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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/05/2014 in all areas
@KIGMGREG on Twitter: "Maybe a sleigh would have been better in the snow but happy to receive our first #Banshee train!" Photo : Greg Scheid via Twitter15 points
Please post the link to the source for the photo as requested, multiple times. Thank you!13 points
This picture bums me out..all those trees DCFC0189 by ki_faerie_wench, on Flickr13 points
12 points
12 points
I wonder, what does the TOS say about this?I'm glad for the train to come finally, I hope to see testing in March! It says ♫"Ring ding ding ding dingeringiding!"♫...10 points
The vehicles for the first of three trains for the new Banshee roller coaster were delivered today. The longest inverted roller coaster in the world makes its highly-anticipated debut April 18. (From KIs Facebook https://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?fbid=10152550870628368&set=a.226729858367.174830.155893938367&type=1&theater) Image courtesy of Kings Island`s Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152550870628368&set=a.226729858367.174830.155893938367&type=1&theater9 points
"@KingsIslandPR: The first car of a Banshee train is out of the delivery truck container." Credit: @KingsIslandPR on Twitter https://twitter.com/kingsislandpr/status/431116745072324608 I didn't forget this time! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk9 points
Out bursts a Tazmanian Devil, who tornadoes his way across Action Zone, through Adventure Express, and off into the woods... "Whoops, wrong crate!" Seriously, though, I'm psyched!9 points
@KingsIslandPR on Twitter: "The first train for the new Banshee roller coaster arrived this morning." Photo : Don Helbig / Kings Island via Twitter9 points
"@KingsIslandPR: First train for the new Banshee roller coaster arrived this morning." https://twitter.com/kingsislandpr/status/431100064161755138 Credit goes to @KingsIslandPR on Twitter. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk9 points
9 points
9 points
Many here would categorize bathrooms in X-Base as the number two best thing that could be added to the park.9 points
@KIGMGREG on Twitter: "Maybe a sleigh would have been better in the snow but happy to receive our first #Banshee train!" Photo : Greg Scheid via Twitter8 points
This topic has become vaguely similar to Paul Revere yelling "the British are coming!" Certainly the trains arriving is better sign that spring is indeed on the way than Punxsutawney Phil's prediction. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk8 points
It wouldn't be the same without you Terpy!I agree this has been a great place to learn, make friends, and share memories with other KI enthusiasts! Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk8 points
Renderings from 2004 of The Italian Job Stunt Track, now known as Backlot Stunt Coaster. (Notice the "Siebert Shipping" label)8 points
7 points
There's absolutely no reason to remove all those trees at the front of the park for a coaster that could easily go behind Banshee, Adventure Express, or Firehawk. Also, lines do not indicate popularity. Flight Deck almost never had a line, but that doesn't mean it was unpopular.7 points
LOL, That makes sense. So does "Ship," with a slight, albeit hilarious typo involved in the delivery? Reminds me of when I once sent out an e-mail to the entire leadership team at the company I used to work for. The common, courteous exit salutation was "Regards." Unfortunately for me, the "g" button is pressed using the same finger as... "t". Legendary.7 points
Wow. I've read a lot concerning Banshee, and have closely watched construction. But I never realized until this moment that this will be the first inverted coaster with sideways facing trains. Cool! I guess they will have to mount seats back to back to utilize both rails...7 points
@KingsIslandPR on Twitter: "The first car of a Banshee train is out of the delivery truck container." Photo : Don Helbig / Kings Island via Twitter7 points
7 points
"@KingsIslandPR: They're here!" https://twitter.com/kingsislandpr/status/431092300844761089 Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk7 points
7 points
...except Mr. Dane. Of course. The work he does to keep this going is often unheralded and unseen. Plus, he puts up with me. At least so far.7 points
Thank you. We've been doing this so long that sometimes it becomes robotic. It's things like this that remind us why we do what we do. Of course, KIC is great because of all of you... not because of the staff.7 points
It's tough to explain how they work. If memory serves, the top of the vest can pull out like a seat belt. It's similar to how the vest on Firehawk works in that regard.6 points
6 points
I know, right? Maybe it's a turn-and-lock, packing configuration of some sort. Or, maaaaybeeee.... the forward orientation in the CGI videos was just a.... diversion?6 points
6 points
6 points
This site has been more entertaining for me than the five other forums I am apart of over the last month since I joined.6 points
6 points
Photos of the first train for Banshee being delivered have been posted on our Instagram page.5 points
Looking at the leg clearance. I'm on my way over to Lifetime Fitness to begin my preparations for riding! So long, winter carbs! There's a new coaster to slim down for! ... Ok, one more corndog, but that's it!5 points
5 points
5 points
Off-topic, but 2019 will also be the 150th anniversary of the Cincinnati Reds and the 200th anniversary of the University of Cincinnati.5 points
I simply love everything about KIC, it is kept up to date, not overflowing with ads, "problems" are addressed quickly, not very often is their a rage between 1 or more members, no viruses ! The reason I am making this thread because, I have been on many different types of discussion boards for many different things, and a lot of them are over ran with ads, members get put down quickly and by a lot of people (some even being mods/Admin's of the site!), some lurking in danger with viruses. Here on KIC, even if someone puts you down, their always seems to be one person who agrees with you! The admin's do a great job of keeping the site, clean, up to date and safe (knock on wood)! members will help you with a question especially Terpy and his famous line "Yes someone does." Thread's do tend to stray sometimes though, but other than that, this site is darn near perfect for people to voice their opinions and provide facts and what not! Here's 2 examples: A little while back, KIC had an issue with a new member and came on here saying the "N" word a lot and saying stuff like he/she is fat etc. and I think within an hour or two he was banned and not causing anymore issues. I myself back in 2009, got banned from this site because I was soooo, bull headed about the Son of Beast never getting torn down, that I got Terpy into a 2-3 page rant with me (at least I think that's the reason why..). These are the reason's this site is still going strong! And I thank all the members on here (that have been good, which is pretty much anyone that's a member) for help keeping this site going and help keep it clean/safe! I want to especially thank the admin's too! Dane most of all, cause he has been the one upgrading/ keeping this site "stable", fixing any issues the site has and making sure it is something that anyone can enjoy!4 points
^ ^ "IAmABanshee" in regards to the photo you just posted, Kings Island has asked that we provide the photo credit tag below and link the tag directly to the photo. As stated by KingsIslandPR: "To clarify, below is what we are requesting: You can embed our photos on the forums provided you include the photo credit tag below and link the tag directly to the photo. " Thanks!4 points
4 points
Yes, they were called Antique Cars, and I miss them still to this day.4 points
My school was the first in the area to call off. We were called off at 9:30 and upon checking the news list, no other major districts were closed yet. Edit: Why are we having this discussion in the Banshee thread?4 points
So many depressing pictures. I never went on the antique cars (Antique Cars? Not trying to start another argument, actually asking if they were called "Antique Cars"), but that made me depressed - then The Italian Job with its yellow track, "splash" landing, overall better looking theme, and that waterfall^. So sad.4 points
4 points
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4 points
4 points
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