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Operation Train Restore


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I don't think anyone was talking about doing the work themselves. Maybe I read it wrong.

I think the goal is to encourage the new owners to put some money towards restoring the train.

Probably not with live actors/actresses but there is still a lot that could be done.

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I think you know I'd do anything for the park, but getting volunteers together in order to fix up stuff is in terrible taste. I'd recommend using this energy to help out the poor or something, and not to give free labor to a multi-billion dollar company.

Your heart is in the right place, Paul.

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I've heard of such volunteer acts at an amusement park. This one was to paint the Blue Streak at Conneaut Lake Park in Pennsylvania. This is a small, traditional park that has lately had money troubles, and has hired volunteers to clean and improve stuff.

It might make sense for some old place that is hurting, but at a park that gets over 3 million visitors and owned by a huge media conglomerate - probably says more about the people at the top than it does at the bottom. (Of course, that may change...)

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  Kenban said:
I do want to point out that PKI does have volunteer workers. Not sure if the program is still in place but it was a year or two ago. How it worked was they would have nonprofit groups come in to work a single shift which PKI would pay the organization for the hours worked plus each person gets a free ticket and you get two tickets if you work food service. I do know there was a bonus of some sort if you had a large number of people as well.

I know the program was popular with Church youth groups. The parents would go down and work, the church gets the cash, and the parents give the tickets to the kids.

I don't think PKI will let us come and paint the buildings. It needs to be done but they look like they need more work then just a coat of paint. I would wait a year or two and see what Cedar Fair does.

The only thing I can see them letting us do is maybe go and just work within the current volunteer program for a day, we would work rides, service food, etc. As a group we could pick a charity and they would get a nice check out of it. Plus we would all get a free ticket.

Yup i see them sometimes on my way into work. I hate to complain about the long lines to go through the security post, but they are made longer by the 50 or so Volunteer workers. sad.gif

They run the games stands sometimes, and ive seen them at foods during Fearfest.

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  Captain Nemo said:
It's better than no transportation to Crocodile Dundee’s Boomerang bay. But you have to remember, our train is the only steam train in any amusement park. I agree with BoddaH1994 on this one.

It's WHAT?

No, it isn't.

To start with, there is Dollywood.

Unfortunately, there isn't Six Flags Over Georgia any more...they unwisely and very crudely switched their steam engine to diesel--quite literally. Train fans were and are aghast.

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  CombatStupendous89 said:
They should convert the theming into a cracker barrel that you can ride the train to.

That's actually a pretty great idea.

There is so much land connected with the train that is still undeveloped. There could be an expansion of Rivertown or retheme of the Rivertown area and moving the Rivertown Theme back off the Train.

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  Captain Nemo said:
It's better than no transportation to Crocodile Dundee’s Boomerang bay. But you have to remember, our train is the only steam train in any amusement park. I agree with BoddaH1994 on this one.

What do you think the Disney trains run on? They do burn diesel but thats used to heat a steam boiler. Its not even the only one in Ohio the Cedar Point trains runs on steam as well. Pretty sure the Knott's train is steam.

There is an interesting story behind the Cedar Point railroad. In the 1950s Cedar Point was going to be closed and turned into a housing development. The owner took a trip to Disneyland and decided that instead he was going to update the park and one of the rides he wanted was a steam train based off of what he saw at Disney. The board of directors did not want to spend the money so he paid for it himself and he leased the land from the park. The train went on to become the most popular ride in the park.

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  Kenban said:
  Captain Nemo said:
It's better than no transportation to Crocodile Dundee’s Boomerang bay. But you have to remember, our train is the only steam train in any amusement park. I agree with BoddaH1994 on this one.

What do you think the Disney trains run on? They do burn diesel but thats used to heat a steam boiler. Its not even the only one in Ohio the Cedar Point trains runs on steam as well. Pretty sure the Knott's train is steam.

There is an interesting story behind the Cedar Point railroad. In the 1950s Cedar Point was going to be closed and turned into a housing development. The owner took a trip to Disneyland and decided that instead he was going to update the park and one of the rides he wanted was a steam train based off of what he saw at Disney. The board of directors did not want to spend the money so he paid for it himself and he leased the land from the park. The train went on to become the most popular ride in the park.

Kings Island is the only Paramount Park to operate steam trains I belive.

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  • 3 months later...

Greeting from Paramount's Kings Island!

Just a few moments ago we received your request with the subject, "Operation Train Restore."

Just a few moments ago we received your request with the subject, "Operation Train Restore."

Although we haven't yet had the chance to review or act on it, it has been placed in queue.

Please note that all guest queries are responded to in the order in which they are received,

and that given the volume of correspondence we receive during the summer it can sometimes take

a while for us to get back to you. If your question or concern is of a timely nature and you

want an immediate response, please call our Guest Services office directly at (800) 288-0808.

