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Top Thrill 2 train to be unveiled

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We went last year and had a great time! It's just not necessarily an every year thing. Don has been busy with his new ventures and I've already been to Florida 5 times this year. Decided to report from afar. We'll be back next year! Check out our uploads from last November for a report about our experiences:


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2 minutes ago, IndyGuy4KI said:

First post I have seen of it today.





The Pit Stop video was just released on CP’s YouTube channel. Looks fantastic! This has made me even more excited for this ride! No seatbelts is awesome! The trains have such an open design and being 400+ feet in the air with those restraints is going to be awesome. Cedar Point going with no seatbelts is the biggest surprise for me. They must have a lot of trust in Zamperla with almost all of their coasters having seatbelts if I am correct.

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1 minute ago, jsus said:


There is no seatbelts in the reveal however I have seen people talk about CP adding it last minute. I don’t think that will be the case because when Orion’s trains were revealed they had the clamshells with seatbelts at IAAPA. I think if they were to add them they would have already.

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1 minute ago, Orion742 said:

There is no seatbelts in the reveal however I have seen people talk about CP adding it last minute. I don’t think that will be the case because when Orion’s trains were revealed they had the clamshells with seatbelts at IAAPA. I think if they were to add them they would have already.

Note that Orion is a B&M, so it's a completely different team building the trains.  It's also important to note that these aren't just mockups, these are actual train cars that Zamperla will be sending off to Sandusky for TT2.  One would expect that if seat belts were a design requirement, then they would've been incorporated at Zamperla's facility in Italy.

Of course, anything is possible.  It could be that they plan to attach them later.  Or, someone could make a last minute decision.  Not that that's ever happened at Cedar Point before (*ahem* WildCat removal *ahem).

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7 minutes ago, jsus said:

Note that Orion is a B&M, so it's a completely different team building the trains.  It's also important to note that these aren't just mockups, these are actual train cars that Zamperla will be sending off to Sandusky for TT2.  One would expect that if seat belts were a design requirement, then they would've been incorporated at Zamperla's facility in Italy.

Of course, anything is possible.  It could be that they plan to attach them later.  Or, someone could make a last minute decision.  Not that that's ever happened at Cedar Point before (*ahem* WildCat removal *ahem).

I agree with you. I just think people don’t expect CP to go with no seatbelts. The lightning trains on display at IAAPA last year did not have seatbelts either. I’m pretty sure it’s a class 5 restraint anyway. 

Also does anyone know if there will be a max height requirement on TT2? I’ve heard rumors that there will be but I can’t seem to find anything.


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Michael Maney, VP Construction, is back for TT2 Pit Stop E5.

Top hat painting is 100% complete, mostly just the station left to go...  and Power Tower!  TT2's tallest neighbor is also getting a makeover.

LSMs are all in place, wired up, and undergoing testing.  Confirmed as InTraSys, working alongside the Zamperla team for programming the launch/controls systems.

"Trains" are on site, only blue is shown with cars 1 and 2 uncovered, fresh from the IAAPA show floor.  He says loading the trains on the track, testing, and commissioning will occur "soon" and steel erection for the spike should be done in "a couple weeks".  Could we actually see testing before those Lake Erie winters show up?

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  • 2 weeks later...

Tony Clark joins us this fine Sunday for TT2 Pit Stop E6.

Key takeaways: vertical construction is now complete, so there are now not 1x but 2x 420 ft tall towers.  The weather has started to turn cold but it's still far from the worst of a Lake Erie winter, so it was good for the Adena and Bay Crane crews to get that done now.

Also, there is currently one uniquely configured train loaded on via the maintenance/storage track.  Unique in that it contains blue cars 1 and 5, hot (or is it cold?) off the IAPPA show floor.  Cars 2-4 are actually from silver train.  During normal operation, there will be 3 trains 5 cars long.  One will have 5 blue cars, another 5 silver cars, and the final 5 black cars.  Blue cars 1 and 5 were already stateside for IAAPA so they were Ready to Go, and silver 2-4 also arrived from Italy.  So the mix and match is what they're going with for initial testing of the mechanical systems.  They clearly want to get as much done as they can now in hopes that this prototype is ready to go in May.  Soon, they'll test moving the trains in and out of storage, both the track switches, through the station, through the launch track, etc.  Gotta test everything at low speed for clearance, wiring/programming, etc, then ramp up to full speed.  Probably too cold to see a proper launch sequence that clears the top hat before spring, but anything is possible, especially on an unseasonably warm day...  But the more they run through and fine tune now, the more time there is for full speed launch tests in the spring.


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