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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/23/2012 in all areas

  1. JR, I'm going to be quite frank with you. You're an all around moron who keeps looking for our enlightenment with ever post you make. This forum at its core is one of the better ones you see with a great community in comparison to many MANY other forums. People like you that bring their all mighty and all knowing presence just damper every topic they post their filth in honestly make me want to read less and less from this site, which is a shame because I have been part of it since 2005. Do me and my friends here on this site a huge favor; stop lying, being a snob, being all around disrespectful, and give us our right to make up our own minds and call you out as a liar if we see fit. Even in the VERY unlikely chance you are telling us the truth, if I were you I would read over what you post because a lot of it puts a bad taste in our mouths. Now I do not post things like this often (if ever, this is probably my first), but I want to continue enjoying my time on this site, so please, allow me to continue doing that! Thank you. I'd love to see a custom Rocky Mountain Coaster in the park. I for one love wooden coasters and feel there are not enough of them being built anymore. I'd love to see this new generation of smooth wooden coasters get its big break in the industry!
    3 points
  2. You need to be bigger to understand.
    2 points
  3. Since you could care less, you do care some. Unless you are just being careless and mean you couldn't care less. My guess is you do care some, or you wouldn't be responding. It's always interesting, by the way, just who has no specific on topic comment about threads like this one. Terp. just sayin'
    2 points
  4. HAH not funny Ha, you're rude. Well I am deeply sorry If its not funny to you sploosh mcballer. But umm you're new. So welcome to KI Central. And great way to make a good impression.
    1 point
  5. ^ I know what he meant just poking a little fun at Terp for his spelling goof.
    1 point
  6. It just seems like all the big rollercoasters border Kings Island all around. like The Beast, Vortex,Firehawk etc.
    1 point
  7. I figured she would. Glad we were able to nudge her a little that evening of Coasting for Kids! I can understand the fear of DT. I enjoy it though.
    1 point
  8. Does anyone kind of feel like Kings Island has boxed themselves in a little bit? Or is it just me?
    1 point
  9. Dogs that bite repeatedly are put down.
    1 point
  10. I actually really like WindSeeker's location. In my opinion, it does not seem like a quick "where can we find space to put this thing?" descision. From what I can tell, WindSeeker's placement was well thought out. This may just be coincidence, but I just wanted to point it out: -When on International Street, stop in front of the fountains and take in the picturesque view for a moment. See WindSeeker? That's right! WindSeeker seems to hide perfectly behind the Eiffel Tower as to not ruin the view. In fact, from most of the many great photo spots in and around International Street, it is difficult to see WindSeeker. -WindSeeker's location in relation to Coney seems much like the Eiffel Tower's location in relation to International Street. They both seem to mark the ends of their designated areas. -WindSeeker finally brought much needed improvements to the vacant ghost town that was the rear end of Coney Mall. It may seem crammed, but it makes use of that once depressing space very nicely, plus, the ride in general fits perfectly with the area. Just my $0.02...
    1 point
  11. Are we to expect that both Greg and Don would risk their careers by reveal very confidential plans regarding the future plans for SOB to a regular guest before they are ready? Would anybody ever be in a position of trust if they reveal confidential park data in the very competitive amusement park industry? If they wanted a record breaking coaster, why give their competitors a leg up so they can beat them to the record and the media interest it would create?
    1 point
  12. I think we need to do a swear in on these fourms.
    1 point
  13. It may surprise some of you but I'd like it if Pepsi's contract was renewed.
    1 point
  14. I think Kings Island needs to get a dive-machine. Stand-ups aren't as fun as they look.
    1 point
  15. This. Freestyle machines. Luminosity by the Other Brand at Cedar Point. You'd think the cola contract expires the end of this season or something.
    1 point
  16. Let's throw this into the mix (as I sit and contemplate the fuzz in my bellybutton).... How about moving that dipper thing, near Cleveland, to KI? It would be a nice, even addition for everybody.
    1 point
  17. I'm a guy, but I LOVED Banshee Mantis! The trick with them is you stand shorter than they are, then stand up to full height after the restraints have locked in. Works like a charm!
    1 point
  18. I think it would be cool if Kings Island Installed a B&M floorless roller coaster. Every time I go on vacation to Dorney Park or this year Kings Dominion, I have really enjoyed them and think they would be great at Cedar Point or Kings Island. We haven't had one in Ohio since Dominator left. What's also nice about them is most of them aren't that tall so I'm sure they cannot cost too much.
    1 point
  19. I'll start parking out in the lot and using my car as a locker. 5 bucks all day. Any takers? I'll even keep guard.
    1 point
  20. I live 30 minutes from the park so that doesn't stop me......my parents get sick of Kings Island after the first few trips of the year
    1 point
  21. Gas prices keep me from going more than i already do.
    1 point
  22. 300+ miles for me, but I don't complain. Traveling long distances to numerous parks has opened my eyes to various things many do not know about. It also lets me relive one of my favorite movies, everytime:
    1 point
  23. In line for Backlot Stunt Coaster last Thursday, I overheard this: "Did you ride The Beastie?" "Yea." "Did you ride the Son of The Beast?" " "
    1 point
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