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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/06/2014 in all areas

  1. Considering that this year is The Beast's 35th anniversary, I thought it would be appropriate to make this thread as a place to discuss our memories of The Beast over the past 35 years, our first rides on The Beast, and photos of The Beast throughout its 35 years of operation. There is a few other topics already discussing this subject a little bit, but I wanted to make an overall topic regarding this, where we can come throughout this season and share memories, photos, 35th anniversary info, and more about The Beast and its legacy. According to Don Helbig / Kings Island, today marks the 35th anniversary of the naming of The Beast.
    11 points
  2. Here is a quick look back at everything that the park got when celebrating Beast's anniversaries: 1984 (5 Years of Terror): King Cobra & Smurf's Enchanted Voyage 1989 (10 Years of Terror): Waterworks Waterpark (now Soak City) 1994 (15 Years of Terror): Days of Thunder (now Action Theatre) 1999 (20 Years of Terror): FACE/Off and Drop Zone (now Invertigo and Drop Tower), Son of Beast announced 2004 (25 Years of Terror): Crocodile Dundee's Boomerang Bay waterpark expansion (now Soak City) 2009 (30 Years of Terror): Diamondback 2014 (35 Years of Terror): Banshee And since 35 isn't that old for a wooden coaster (they have been shown to live much longer if cared for), who knows how much crazy new stuff the park will get on future "Beastiversaries"... As for my personal memories with this ride, well, it's a bit of a biggie since this is the coaster that got me into other coasters and remains my personal favorite at the handful of parks I've visited... NOTE: I have told this story on KIC before so you probably have already heard it if you are a longtime KIC user. If not...enjoy! During my first trip to Kings Island in 2000, there was a lot of "Beast Hype" for obvious reasons- Son of Beast had just opened and was new that year. However, I was also interesting in seeing the original Beast, since I had heard about it before from friends and family members. To my suprise, while Son of Beast and many other rides were clearly visible from many areas in the park, I could not actually locate The Beast until a very late trip up to the Eiffel Tower, when I finally spotted the second lift hill, but wasn't smart enough to look behind Vortex to see the first lift hill at all during that trip. Also during that same trip, a ride on The Racer scared me, making me afraid of roller coasters...I didn't know what airtime was, and basically thought I was going to fly out, is the story there pretty much. Around 2008, upon hearing of school trips to Kings Island and such, I decided out of randomness to do a google search and see what the park had been up to. To my suprise, I learned a few things: #1-Cedar Point's parent company had bought Kings Island from Paramount, and had turned it back into simply Kings Island. #2-There was an accident on Son of Beast, and it's loop was removed. Then, my sister was invited to visit Kings Island in 2008 with a friend, and she rode big roller coasters, and spotted "mystery" construction in Rivertown. I didn't go, but she brought home a park map and all this made me a bit interested: "OK. I was afraid of roller coasters in 2000...but I was a little kid then. Perhaps that's no longer the case...And this mystery construction and all that seems pretty interesting." Another Kings Island google search led me to a new website: www.KICentral.com, where I read forums as a lurker and watched discussion over the new ride. Then, in August 2008... Diamondback. My reaction... "OK...enough is enough. Time to talk with my mom and sister and see about going back to Kings Island!" And so we talked and...approved. May 2009, we were going back to Kings Island, for me, it would be the 1st trip in 9 years (and 2nd ever). I began watching POV videos for all the big coasters, to try and see which one I thought I could take on first. Beast stood out- while it had big drops and all, most of the ride seemed very low to the ground. After a carnival trip a week before where I "forced" myself to ride some of the more thrilling flats they had (sadly there was nothing that went upside down, so I couldn't get any practice for that) we headed home, and then a few days later, it was off. An hour and a half later, the Eiffel Tower and Diamondback came into view...I was back. Our first ride, as suggested by my best friend, was...the Eiffel Tower. Eh, considering this was my first trip in oh-so-long, it was a good choice- I'd need to get an overall bearing for the park again, after all. Found Beast very easily from up there this time, thanks to online pictures I had seen. After that, due to the rain that had started up, my sister suggested we ride The Crypt, since it was indoors. After a 45-minute wait, I was on...got flipped upside down for the first time in ages...and then the ride ended, and I wasn't scared at all. I was angry! What a freaking dissapointment! We exited The Crypt, and it was done raining, so I suggested The Beast as our next