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  1. http://coasterfusion.com/news.php?extend.449 ^ Its a good little TR with lots of pictures of KI construction behind the fence including this one... (Photo Courtesy of CoasterFusion)
    10 points
  2. My moment was when I was working there, and noticed a guest smoking and went up to tell her she was only allowed to smoke in a designated smoking area. She then proceeded to point to the sign right beside her that showed she was in one. For the record, beside the restroom located next to the entrance to Backlot Stunt Coaster IS a designated smoking area. I remembered from then on. Another was when I face-planted the train and fell slow enough that I had time to say "CRASH" on my way down. My supervisor proceeded to point and yell out, "He narrated the fall..." Are you okay? is usually asked at some point...not in this case...just that I narrated the fall. For some reason that story got told several times over the next couple seasons.
    9 points
  3. Here, this may help you understand what they do.
    7 points
  4. I'm new here but love Kings Island, personally I would like something like Top Thrill Dragster, even though I know that will never happen, I think it'll probably be a giga, whos to say? lol but I love reading the posts on here!
    6 points
  5. For shame. An onride photo is strictly prohibited on all rides at Kings Island...sans of course the Eiffel Tower and KI and MV Railroad. Especially since this was on Drop Tower, it's a big no no. How many people at the bottom - including ride ops - could have been injured from falling camera/cell phone parts? Now that I got that out of my system...that does show a lot!
    6 points
  6. Someone quoted mr O at the gate keeper media event, that theyve already agreed to another b & m; with no other viable signs of construction at their other parks I'd say safe bet that b&m is coming to ki, where the footers are being dug.
    5 points
  7. Concrete is incredibly strong when it is compressed (being pushed upon), its relatively weak when its in tension (being pulled upon) Since the nature of a roller coaster (or bridge or many other similar applications) is such that the forces applied to the concrete will be compressing the concrete one moment, then stretching the concrete another, or even more specifically, compressing one side of the concrete whle simultantiously stretching the opposite side of the concrete, rebar is added to give the concrete strength when it is being pulled. I hope I explained that easy enough to understand.
    5 points
  8. Really? And people wonder why sometimes this place is seen as less than welcoming. Do you have similar tests before you accept someone as a friend? The test itself and the person who did it is well meaning and fine. But as the price of admission here? No. Many of our best posters grew as writers and discerning people here. How many would we have lost with this nonsense? Let me add that I can think of at least two of our posters here that can't spell well, make many grammatical errors, etc. And their insights are brilliant, their thoughts unique, their enthusiasm and love of Kings Island unbounding. I, and many others, adore these guys and am very glad they are here. If they and their thoughts are not welcome here, who is? Perfectly stated thoughts always in compliance with the TOS aren't going to be found even on a linguistics forum (and I belong to several, some where I post far more frequently than here). I have one last question. The original poster. How do you think he feels about now? Are we proud of ourselves? Amusement rides. Kings Island. FUN. Friends. That's what this place is supposed to be about.
    5 points
  9. Mine was at Cedar Point also, I was on MF and one of the two girls in front of me asked if it was a bad ride and I told her no there was nothing to worry about only to have her tell her friend this old dude says it's okay.
    4 points
  10. I would love to agree, but unless i missed some info, in reality we don't even know if it's a B&M. All we know is there is a fence with a sign and footings being set behind that fence.
    4 points
  11. Not at Kings Island, but at Cedar Point more than once I have tried walking through a turnstile and it be locked. A turnstile bar to the junk does not feel good.
    4 points
  12. That also helps avoid having 60 threads about the same thing and keeps discussion organized and ongoing. Where we went awry here is posters piling on about the TOS and using search. One reminder was fine, but again and again is not needed, clutters up the forums, and can certainly make the original poster feel very unwelcome.
    4 points
  13. We will not be getting a wing rider.
    4 points
  14. I don't really get embarrassed easily but, we went this Sun and my nearly 5 yr old daughter said to my mother-in-law, "It's called boob blasters." Knowing that it's Boo Blasters. Nice Nigella. That's classy!
