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  FireHawk51560 said:
  Reon said:
2011: The park finally comes to its sences and removes SoB and Delerium to reinstall King Cobra and start construction on a new B&M coaster (Hey, I can dream cant I?)

I will never let you dream of that. :angry:

Alright, let me rephrase that:

2011: Remove SoB after many failed attempts at improving it, to make room for a future attraction. MOVE Delerium into the X-Base area, and rebuild a refurbished King Cobra in it's former home.

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Well, moving rides like Delirium isn`t exactly as cheap and easy as it is for Coney (or KI) to move small children`s rides. (In my six years at Coney, they have moved the Frog Hopper and Spin a Ree. Also, the Boats and Trains and Helicopters have moved locations). There is a lot more foundation work that goes into moving a major ride like Delirium. And what would the ROI be for moving Delirium?

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Once more, the 2011 was a wishful joke. I know how much of a hassle it would be to move that thing. Also as I have said before, I dont hate Delerium. Its a fun ride. I just hate it's location with every inch of my body, since King Cobra was my favortie ride at Kings Island until they took it down.

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2008- X-Base gets restrooms & a shop, X-Base gets a samilar ride to Flight Commander, construction begins on Diamond Back roller coaster in Rivertown over the lake, rides get name changes, and changes to Pespi-Cola.

2009- Diamond Back opens, and KI gets more landscaping, and a KI museam is built in the Paramount Story.

2010- Days of Thunder gets tour down, and IJ:ST gets moved in it's place.

2011- Antique Cars and a similar ride to Flying Eagles moves back to Coney Mall.

2012- Nothing new, KI gets alot of money for something huge in 2013.

2013- A giga coaster gets built in X-Base as the one of the tallest fastest roller coatsers in the world.

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In the (very smart) words of CoastersRZ, where is the ROI in moving a ride from one part of the park to another? ;)

If you're going to the trouble and expense of dismantling a ride and putting it back together again somewhere else, it makes a lot more sense to take it to another park. After all, at Dorney or Valleyfair! IJST would be a brand new ride and could be marketed as such. At KI the only marketing draw would be "the same ride that's been here for years, just 200 yards further North..." :D

I agree, the placement of IJST was a horrible decision...but what's done is done, and until it's removed all together, it's something we'll just have to live with...

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  jzarley said:
In the (very smart) words of CoastersRZ, where is the ROI in moving a ride from one part of the park to another? ;)

If you're going to the trouble and expense of dismantling a ride and putting it back together again somewhere else, it makes a lot more sense to take it to another park. After all, at Dorney or Valleyfair! IJST would be a brand new ride and could be marketed as such. At KI the only marketing draw would be "the same ride that's been here for years, just 200 yards further North..." :D

I agree, the placement of IJST was a horrible decision...but what's done is done, and until it's removed all together, it's something we'll just have to live with...

I know that they never would, im just saying what i would like to happen.


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There are some of those barrels all around the park (atleast a few more by Beast). But yes, western theme=go. I'm still rooting for Intamin, but B&M could work. I just don't see them building a western ride...

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  • 2 months later...

So? Perhaps they were.

There are many reasons that most parks don't reveal plans. In addition to marketing reasons and building suspense, plans change. Flight of Fear was leaving, and then didn't. A Hurler type ride was planned for Kings Island, but never built. X Flight was originally slated for Kings Island, then didn't end up there, then did. Perhaps strangest of all, Two Face: The Flip Side was originally slated to be the new addition at SFKK, then KI pre-empted it by buying Two Face, so the original ended up at SFA.

And when plans change, people like you insist on telling the original source they were wrong. And you wonder why parks don't reveal plans.


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  • 3 weeks later...
  • 1 year later...

Sorry to bring up a very old topic, but I just found it and was reading through it. It's interesting that nearly two years in advance people were talking about a B&M coming to KI in 2009, and people even saying the name was going to be Diamondback. I wonder if those people have any insight into the next couple of years?

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Those who know, don't tell. Those who tell, don't know.

That's old and outdated but still applies occasionally. I doubt that at this point anyone who has any reasonable insight in the next few years at Kings Island would be willing to tell anyone now.

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It actually is a little eerie how closely that poster nailed it. The location of the station, the integration of the lake, the entrance, the loose theming (though DB doesn't have a true theme, it's vaguely western or classic American), and the name.

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  Diamondback FOF said:
Which poster are you referring to? I don't think I had read about the lake and station.


The poster's name is Reon. He mentions putting the station in between Nick U and the Montgomery Inn BBQ building, putting the brake run or launch in the woods behind the buildings next to the lake, but he says going around the lake instead of through it. :P

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If someone was to tell the exact plan for KI you wouldn't believe it. I have seen it happen over and over. I can remember a post about Italian Job Stunt Track the night before the press release and no one got it. I can remember coming home after the announcement at the park and people was still arguing that it wasn't what it was going to be.

Then there was Tomb Raider, Screamscape posted the plans for it in full detail and people still didn't accept that. They thought it was a coaster till the day they got on it.

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Being a member of the GP at the time of Tomb Raider's opening, I can say I definitely believed it would be a coaster, as did the 3 friends I rode it with. We were expecting something like Flight of Fear with the way it was being advertised.

Posted from my BlackBerry mobile device.

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