Your request has been assigned a tracking number of #PPI-28641. If you call us or speak to us in person, it will be helpful if you have this number handy.

Thank you for contacting us!


Paramount's Kings Island


My message I sent PKI


Entered on 09/22/2006 at 21:33:42 by Park Web Site:

I go to pki a lot. First off I would really like to see the train be fixed up. New paint new stuff, figures would be so nice.


I'm sure you have heard about PKIcentral websight. I posted a topic about "Train Restore" that you should read about.

I have been to Cedar Point and there train is amazing compared to PKI's train. Everyone enjoys Cedar Point's train because things happen/move. When Paramount took over PKI the first thing they did was remove all the train theming. I think since Cedar Fair owns PKI now that the train needs to be brought back to live like it was before 1993 (pre paramount)

ExtremePKI has some pictures of the train back when it was really nice looking. http://www.extremepki.com/historyphotos/th...ils.php?album=4

I understand that PKI's train themeing is supposed to look ,out but this type of old looks fake.

The train is one of the most ridden rides at PKI. Transporting people from Boomerang bay and back. These people should to have fun while they are riding instead of going (eww that looks bad).

The fort needs to be trimed up and weeded. Add people figures.

And the town needs stain/Paint.

Most of the building you can even read what the sign says. Like in this picture http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/pkiguy1/deta...re2.jpg&.src=ph

Here are some picture of the PKI train today http://pg.photos.yahoo.com/ph/pkiguy1/albu...iguy1/my_photos


There has been numbers of topics about this issue





So please Emaill me back PKI and I hope that this issue/request will be taken care of.


Sorry : if there are any misspelled words/grammar

~Paul~ (Topgun1993)


I would rather you email me

So did they actually read this?

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Well Cedar Fair does keep good care of their trains. Someone that works on the Cedar Fair rail road tould me that Kings Island can only run one train now days do to the cost of fuel. Also they are not sure if the Old Disney steam train can make the sharp turn at Kings Island. The old disney train runs on coal and is cheaper to run than the Crown trains at Kings Island right now.

The old Disney train is in the train barn next to MF.

Edited by Monkey Joe
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TOPGUN1993; No words that I could express could tell you how great it was this evening to see those old photo’s of the train props and animated figures. I just wish someone had some film footage of the show that they would do as you went around. As a youngster back then it was really mesmerizing to see those live actors and the bangs from the fake guns really riveted you to your seats.

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A few comments. First, the trains at PKI run on propane which is used to heat the water in the boiler to turn it into steam. Not sure how much it costs them to buy the propane, but I would have to imagine that it isn`t that terribly much (I mean they did install IJST with fire effects that are powered by propane). And at WinterFest last year, as well as FearFest last year, they were running both trains. At FearFest, running both trains is a necessity as they only run three coaches per engine instead of the usual six to help with capacity at the Pumpkin Patch and in the Headless Hollow haunt.

As for the turning radius. When KI opened WaterWorks in 1989, they altered the layout of the track by WaterWorks to accomodate the WW loading platform. The turn immediately after the platform is tighter than the recommended turning radius by Crown Metal products. But it has run fine at KI ever since they made the changes.

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  CoastersRZ said:
As for the turning radius. When KI opened WaterWorks in 1989, they altered the layout of the track by WaterWorks to accomodate the WW loading platform. The turn immediately after the platform is tighter than the recommended turning radius by Crown Metal products. But it has run fine at KI ever since they made the changes.

Well the Old Disney Train might not make it around the turns. They turns where made for the Crown Trains.

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  CoastersRZ said:
A few comments. First, the trains at PKI run on propane which is used to heat the water in the boiler to turn it into steam. Not sure how much it costs them to buy the propane, but I would have to imagine that it isn`t that terribly much (I mean they did install IJST with fire effects that are powered by propane). And at WinterFest last year, as well as FearFest last year, they were running both trains. At FearFest, running both trains is a necessity as they only run three coaches per engine instead of the usual six to help with capacity at the Pumpkin Patch and in the Headless Hollow haunt.

As for the turning radius. When KI opened WaterWorks in 1989, they altered the layout of the track by WaterWorks to accomodate the WW loading platform. The turn immediately after the platform is tighter than the recommended turning radius by Crown Metal products. But it has run fine at KI ever since they made the changes.

I was under the understanding that due to the stop at CDBB, the train capacity wouldn't make too much of a difference whether they ran one tran or two.

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I think they need to put all the cowboys and indians back out on the train ride along with the lookout tower that had the fort around it. Turn the prairie rose inn back to the Golden Lamb lnn like it used to be. I would like to see the general store restored too. They should of never taken the nativity seens or dummies of the cowboys and indians out in 1996. I was hoping that when Paramount Took over the park that they would not change some of the original attractions. Maybe Cedar Fair will restore it back. I would like to see the train ride look like the river town it used to mimmick.

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