    3 points
  15. I stopped up tonight for a little while. Took some quick pics with my phone.
    3 points
  16. So race drivers can break speed limits on public highways since they are trained professionals? And Raging Wolf Bobs is no more.
    3 points
  17. I changed the thread title for the sake of not filling up the forums with my constant trip reports. 5/14/13 The park was a ghost town. I rode Diamondback for the first time during ERT.my friend and I rode it 4 times in a row before advancing to The Beast. From there we rode Vortex twice then dodgems like 3 times. The rest of the day it was just constant walk-ons including Firehawk, which we ride twice in a row. BLSC and WindSeeker were not running when I was there at all but it didn't really matter. We had a blast! Here's the list of my rides for today Diamondback-6 The Beast-1 Vortex-2 Dodgems-3 Adventure Express-1 Delerium-1 Invertigo-1 Flight Deck-1 Eiffel Tower-1 WWC-2 K.I.&.M.V.R.R- 1 Racer-1 Firehawk- 2
    3 points
  18. I think you either misread or made a typo. It's rebar, and that is an indicator of how much concrete will be used. The more rebar, the more footers or bigger footers. It reinforces the concrete and also the steel. I just learned rebar is short for reinforcing bar.
    3 points
  19. Gotta love CF not putting enough into marketing to make the ads park specific, other than the name of the park. I do this type of Graphic Design/Marketing work for a local company. It's really not hard to swap in a new background to make an ad or banner specific to a certain thing. I do it all the time. It's kind of ridiculous that Cedar Fair is too lazy or cheap (which ever the case may be) to do the same thing for their parks which are WAY bigger businesses than the one I work for. If our small company can do it with just a team of one (myself), then there is no excuse for Cedar Fair's marketing team to take such shortcuts.
    3 points
  20. Did anyone see that guy just laying there at 0:12? I like the guy posing in the background. I like the idea of variety, too. It's okay to have mainstays, especially in the kids' park, but to have signature coasters in every park makes people want to travel to experience them.
    3 points
  21. I could name several from my 16 to 23 year old days but I would hate to harm my perfect reputation on this forum! I try to make it a habit to embarrass myself in front of my wife at least once a visit (got to spice things up) unless we have our kids, then I'm on my best behavior. Hey, you only live here once so you got to have thick skin and be light hearted at the same time. If you don't embarrass yourself from time to time life would be rather boring if you ask me.
    3 points
  22. I get mistaken for a little kid, a lot. In line for TTD last summer, I was so nervous. These two guys in front of me and my friend, about my age, asked my friend, "tell your little brother to stop being so scared." I was 14, and so was he...
    3 points
  23. When I needed to use the bathroom when i was in line for Firehawk and i relieved myself . When I was taking pics of former SoB area and these people asking me why are you taking pictures and saying are a you doing a picture project. Shouted at a guy to move and said "We dont have all day here" and he said shut up to me. When these 2 cute girls rode Flight of Fear with me and I screamed my head off and in the middle of the ride they said "Are you okay?"
    3 points
  24. Blue Fire is nothing like BLSC, It is more like Maverick and from what I hear pretty intense. Mack can make the ride as intense as Rob Decker and the park wants! A ground hugging coaster using the terrain, Maverick but better would be a great option for that area for the park!
    2 points
  25. http://live.pointbuzz.com/Home/Item/1047Obviously, that is very vague...but just thought I should bring it up. Rob Decker is the Corporate Vice President, Planning & Design. Another early reviewer of Gatekeeper stated that Ouimet teased ""we have given B&M a new job." there was this..
    2 points
  26. *Dick Kinzel's Cedar Fair has been installing B&M's since 2008.
    2 points
  27. The way I understood the article, no one is faking a disability. They're only faking that the actually disabled person is a member of their family/party. Or at least that's how I read it.
    2 points
  28. I would love to agree, but unless i missed some info, in reality we don't even know if it's a B&M. All we know is there is a fence with a sign and footings being set behind that fence. Cedar Fair has been installing B&M's almost annually since '08.
