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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/10/2012 in all areas

  1. Us in slawter hous are 1 crazie family we r the rowdyst buncha peple at haunt we likes 2 takes da peple on a tor of da hous n sum of dem dont make it out cos we keep dem 4 food sos we dont go hungrie mama likes 2 keep us wel fed its alot of fun wurking ther welcom 2 da family!!!! Sam EDIT: I am so sorry for this post. Somehow Sam hacked into my account. I probably left it open on this topic and he felt the need to respond to a new family member. Please forgive him, because reading and writing are not necessarily skills that Mama felt were important for her boys to learn, so he doesn't understand the need for proper grammar and abiding by the TOS. For those of you that need a translation of what he wanted to say: Once again, please accept my apologies. I will try to insure that this doesn't happen again, but you never know when Sam might appear again. He's just getting very excited that he gets to come out and play next weekend! - XGatorHead
    11 points
  2. "How strange! I'm getting rained on, and there are no clouds to be seen..." - Knott's Maintenance Staff
    10 points
  3. ^THANK YOU SNOWMAN^ JohnnyRingo- We like new members, and try to help each other out. And we would appriciate if you dont hurt all of the KIC family's feelings. People won't want to leave feedback, or help you out as much when we are offended by your avatar. Most people use your avatar to visualize you, and what kind of person you are. And it's not giving a good impression on yourself. I suggest you change it A.S.A.P for the good of yourself, and the KIC family.
    7 points
  4. I hope nobody was like: "Wow, only 15 people, this should be a walk on... I'll just take care of this nature call AFTER this ride"...
    7 points
  5. Yeah, Hard to give a thoughtful reply to an avatar flipping me off. I've never worked there. Want to hear from visitors? Change your Avatar. Also, "Haz" is not a word I'm familiar with.
    5 points
  6. Probably not smart to flip off everyone with your avatar. That said, I have heard it is exhausting. I've been told it's some of the most fun you can have working. Many are encouraged to come up with their own scare tactics. Some use noise makers and other things that startle guests. Be creative. Be creepy. Always be in character. Have fun!
    5 points
  7. The Dippin' Dots guy and Never to forget the Flight Deck man.
    3 points
  8. Act that way in the park and see how long you last. And know the way you act here does reflect on the park. Edit: I see you have now changed your avatar. Smart. Now be more tactful.
    3 points
  9. Pretty non-existent at this point.
    3 points
  10. Being stuck on a ride for three hours is pretty unusual and I would say that warrants the event being newsworthy.
    3 points
  11. I find it comical that the public's response to Dinosaurs Alive! on Valleyfair's facebook page is identical to the response on Kings Island's, Cedar Point's, etc. - "you guys are making a mistake", "this is dumb", "you should invest in a roller coaster instead", etc. Yet the dinosaurs are obviously profitable, or else they wouldn't continually be added to the parks.
    3 points
  12. I think these awards have about the same level of credibility as a Soviet election.
    3 points
  13. Coney Island will be hosting an international Fireworks competition on Saturday, September 22nd. Teams from the US, Canada and Mexico will be competing in the competition. The competitiors in the competition will be Alonzo Fireworks (Albany, New York, USA), Sirius Pyrotechnics (Montreal, Canada), and Lux Pirotecnia (Mexico City, Mexico). After those three compete (at 9:00pm, 9:20pm and 9:40pm), Rozzi`s Famous Fireworks will provide the grand finale at 10pm. Plus, enjoy Coney`s classic rides all night long. The gates open at 5pm. There will also be a Yuengling Party in the pool. Sunlite Pool will be EMPTY so you can party IN THE POOL and enjoy... ‘Sunburners' Steel Drum Party Band 5:00-9:00 Craft Beer Tasting from 5:00-7:00 Incendium Arts Fire Troupe - World-Class Fire Spinning Dancing - on Sunlite Pool Island at 7:45 & 8:45 The event is sponsored by Dr. Pepper. Pricing is $20 per car load, and includes admission to Coney`s classic rides. Coney Island season pass holders can get admission for $15 per car. No coolers or picnic baskets are permitted for this event, and pricing applied to normal passenger vehicles only. (Excludes RVs, buses, and large capacity vans). I look forward to seeing some of you there that night! I will be working that day, likely as a rides manager, but maybe jumping in to help run rides as staffing levels dictate. See you at Coney on September 22nd for Fire Up the Night
    2 points
  14. If you ask me, that is indeed a problem. Just of a different nature... And on a Friday evening...
    2 points
  15. Much appriciated johnnyRingo. Lets all celebrate with a photo! Haha Pictures2 655 by KIC-Original, on Flickr Original, always trying to fit in a photo in some way.
