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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/21/2013 in all areas

  1. Or they could use Kentucky Kingdom as an abandoned theme park scare zone. That would be so terrifying I might have a Hart attack.
    7 points
  2. I love Drop Zone at KI Kings Islan, it is 1 place in my heart.
    4 points
  3. Weather Channel has a great blog on abandoned theme parks from Chippewa Lake Park to the Ukraine: http://www.weather.com/travel/creepy-abandoned-theme-parks-20130320?pageno=5 Before: Now: pilotank
    3 points
  4. For reasons that had absolutely nothing to do with tax incentives. Just because B follows A does not necessarily mean A caused B. After I had parsnips for dinner, the President was re-elected. My having parsnips did not cause that. If the Kentucky Kingdom prospects were bright, I'd think Mr. Hart and Co. would be bellowing about it from every rooftop, on the news every day, and at least trumpeting about it on their very own website. That they are not is not necessarily a bad sign, but it certainly isn't a good one.
    3 points
  5. An interesting segment done on The History Channel about the "Americana" amusement park:
    3 points
  6. I just thought this was too funny to not share. Look for badly translated references to a Kings Island ride, a New Jersey ride, and Six Flags Las Vegas.
    2 points
  7. I thought it would be cool to make Picnic Grove an abandoned theme park scare zone during Haunt. It could feature more defunct ride items, lots of fog and lots of ghouls lurking under the shelters.
    2 points
  8. I would like to see it go backwards again... Don't get me wrong, I'd love to see it go backwards again too. I LOVED recaR. I was very fired up when the announcment was made that they were making it go forward again in the name of nostalgia. But, as we later learned, it was due to state requirements. Most of us on here understand the reasons it cannot currently go back to backwards operation, I just find it irritating that the GP doesn't know or understand.
    2 points
  9. And, congratulations on your new job. A park job can be an opportunity you will treasure forever. Terp, who will forever be in debt to the greatest people pleasing industry in all the world.
    2 points
  10. Hey guys It's been a while (sometime during Haunt 2011). In fact the only coasters I rode last year were at MoA.
    1 point
  11. Kentucky Kingdom used to do that for Fright Fest.
    1 point
  12. Yes, the company chose to. And PTC no longer recommends operation of PTC wooden coaster trains unless they face forward. In Ohio, ride operators must follow manufacturers' recommendations for a ride to be licensed. Note other PTC wood coaster trains ceased backward operation that same season, especially in jurisdictions that require manufacturers' recommendations to be followed. There are requirements and there are nostalgic stories. One is a much better public interface than the other. That doesn't mean both aren't true.
    1 point
  13. uhh... that... um... Anyway, I would love to see The Racer painted as it opened, but I assume they will just stain the wood. So that means it's designed to stop and rest in the middle of the turnaround area? Funny, because two years ago it decided to take a break on the lift hill
    1 point
  14. I saw that a few days ago and was... disappointed. Who started the rumor that they were getting redesigned maps? Check out all the muddled offerings at Planet Snoopy! Looks like a lot of fun with absolutely no rides visible under the ride names! And the map does a spectacular job of showcasing the natural, evergreen, forested splendor of one of the most beautifully-located parks this side of the Mississippi! Frolicking through the not-so-verdant grey-green open fields of Virginia, I guess? In such a convoluted and organic park with crazy paths and wildly dense areas, this map is doing no favors for anyone. Meanwhile, the "Cedar Fair" design style maps did find a bit of improvement at Worlds of Fun this year, where they at last recognize and proudly display different themed areas. Here's hoping more Cedar Fair maps at least make that change. EDIT: Also, I'm not sure if this is new this year or if it happened last year, but Carowinds' map is now Cedar Fair style too, leaving Great America the last holdout, with its 2013 map already released and in CitiGraph style.
    1 point
  15. This topic actually helped me cause I had the same question. I'm on mobile right now but from I've read there's a video you must watch . What's the video about? Drummer, who got hired in admission
    1 point
  16. Disney "synergy" at its very best :-) And, I'm guessing pretty successful--I used to work a few blocks from Nationwide Arena in Columbus and nothing would screw up traffic worse than when "Disney on Ice" was in town.
    1 point
  17. Wow, I hadn't thought about Archie for years. I used to read those comics all the time as a kid! My mom would buy me a double digest every time we went to Krogers.
    1 point
  18. Welcome to KICentral! This is a public forum not affiliated with Kings Island or Cedar Fair. If you want any kind of answer from someone representing the park, you need to contact the appropriate person/department instead of posting in this forum. (Probably HR in your case.) With the notable exception of Don, employees that do post here are representing themselves, not the park. I'm sure Kings Island has specific guidelines about posting to public websites, which you should probably become aware of.
    1 point
  19. I hope Racer gets painted too.... White, red, and blue like it used to be.
    1 point
  20. Do you happen to work at the park? How the? Ladies And Gentlemen. The art. Of trolling.
    1 point
  21. Supposedly the old policy had been that children aged 8 and above were allowed in the park without a guardian. That, to me, is ridiculous. An eight, nine, ten-year-old alone in the park, dropped off for the day? No thank you. Not in this day and age. Even a roving gang of twelve or thirteen-year-olds can be an issue...
    1 point
  22. Off to an auspicious start I see! <slaps forehead> Link is corrected. Thanks for the heads-up! I am questioning Punxsutawney Phil's credentials this year. Thanks for providing the correct link to the article. I'll cut the little critter a little slack. I just keep telling myself that warm weather and Kings Island are right around the corner!
    1 point
  23. Lot of "ifs" in those sentences. Water park attractions are very complex machines that require upkeep and maintenance and generally aren't meant to store runoff and rain water for several years. You're assuming that what you saw was a water park inspection and assuming that you're correct then somehow they must be "wrapping up" ride inspections? And why should we expect tax incentive news in two to three weeks, has that been reported somewhere? Vague speculations. I await some words from Mr. Hart.
    1 point
  24. I don't think it's that bad...I think it looks great! As for the most recent "Expert" option...I did take a picture of the ACE plaque on June 4, 2011, but I lost it when my computer's hard drive failed in September Carry on...
    1 point
  25. I read that on FB last night. I know I can't be the only one that was annoyed by all the "turn The Racer backwards again!" comments on there.
    1 point
  26. Perhaps Cedar Fair's most beloved historic dinosaur will be memorialized in this latest addition. Terp, trying to be good...
    1 point
  27. Cedar Fair planned Diamondback the year before they purchased Paramount Parks? Really? I learn the darnest things here.
    1 point
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