    2 points
  29. They do it in airports to get escorted to gates, too. At least some do. Should be a crime....
    2 points
  30. They're actually easily visible from Adventure Express' queue line. Although there are some good photos, I'm baffled over the fact that the author openly admitted to breaking not just the park rules, but also Ohio state law:
    2 points
  31. 2 points
  32. General question time: When did ground work begin for Leviathan and Intimidator 305?
    2 points
  33. Kenny was out today pulling only 3 coaches due to the lack of today's park guests. I really wished #12 would've dropped us off at the water park. Today would have been a great day to go swimming...
    2 points
  34. ^It was from a CoasterFusion link posted in another topic. Yes it is from Drop Tower.
    2 points
  35. I feel bad even sharing this one. It didn't happen to me but to a friend of mine and I was very embarassed for him. I don't think he's been to an amusement park again ever since. This was several years ago. Late 90s I would guess. He was a big guy who was going through some hard times. Unemployed. Living with his parents. Deep in student debt. Just a long line of bad luck (which has since turned around). I came in town to cheer him up and we decided to go to Kings Island for the day. Neither of us had been in a long time. We had a great time up until we tried to ride The Beast. Like I said, my friend was a big guy. The Beast wasn't really build with guys his size in mind. The ride operator couldn't lower the restraint over his stomach. So he called for help. Another ride operator came to help and they both tried to push the restraint down. When they couldn't get it to click, they both started hopping up and down on the restraint until it clicked into place. In the end, we were able to ride. We acted like nothing happened and kept on having fun. But for the rest of the day we avoided anything that might have a restraint. Pretty sure that was the last time he ever rode a roller coaster.
    2 points
  36. Not at KI, but at Holiday World. I got stuck on the Halloswings. One of the chain links was bent in such a way that I couldn't unlock myself. The ride attendants couldn't get me out either, and the people in line were all laughing, even some shouting obscenities at me. After a couple cringe filled minutes I finally bent the chain back and was able to unlock myself and booked it on out of there. It was definitely the most embarrassed I have been in an amusement park. I now have this fear that this will happen again any time I ride a ride of the swing variety.
    2 points
  37. As opposed to what, some kind of walk-through attraction? Oh wait..
    2 points
  38. Also some people mistake me for a 15 or 16 year old. Im 13 which creates awkward and embarassing moments.
    2 points
  39. Brian's prediction looks very plausible in my eyes. Especially after looking at the footer layout of Diamondback construction. The square footers we all see now in Action Zone seem to be more common with station and transfer track, as opposed to the circular footers being related to the actual ride itself. As soon as I see some circular footers, I will then be excited. Because then some of the more educated on the site can try to determine the layout. EDIT: Are my eyes deceiving me, or can anyone else spot what looks to be circular footers dug out in preparation to be filled in the bottom-left corner of Brian's "station" in the image above?
    2 points
  40. While I agree about not doing the snark. I have unintentionally created a topic that was previously created many moons ago. An answer with a link to the original topic is actually better, IMO. Answering the question is good, but also leading our OP to the other thread may also prove beneficial, maybe more so. Allows the OP to read through and maybe glean more knowledge that way. So if I were to, say somehow, miss what happened to SOB. I look for SOB topics cant find one (I wish ), and post a question about SOB. I am not sure how someone posting a link to a previous thread would not be beneficial to me. Leave out the snark and its helpful. We could say a thing like, Hey welcome to the board, but there is already a topic very similar to this, you should check it out, Im sure it has your answer there or someone in that thread would be able to help you.
    2 points
  41. I'm all in favor of any coaster going with lap bars instead of OTSRs. Sounds like a good plan to me!
    2 points
  42. Terpy did an amazing job in spelling out why it's not necessary for the second post on many threads to be a link to something that has been overlooked. In your newfound knowledge that sarcasm and jokes are very difficult to ensure they come through online, please keep that in mind. A post that you write laughing can be taken so easily on the other side as snarky. For example, in this thread what I saw was a question asked by someone, one legitimate answer - thank you Gabe, followed by six posts making fun of someone for not using the search feature to see what is already being discussed. I'm glad Terpy finally said something. There are very few topics that have not already been mentioned somewhere, and most new threads start because of at least a new spin on something old with new information or a new question. Be tolerant, not nit-picky. You can always pass up a thread you're tired of and move on. It takes far less time than to post a snarky link to a search. Rant about personal pet peeve and sore spot over.