    2 points
  16. I was so confused about Gator's post...I think I get it now...
    2 points
  17. According to Jeff from PointBuzz, it is scheduled to come down tomorrow.
    2 points
  18. The Beast being ranked seventh is very generous. If it were up to me, it wouldn't even be in the top 10. The Beast is nothing more than a really long Adventure Express with a good ending.
    2 points
  19. Even though Sam doesn't remember your real fear face specifically, as he's done the same thing to quite a few others besides yourself, he appreciates that you remember!
    2 points
  20. Dr. Spock was real. Mr. Spock, however, is a fictional creation of Gene Roddenberry. Unless, of course, you are extremely philosophically opposed with Dr. Spock's views on parenting. Then you may continue to believe in his nonexistence.
    2 points
  21. Kudos to KI for knowing you can't do the same thing every year for entertainment. 2011 they make such a fantastic move to entertain people that in 2012 people complain when it is no longer offered. Woulda thunk it?
    2 points
  22. Yep. And, apparently in 2012 KI agrees.
    2 points
  23. Not just to wrestle. To watch them bleed!
    2 points
  24. Ringmaster has a point when he talks about finding the scaredy cat. Their fear can reverberate down the hall. Whenever I see a person riding the Monster with an expression as if they were reading the New York Times, I laugh. Who goes onto rides to diss them? Or keep themselves as cool and reserved as possible? Riding an amusement as if it were a bore? Hardly anyone. That's why they stand out so much when they do ride as if it were a mere distraction in their busy day of lurching. (When I see an expressionless person on a ride ( and they are usually alone, for a reason), I think of Lurch from the Addams Family.) But when it comes to Haunted Houses, the patrons sometimes begrudge themselves the party they paid for. They go through the maze yawning, bragging that they are not frightened, etc.. It's a bore. I hate to be with those sort of people in my group. They spoil the fun that I bought a ticket to have. I try to winnow that type away from me. If only there were a way for the Gatekeeper of the houses to lead that sort into a different door, that led into an empty alley. They would get what they wanted, a completely scare free experience, and the patrons that want to join in the fun can have the scares that they want. Sometimes I scream because I'm with someone who's easily scared, and it's fun to watch their faces. A monster scares me, I scream, my scaredy cat friend screams, and it's fun. I'm a patron scaring a fellow patron, imagine the fun of being paid to do the same thing? One has to accept the mindset that the world has been taken over by these monstrous things, and allow themselves some fun.
    2 points
  25. Fact: This is not Terpy, either (at least I think so): Hey, 2,500 posts. Confetti! Everybody daaaaance!
    2 points
  26. @jdawg1998 im sorry your avatar cracks me up everytime i see it hahahahahahahahaha...... wait what were we talking about?
    1 point
  27. Once agian Millennium Force is number one. One of the worst rides i have ever been on. Not even in my top 15 coasters.
    1 point
  28. Don't you think those are things you should ask your employer
    1 point
  29. I expect something Illuminating Kings Island in 2013.
    1 point
  30. If Dinosaurs Alive wasn't profitable, it wouldn't spread from park to park. If B&M coasters didn't pay for themselves and generate profits, parks wouldn't keep buying them.
    1 point
  31. That's what I was thinking too, but we were going to get fast passes because of the crowds and if were only going to be there for 6 hours I didn't want to spend the $45. But if there aren't that many people we might not even need them. And Thanks for the help!
    1 point
  32. These dinosaurs are haunting me, I CANT GET AWAY FROM THEM.
    1 point
  33. We have our announcement, the slaying of the Son, well this is FUN. I wonder how long shall it stay?
    1 point
  34. Just found something that I thought was interesting. I went over to Valleyfair's Facebook page to read the obligatory Dinosaurs Alive! complaining, and under one post by someone who claimed they wouldn't visit until a B & M was added, in the long list of comments someone posted: And Valleyfair liked the comment, I found it funny, but I do have a strange sense of humor sometimes.
    1 point
  35. Best Amusement Park: Hersheypark Best Theme Park: Of the ones I've been to, Kings Dominion or Six Flags Great Adventure. I'm inclined to believe that the Disney or Universal parks are more deserving of this title, but I was in a stroller when I last visited the Magic Kingdom and can only recall being terrified of the Jaws ride at Universal when I was in elementary school. Best Value Park: Holiday World Best Wood Coasters: The Voyage (HW) and El Toro (SFGAdv) Best Steel Coaster: Intimidator 305, Kings Dominion Best Flatride: Noah's Ark, Kennywood Best "New" Ride: El Toro, Great Adventure Best New Ride: From looks, Leviathan. I've only ridden Wild Eagle in the 2012 coasters, and as much as I like it, I imagine the B&M giga is better. Best Park Food: DOLLYWOOD. Oh my goodness. Most Beautiful Park: Dollywood or Kennywood Best Water Ride: Wildebeest, Holiday World Best Waterpark: Splashin' Safari Best Park Staff: Dollywood Best Kids Area: Of the parks I've been to, I'll honestly say that I liked Kings Island's the best. I'm willing to bet there are other parks I've not been to that have better ones, but KI does the best, in my experience. Best Park Show: ...I've just realized how long it's been since I've actually watched a show at an amusement park. Uhh... the first five minutes of British Invasion were decent? Cleanest Park: Holiday World or Dollywood Best Halloween Event: I've still only been to KI's Halloween Haunt, but I'm more and more inclined to believe the Universal parks throw the best Halloween event. I'll have to check out Halloween Horror Nights one of these days.