ride since it was my original pick and right there. After about a 30-minute wait, I sat down on my first coaster in 9 years..."At least this lap bar holds you in nice and...what? Seatbelt? OH...I feel so stupid..." Thankfully, the ride-op fixed it and was very nice. Then..."all clear"..."Enjoy your ride on the longest wooden roller coaster in the world!" The cars slowly exited the station and headed for the lift. The bumps of the track were clearly noticeable..."Uh-Oh. If it's this bumpy at low speeds..." I thought. Then we hit the chain lift. All of my coaster fears were rising up...to calm down, I joked to my mom sitting next to me: "Look mom! We are higher than the trees!" Then came the top of the lift and that legendary view. "Here goes nothing..." We dropped into the tunnel, and screams were heard of other riders...but not me. This wasn't scary, actually, I realized seconds in by the brake shed run...this was awesome! The train jolted and heaved as it raced through the woods into the 2nd tunnel and out...a few moments later, we were on the chain lift, and I was loving it. "That was awesome!" Then my sister said something that suddenly brought all the fear back for a few more seconds: "Oh, the ride hasn't even done anything yet." The Double Helix Finale. Beast's trademark move. I ducked due to the tunnels, and boy was my sister right, compared to this the previous section of the ride was nothing! However, seconds later we were back in the station..."Wow." I thought. I was no longer afraid of roller coasters, as what I said next clearly shows...(exits Beast)..."Let's ride Vortex now!" A few days later, I joined KIC. And here I am....as a bonus, here is the trip report I wrote for that visit: http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php/topic/17880-a-very-very-late-may-16th-tr-by-mcsalsa/ And that's pretty much it. Well, save that later that day I got my first night ride, and in 2010's Halloween Haunt got the most epic Beast night ride of my life...
    9 points
  3. There are so many aspects of this ride that I cannot wait to experience.
    9 points
  4. Some people who scream on some of the rides though could use a pacifier.
    8 points
  5. Unfortunately sippy cups and little baggies of Cheerios probably won't be allowed on the ride.
    8 points
  6. DCFC0275 by ki_faerie_wench, on Flickr
    8 points
  7. At least the park spares no expense when celebrating The Beast's anniversary!
    7 points
  8. 35 is not that old!!!! *Runs away crying and snotting all over*
    7 points
  9. The Beast? Terp, who well remembers canoes, a lake and went there...
    7 points
  10. I completely agree since this is talking about KI. What I find funny is that if this was about CP, a lot of people would be like "Tear down the trees! Build a new coaster!" Whereas is looks like many KI fans truly care about park aesthetics and the whole environment, CP fans are just crazy for the next big coaster. Not always the case, but I see this more often than not. Just an interesting observation.
    7 points
  11. "Ouch mommy! My eyes!" "That stinging means it's working, son"
    6 points
  12. ^ I'm going to put on some "In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida" for when I watch it.
    6 points
  13. I know B&M has a good safety history, but I wouldn't feel very safe using the trains from The Great Pumpkin Coaster on Banshee
    6 points
  14. Here is my sister and I ten years ago on The Beast. I had just gotten into coasters, as you can probably tell. I plan on redoing this photo on June 4th.
    6 points
  15. Another from the slide collection. That's my mom in the center of the photo, on the ride with sunglasses. This was the same trip as my KI&MVRR photo from earlier, unknown year, late 70s or early 80s.
    6 points
  16. The Beast has been my favorite coaster ever since I first rode it in 2008. It made me into the coaster-loving enthusiast I am today. Happy 35th The Beast!
    5 points
  17. That's me with my hands up. This was either summer of 1999 or 2000, I can't remember for certain. I do remember that it was Cindy's (the girl next to me) first roller coaster! I really wish I could find my ORP from my first ride on The Beast in 1996. I looked like Cindy does in the picture above! An hour later, the ORP on Flight of Fear showed a very different story. My hands weren't up, but I was definitely smiling!
    5 points
  18. *Cant see out of Banshee Cam 2* *Crawls under rock* Wake me up then this is over please.
    5 points
  19. This one time, I went to the water park and got wet. Meeeeeeemorieeeeeees...
    5 points
  20. They look so comfortable. Kind of reminds me of a child's car seat.
    5 points
  21. https://www.cedarpoint.com/plan-a-visit/ohio-state-day Once again, the Friday before opening day CP will be open to OSU students and Alumni.
    5 points
  22. http://wakenationcincinnati.com/2014/02/new-aqua-glide-park/ Very, very cool! It's funny, I came to know the crew there in the first couple of years that the place was open and they had always joked that they had everything except The Blob from the Disney movie "Heavyweights." Looks like they finally got it!