    2 points
  43. I seem to recall taking a few Racer rides on their last visit. That was a fun morning.
    2 points
  44. 2 points
  45. Skip it. On a May weekday, the lines will not be anywhere near long enough to make it worth your money. You should be able to ride everything with no problem, possibly multiple times, without getting it. The only time I would recommend Fast Lane is on a Saturday or major holiday.
    2 points
  46. I don't really call this that embarrassing, but a few years ago I was in line for Flight of Fear, and had a group of teenagers in front of me, and I could tell some of them were scared. Then one turned around to me and she was like "This little kid is riding and he's not scared! Have you rode this before"? I said I do all the time, and then they go back to their group complaining that a "6 year old" can ride it with no problem, but they are scared, or something like that. Like I said, it was a few years ago, so I can't remember it all that well.
    2 points
  47. Not sure why I'm spending lunch time contributing to this. My vote would be for a coaster with a ride experience you cannot get anywhere else- that is so unique to KI that you have to come here to experience it. Not sure exactly what a "giga" is- but sounds tall and fast- so why spend millions on a larger version of Diamondback with a mirrored experience in just about every thrill park in the country. ie- why travel all the way to Kings Dominion to experience "Intimidator 305"- its essentially the same'ish, albeit 50-60 feet. The Beast, have to come to KI to experience it. Son of Beast (experienced rather sipped)- but you had to come to KI to get it. TR:TR- I may be mistaken, but wasn't it the only one indoors with the ride show?- again, had to come to KI for it. FOF- there may be one other, but they are the only two enclosed.
    2 points
  48. SOB was torn down due to complaints and lawsuits due to injuries caused by the very rough ride and not by the Great Wolf Lodge complaining about it being too loud. You must remember Son of Beast was built before the GWL was constructed and they knew about it. It is like someone moving near a very busy interstate highway and then complaining about the loud noise from the heavy traffic. That type of a "rumor" is something even the Dippin Dot guy would not spread.
    2 points
  49. Thanks Tb!!! IMG_5247 by ki_faerie_wench, on Flickr Well had 4 spectacular days at SeaWorld, despite the rain the first couple days. Shockingly? I managed roughly around 5,000+ pictures, and as one of my LA friends put it "for you when it comes to SeaWorld that's not enough" Gee thanks, dude. The first day we pulled up to a quiet and extremely rainy SeaWorld. The rain did make seeing the animals more interesting as the dolphins and orcas love it when it rains anyway... they were all playing in the rain. During one of the morning breaks from rain I got my first ride on the Manta and oh my goodness I loved it! It started out kind of meh, but after the second launch is where it actually got me, and there were some great moments of airtime too which I loved. By afternoon it started to clear to partly cloudy and warmed up considerably, and I remembered my biggest gripe with SWC, and that's lack of shade. This was also the only day I did Wild Arctic, not a fan of the ride itself, the belugas at the exit I always find more interesting, and from a photographer standpoint I like the SWC exhibit better cause its has better lighting than the Orlando park. On the other hand though....belugas naturally love dark arctic waters so the exhibit at Orlando in that aspect is best, but its such a pain in the arse to get any decent shots at This was also my first time seeing the "baby" luga named Pearl and she was stinkin' cute. XD The One Ocean show was really good, kind of sucks though the SWC show is a couple minutes shorter than SWT and SWF, it was good to see Shouka again too (have not seen Shouka since she was living at SFWoA) and she looks great. I do like the Blue Horizons show better here than Orlando's, much more improvement, albeit SWF had theirs for about 5 years longer but I still prefer the San Diego's show. Was kind of bummed they didn't bring out Argo (the male Pilot recently transferred from Kamagowa SeaWorld Japan) in the show, been dying to see him in person, thankfully they brought him out after the show for a couple behaviors while patrons exited the stadium! Pilot whales are among my