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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/05/2013 in all areas
17 points
Guys, seriously. The Intamin/B&M debate has gone on long enough. Here's a generic, simplified summary of the issue: Intamin makes very fun, innovative rides, but they break all the time. B&M makes very standard, non-creative rides, but they always work from day one. In recent history, Cedar Fair has had issues with Intamin (Maverick, Shoot the Rapids, I305 have all had delays, problems, or changes done to the ride) while their B&M purchases have worked practically flawlessly (Behemoth, Diamondback, Intimidator, Leviathan, Gatekeeper). Now, going off that simplified summary, it's easy to make some deductions. This is obviously a steel coaster (If you still have any doubt in your mind, look at some pictures of wooden coasters on rcdb. It's very easy to tell the difference). This is also fairly clearly a large, custom steel coaster, made clear by the large size of the footers and the fact that they are implementing the unique terrain in the valley, rather than terraforming to fit any possible transplanted ride. When it comes to large steel coasters, Cedar Fair purchases almost exclusively from either Intamin or B&M. Cedar Fair has had much more success with B&M purchases as of late, and their relationship business wise is in much better standing. Additionally, within the scope of Kings Island, the last addition (Diamondback) was a B&M and a massive success. Given all of that information, it's a fairly logical guess to make that this is going to be a B&M. What kind? Who knows yet. But B&M seems to be more reasonable assumption. Now please, let the silly Intamin/B&M debate die.12 points
10 points
10 points
Construction photos: Look's like someone (or something) messed with the scarecrow and NO CAMPING sign...9 points
Does this sound familiar: A new coaster is coming to a park you frequently visit, and on said park's most popular fan site certain members get into a debate on coaster companies, but nine months later when the ride opens nobody gives a flying feather because the ride is fun and a new coaster by a company that's not your favorite company is better than no new coaster at all. The stubbornness of some people is amazing.9 points
One of the great joys of getting older is peer pressure greatly lessens and you no longer care a whit what others may think if they see you alone.8 points
Intmain: Guyz I will build U a Nice Log Flumez Cedar Point: YAYYZ Intmain: Herez u go!!!! Cedar Point: wait... The boats doesn't fit gooby... Intmain: Weeps. Sawwie. This is how STR went down.8 points
Can we just agree that people like Intamin and B&M and be done with it, at least on this thread? Its annoying reading the same conversation brought up multiple times. You guys can always start another thread on the B&M and Intamin debate and leave this thread for, well, decoding.8 points
Hey BeastForever, Those are some great pictures of Lake Banshee... (Really, they are good pictures!)7 points
I love going to parks with people. I love going to parks by myself. At Kennywood, you often have to pair up with others to ride, especially Thunderbolt. I've met some very interesting people that way. It's only a lonely experience if you let it be. Or post in KIC meetups and ride with a new friend. Really!7 points
I know this is totally unrelated, but Sheikra is the featured article on Wikipedia today. Mer, just letting you know.6 points
No, CF would never allow that. Only CP can get record breakers.Why can't people get out of this mentality? Dick Kinzel is gone.6 points
Going alone (as a 16 year old) I tend to just meet new people. I met a friendly group of three who needed an extra rider and ended up asking me to hangout with them the rest of the day. I've met older people (20-25). More importantly I met my current girlfriend.5 points
I just went today alone and it was great. It's actually very enjoyable in ways because you can walk around, go on rides, and look at stuff at your own pace. For example, I went on Eiffel Tower today and stayed up there for almost a half an hour just taking pictures of rides! The only thing I worry when going alone is someone I know seeing me all by myself and them thinking I have no friends.5 points
5 points
They've actually never fixed the problem (meaning, they're actually still too heavy and cumbersome). If a boat is not loaded just right, it's in danger of capsizing, or at the very least, taking on a lot of water and slowing down even more. The boats also move through the course much slower than envisioned, and there is a significant jarring (and sometimes painful) bump at the bottom of both hills if one is sitting in the right spot. I certainly do not pretend to be an insider, but from what I have gathered from being a part of various discussions about this ride, this was essentially the "last straw" between Cedar Point (note; not Cedar Fair) and Intamin, and a lot of bridges were burned. Those bridges were already at least toasted. Hence, you will often see boats leave with rows unfilled, and often be told exactly where to sit, etc...and it's a nearly 6-minute agonizingly long, slow ride. Considering what it was designed to replace, Shoot the Rapids is a strikeout in my opinion. It's certainly not a family ride by any stretch of the imagination (see height requirements). But don't mind me. I'm in a hotel in Newport News having spent the past 4 days visiting the great Busch Gardens Williamsburg; it always reminds me of everything Cedar Point is not with regards to the word "family". Speaking of which, TTD, I looked for you in France all week...but found no "ginger kid" in a yellow shirt. Sorry I missed you! Especially since you work at one of my favorite parks.4 points
95% of my trips to KI are alone! I love going by myself. Going to KI alone is my way to unwind and get away from life for a while. I almost always meet up with someone on this board at some part of the day, but for the first few hours of the day I love only having to take care of just me and doing only what I want to do at the park! I hope all these comments are helpful for I was not sure myself how many of us enjoyed a solo day at the park as well!4 points
I also have the same problem of worrying about if I see someone I know, they'll think I have no friends and am a loser...I also just wouldn't have as much fun alone...although the friend I go with most of the time bails out at around noon...4 points