    1 point
  36. Best kennel at an amusement park: The Pet Care at Kings Island. I give it 5 paws and a ruff, ruff!
    1 point
  37. I really liked Trail of Terror. I thought it was one of the more unique haunts that Kings Island had to offer.
    1 point
  38. With all due respect... are you serious??? Come on, if the park offered 50% off every time the rides closed for a lightning event (they close for lightning within X miles, NOT just rain) Cedar Fair would be broke. The coasters were closed for a total of 15 minutes.. no more, no less.... and did so only ONCE during the event. I was there.
    1 point
  39. So what was the park supposed to do when a storm was approaching? Safety is paramount. It makes no difference whether the park is open to the public or has been bought out for a private event. The park, and not the private group, will decide when rides are safe to operate.
    1 point
  40. It was a beautiful Service, and it was no surprise to me to see the parking lot, and the church, overflowing with people who's lives Keith touched at some point or another. I will re-iterate what I said to a few of us who spent time together afterwards to be support for one another, when I say that: A)41 is WAY too young to die. B)As nice, and humble a Man Keith was, He was likely looking down upon the full church during the Service and said "Wow, I truly didnt know I had that many Friends and people who I meant so much to".
    1 point
  41. ^ THIS. There's no better way to say it than that. Nothing gets under my skin at Haunt more than being trapped with a herd of people--of any age, really--who go out of their way to announce they aren't scared, then try to either scare the scareactors or deadpan and then get in the scareactors' faces in an attempt to intimidate them. You're at an amusement park during Halloween, for goodness sakes! On the other end of the spectrum, I get a kick out of watching groups of people/couples where one person is terrified, but all members are still having fun. It's not like they're making fun of the scared person, because the scared person is still laughing, too. That's the point of a scary Halloween event for me.
    1 point
  42. There is a pic of it gone on CP's FB page, unless it was photoshopped. Or the webcam was down and you saw an old view..... UPDATE- pic was photoshopped. SS is still standing.
    1 point
  43. As cliched and cheesy as it sounds, that's actually the best method of scaring people (minus simply going RAWR). The quick in-and-out is key when dealing with a haunted house, because you want to not only scare them, but scare them QUICKLY. It's also done so as to keep your audience's suspension of disbelief in check; ergo, they'll be more afraid of something they only get a glimpse of rather than an extended period of time. If there's a situation when a monster is in view of guests and stalking, it's more used as a distraction so another monster can pop in and out and catch the audience off guard. The other key aspect of haunted houses when it comes to scaring is scaring FORWARD. You need to keep guests continuously going forward so as not to cause multiple groups to crash into each other in a section. Therefore, most scares are directed at the middle or back of the group. This is why you hear so many people offer advice in the guise of being at the front of the group if they are scared. Of course, people are inclined to not be front and center when walking through a haunted house, and believe the middle to be the safest. That brings me to the final point in this mini discussion that's more out of place in the current conversation than a vampire at Olive Garden, which is that none of what I just said is laid in stone. Why? Because people are SCARED when they come through a haunted house. It's our JOB to weed out and find those in the group that are the most scared, even if that means splitting up the entire group to get to the one person, or even if it's the ENTIRE group that's scared. Happy Haunting...
    1 point
  44. Are you referring to the orange-looking maintenance lights in the tunnels? They have been present (but turned off) for awhile now. Occasionally, you will be surprised with a lot up 2 tunnel (a surprise I hate! I may be in a minority, but I wish they didn't connect the 2 concrete tunnel things with a tunnel. The light seeps in from the bottom, and I wish you could see the valleys and terrain of the land. Tangent over) It is always sad to go on the last day of the year. I always watch the park from the moment we leave, until it disappears into the trees. It certainly is sad, but you know you will have something to look forward to later on.
    1 point
  45. Maybe the record for most launched coasters in a park(building a launched coaster). They got it in 2005 with the italian job(BLSC) but lost it by the removal of Hypersonic XLC. Let the speculation begin!
    1 point
  46. Come on we already know that CF is sending Son of Beast to KD.
    1 point
  47. Scooby Doo&The Haunted Castle! i have almost everything of Scooby I would love to own that ride!
    1 point
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