favorite cetaceans. The second day wasn't as rainy as it only drizzled and lasted bout an hour after park opening. By noon I was even getting bit of a sunburn...I had a reservation with Dine with Shamu on this day so 1pm was at that. last time I got to partake in a DWS was 2009 at Orlando so this was my first time at San Diego. I actually do love SW's food in some ways better than KI's o_o I had totally forgotten there was a Skyride at this park! Before Manta was built that was kind of real dead area of the park so I never usually ventured there too much, and is it just me or are there fewer of these rides now? Didn't go on it that day, but I took some pics of it. One Ocean show was better because Kasatka and her new 3 month old baby got to participate in it! I hadn't seen a killer whale calf that young in well over a decade which made it so neat watching him mimic momma, big brother, and sister. Before leaving the park for the day I caught a showing at the Sealion and Otter Stadium, and those guys never cease to amaze me, was dying of laughter. I always loved seeing the Clyde & Seamore Shows at the Ohio park growing up, California sea lions are really smart animals. SeaWorld seems like they are trying to make Oppa Gangnam Style popular again with that show... *facepalm* The third day I got my rides in at Skytower (made me miss Space Spiral), Skyride, final ride on Manta and the Journey to Atlantis. I have mixed emotions for JTA, kind of prefer Orlando's personally. I loved the view of the marina's from Skyride, having grown up in the Lake Erie region, so we spent a lot of time around the lake itself and the boats, I was loving the view entirely. The One Ocean show was interesting. Looks like they installed news gates at the Shamu facility so the trainers no longer need to open the gates by hand anymore, it appears the gates had gone wacky considering while they were setting up the shows with orcas they were using for it. At one point after sending mom, calf, Orkid and Kalia to the back the gate reopened and every orca at the park zoomed into the show pool minus Corky. It looked like a party there for a moment. The gates reopened, everyone went back...the gate opened again, the baby went into the show pool alone and the gate closed right behind him! Didn't take long for miss Kasatka and Kalia (calf's big sister) to notice he was missing so both girls sat at the gate screeching and vocalizing. After a couple minutes they started to get really PO'ed and Kalia began to ram into the gates which created a loud rattling noise that echoed in the stadium. They finally got the gate to open and the calf returned to them. Kasatka is one female that is not accustomed to being away from any of her kids for a lengthy period of time so you could see the semi angry and worried looks on the trainers faces. The entire stadium was filled with "aawwwwww"'s over the calf swimming and leaping about at the gate by himself and then it became loud gasps when Kalia smacked the gates.The show was primarily carried by the bulls when the family got reunited so it was nifty seeing giant bulls doing this show xp After One Ocean we went to Pets Rule, and out of all the shows in the park, I think this one delivers one of the best messages. It always upsets me how people dump kitties and doggies off at shelters once they outgrown the kitten/puppy stages, in other words....no longer are cute. All the animals featured at Pets Rule were basically victims of that as they are all shelter animals. The story attached to Kelsey (one of the kitties) was a rather touching one, she been calling the San Diego park home for the last 6 years and they brought her out to be petted by patrons after the show. I saw a happy kitty there, with little to no assistance from her trainer allowing all them hands to stroke her and loving every minute of it. That's one very tolerant cat. A side note...I got a nifty sunburn on my face, shoulders and arms from the trip Anyway....that's what I remember more clearly, LOL. Here are some pics: IMG_6427 by ki_faerie_wench, on Flickr IMG_7901 by ki_faerie_wench, on Flickr IMG_9084 by ki_faerie_wench, on Flickr IMG_0722 by ki_faerie_wench, on Flickr IMG_0589 by ki_faerie_wench, on Flickr Shouka by ki_faerie_wench, on Flickr Calf by ki_faerie_wench, on Flickr Angry mom and sister, see Kalia up against the gate Kasatka and Kalia by ki_faerie_wench, on Flickr
    2 points
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