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Create Your Own Funny PKI-Opoly Cards


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In the spirit of the whole, "You might be a PKI addict if..." thread that we've had, I think it would be fun to come up with some funny PKI-Opoly cards.

I'll start:

"You manage to squeeze five people into a flume on Wild Thornburry's for a wet and wild ride. Pay $60 for a new cell phone."

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"You use your cell phone to flag a proximity sensor causing a block violation on one of the parks roller coasters. Go directly to jail, do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars."

"You eat eight hamburgers at an ACE event. Loose a turn and go take some antacid."

"You somehow get into the park on a moped, and drive around the backroads without being caught by security, even though they are looking for you. Go directly to go."

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I hate drawing the card that says - take a walk on the boardwalk - when someones got a freaking hotel on it. laugh.gif

I love Monopoly though - have played regular, millenium edition, star wars, star trek and astronomy editions. I need to get the PKI edition if they still have it next year.

Here is one...

"You are promoted to Rides Operations Manager. Pay each player 100 dollars."

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"You get vomited on while riding TRTR. Pay $30 for new clothes and lose a turn."

"You get beaten by a 10 year old kid on Scoobys Haunted Castle. Pay $15 to every player, and collect your pride at lost and found."

"Get caught for asking adults 'may I ride with your son' outside Taxi Jam. Go Directly to security. Do no pass the entrance, do not collect $200."

And to really speed the game up:

"You pulled a Matt Botts. You lose all property with movie sets to the bank with no mortgage payment, and go directly to Security. Do not pass the Entrance, do no collect $200."

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"Get caught for asking adults 'may I ride with your son' outside Taxi Jam. Go Directly to security. Do no pass the entrance, do not collect $200."


"You pulled a Matt Botts. You lose all property with movie sets to the bank with no mortgage payment, and go directly to Security. Do not pass the Entrance, do no collect $200."

I was wondering if there was a way to use that... LMAO

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"Get caught for asking adults 'may I ride with your son' outside Taxi Jam. Go Directly to security. Do no pass the entrance, do not collect $200."

And to really speed the game up:

"You pulled a Matt Botts. You lose all property with movie sets to the bank with no mortgage payment, and go directly to Security. Do not pass the Entrance, do no collect $200."

OMFG, I about cried when I saw these two. So funny!

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"You swallow your fear and ride SOB, only to realize you should have been more afraid. Collect $10 from each player, and proceed to first aid."

Thats what square their missing is first aid.

"Watch the Nick Celebration Parade, only to need a shrink to get the main theme out of your head. Pay $20 per turn for the next 5 turns."

My personal favorite card in the current deck is this:

"Buy an on ride photo from Top Gun. Pay $15." Anyone else questioning this?

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