believe) which loosely simulate the climactic chase scene of the movie. If it's done right, this innovative device will be one of the most exciting and life-like experiences that you'll have at a seasonal park... if they blow it, we paid a very high price for another Adventure Express... only time will tell.

Have a great day,


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I haven't got to ride it yet - but I hear ROTM is similar. Like it is a cool coaster. But at the same time the theming makes it kick ass. I think IJST will be the same way. Even without theming - if it was bright pink, and sitting on a flat field of alfalfa, who could turn their nose up at a coaster that has three LIM launches, and no straight track except in the station, goes underground and is very thrilling? Add in a real-life hollywood stunt experience and great theming - and put it in the middle of the best seasonal theme park in the country - and you have a great ride.

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It seems no matter what PKI does people would complain about it.

Wow someone finally gets it.....

Marketing Express i feel the same as you do. As a matter of fact i think i have said the exact same thing on this forum

And as ryan said, if PKI screws this up, there will be a lot of po'ed people at PKI. I really hope they dont screw it up

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I was also skeptical at first, but the more and more of the ride I see the cooler and cooler I think it will be. I mean the turns look amazingly sharp, wicked, and thrilling and I think the ride itself will be much more fun than what the anamation made it look like. Its kind of like if you saw the Kingda Ka video, it didn't look that intense, but if you've ever rode TTD you know that Kingda Ka will be a million times more intense than in the animation. Its impossible to do a coaster justice in an animation.

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