I go alone every now and then. I will take my headphones and people watch. I'm normally pretty good about talking in lines and have met a bunch of great people but sometimes I get sandwiched in between a bunch of teenagers, that's when the headphones come in handy..4 points
4 points
Great video! Thanks for sharing! David Long has always been a great photographer for the Cincinnati area.4 points
Photo 11 is incorrect, too. Photo 26 on THIS list? Epic? 29? 30? 31? 33? This is perhaps the most ridiculous of this type article I've ever seen. And that's saying something. At least they didn't quote Paul Reuben or Bob Avery.4 points
The family was planning on heading to KI for a fun day on the 4th, but with the weather forecast was not looking good so we decided not to make the drive over. My father in law called and wanted to know if we wanted to go to the Indianapolis Zoo with him and my sister in law and her daughter. So, we all headed for downtown Indy for the Zoo. Our zoo is not very big and I personally refuse to pay to go myself, but since the in-law was paying we went. I figured I would share some pictures of the animals we took! My son Korbin petting the sharks! Tiger (Frosted Flakes anyone?) Gone Batty! We have a Diamondback in downtown Indy! My daughter Kaylee and I. She did not want a picture taken for some reason. We must be in Santa Claus Indiana! Here Kitty, kitty! Someone got the kids Ice cream. Real Dippin' Dots! No scoop on any KI news though... The curlly headed one on the left is my niece Savannah. Hope you enjoy the PTR!3 points
Just wondered if anyone has been to Kings Island alone and the experience they've had. Seems like the older I get the more my friends lose interest in going and my husband HATES amusement parks and never goes. I'm not sure when I'm going to go but I may end up going alone. So I was just curious to what people thought.3 points
Checked out Reds Hall of Fame on 4th of July to give the place a second shot and I must say the place hit a home run after striking out on my first visit. The service was outstanding and the pull-apart pork sandwich simply melted in my mouth. Just wanted to give my kudos to the staff for putting it all together. Hopefully that we mean more great sit-down restuarants at the park.3 points
I envy you guys who can strike up a conversation with just about anyone. After a quick "Hello, nice to meet you," I stand their in awkwardness.3 points
I've done a solo trip to Hershey and had a blast. I can talk to about anybody and I had a ton of fun chatting with so many random people from such different walks of life. I often go to KI with my family and break away for a some laps on DB and It's given me a unique perspective of how fun it can be to fly solo. I also get a lot of rerides as a solo rider. On the other hand, on what was about to be a solo day at CP (day before CoasterMania) I ended up meeting up with Terpy on a days notice. Had I decided to not go, I would have missed out on one of my best park trips ever. The moral of the story, Just go.3 points
The pre-show video. If you think it's dirty, it is. It goes right over the heads of most...figuratively and literally.3 points
I've been to Cedar Point alone before, and recently Kings Dominion and Busch Gardens. I still have fun, but not anywhere close to when I go with friends. I think I don't enjoy it as much because I am super self conscious and being alone just looks weird to other people, or at least it does in my head.3 points
Youngstud does not need others to have fun. I thought you always had 6-12 of your "Buds". Lol3 points
People alone don't stand out, either, I've noticed, when they go to the park alone, so there's no stigma. It can be fun. You can try new things that you usually can't in a group.3 points
I go alone all the time. One thing I find is that when you're by yourself, it's much easier to strike up a conversation with the party next to you than if you have others in your own party. Another huge benefit is being able to do what you want when you want at your own pace.3 points
On a Saturday in June, I was the first member of the public to ride Vortex. In 1-1. With me, myself and I. No one else on the train! It was surreal. I have done Beast this way. Racer. Kingda Ka. El Toro. Nitro. Batman and Robin: The Chiller. Rolling Thunder. And the Coney Island Cyclone. Camden's three coasters (and Thunderbolt Express). The Georgia Cyclone. Goliath (at SFOG). I wouldn't trade those experiences away for much.3 points
I didn't realize there is a KIC meet up section. I'll look into that. I kinda figured the only perk to going alone would be that you can do whatever YOU want to do at YOUR own pace without anyone giving you any crap.3 points
"11 million dollars?!" That was all I could say after riding the worst investment ride ever at CP.3 points
Does there really need to be a sense in everything? I'm not saying that you've said this about things before, I'm just asking. I mean, the guy made it and he's probably extremely proud of his work. I like it, and many others did too!3 points
Wow! Diamondback is running faster than ever! Awesome video. Thanks for sharing, Don!3 points
3 points
3 points
And that's not where they've always originated. Paramount Parks rained down some embers on a Kings Island crowd once....3 points
On the coaster aspect, I am surprised they haven't laid more footers. I know they have expanded by FD and Ae, but I thought there would be more by this time. Don't get me wrong, they still have plenty of time to lay more.3 points
Uh, because that's where they've always done them? They may have always shot the fireworks off from there, but they didn't always suspend the coaster's operation for 20-25 minutes because of it.3 points
3 points
"I'll tell you a riddle. You're waiting for a train, a train that will take you far away. You know where you hope this train will take you, but you don't know for sure. But it doesn't matter. How can it not matter to you where that train will take you?"3 points
3 points
Your bill comes to $20-$35 million. plus 6.5% tax is... $21.3-$37.275 million. Will that be cash, check or credit/debit card? We are also currently offering layaway! Thank You for your purchase and hope to see you again at (insert name of coaster company here)!3 points
3 points
3 points
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