    5 points
  23. Photos of the first train for Banshee being delivered have been posted on our Instagram page.
    5 points
  24. ^ Aw man, I just had my mouth open and everything.
    4 points
  25. Bodily fluids, dirt, bugs, and being worn out from wear and use See TTD, Corkscrew, or any other ride with an exposed restraint system
    4 points
  26. Could you speak up a little? I know, right? When it's not affected by weather, sometimes it looks like an eerie painting either by Van Gogh as you mentioned, or by my favorite artist, MC Escher. I wonder if someone has captured a few frames of the weather building up on the webcam... would make an interesting time lapse. I can't wait to see DavidW's time lapse for this week!
    4 points
  27. Losing the lake would have been less bad if the ride that we lost it for was actually anything special. Yes, I went there. Homestar92, feeling rather... studly.
    4 points
  28. DCFC0230 by ki_faerie_wench, on Flickr
    4 points
  29. Please post the link to the source for the photo as requested, multiple times. Thank you!
    4 points
  30. There's absolutely no reason to remove all those trees at the front of the park for a coaster that could easily go behind Banshee, Adventure Express, or Firehawk. Also, lines do not indicate popularity. Flight Deck almost never had a line, but that doesn't mean it was unpopular.
    4 points
  31. Yes, but if memory servers me correct, I thought all 3 trains were in the DB shed before they ever started testing.
    3 points
  32. Wait....is The Beast a terrorist?
    3 points
  33. I'm surprised that in this era of state of the art technology, that swimsuit manufacturers still would consider using rivets in the construction of them.
    3 points
  34. The current view from the Banshee cam of the ride from the tower looks like a Van Gogh painting of the ride.
    3 points
  35. Interesting concept....an upside down, inverted coaster.....no loose articles allowed....LOL!
    3 points
  36. When in the season did you ride Gatekeeper? It was mid June. I've heard they've made improvements, but I'm curious how well they did. the actually did a great job. The vest doesnt lock at all. Also, depending on where you sit, it actually enhances the ride experience a little bit especially in the front right on the wing over drop and the immleman. Hopefully Banshee will be some of the same. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  37. Yes many care about Kings Islands landscape as much as the Ride line up at the park. Losing the lake was a huge loss even for a great Ride.
    3 points
  38. ^ The vests adjust and lock into place to secure each rider. One of the functions of the belt is to limit the size of the occupant to ensure that the primary restraints work as designed. If it won't fasten, you can't ride.
    3 points
  39. It's tough to explain how they work. If memory serves, the top of the vest can pull out like a seat belt. It's similar to how the vest on Firehawk works in that regard.
    3 points
  40. The vehicles for the first of three trains for the new Banshee roller coaster were delivered today. The longest inverted roller coaster in the world makes its highly-anticipated debut April 18. (From KIs Facebook https://www.facebook.com/#!/photo.php?fbid=10152550870628368&set=a.226729858367.174830.155893938367&type=1&theater) Image courtesy of Kings Island`s Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=10152550870628368&set=a.226729858367.174830.155893938367&type=1&theater
    3 points
  41. @KIGMGREG on Twitter: "Maybe a sleigh would have been better in the snow but happy to receive our first #Banshee train!" Photo : Greg Scheid via Twitter
    3 points
  42. 3 points
  43. I rode in Oct. And the new restraints are very comfortable. I marathoned Wild Eagle in April...and not only did it kill my collarbone I had costochodritis for a few months. Not cool.
    2 points
  44. Totally just made my night. Last year was a blast.
    2 points
  45. When in the season did you ride Gatekeeper? It was mid June. I've heard they've made improvements, but I'm curious how well they did.
    2 points
  46. You definitely need to go to Busch Gardens Tampa. Don't let admission stop you from going. It's a very beautiful park and has a ton of killer attractions.
    2 points
  47. Superman? Really? (Sorry folks, inside joke. Carry on!) Flight of Fear? Really?
    2 points
  48. Parking lot: The Ride.
    2 points
  49. LOL, That makes sense. So does "Ship," with a slight, albeit hilarious typo involved in the delivery? Reminds me of when I once sent out an e-mail to the entire leadership team at the company I used to work for. The common, courteous exit salutation was "Regards." Unfortunately for me, the "g" button is pressed using the same finger as... "t". Legendary.
    2 points
  50. "@KingsIslandPR: First train for the new Banshee roller coaster arrived this morning." https://twitter.com/kingsislandpr/status/431100064161755138 Credit goes to @KingsIslandPR on Twitter. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
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