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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/01/2024 in all areas

  1. I wonder if KI can just Frankenstein a second Banshee train using the undamaged carts till the repairs are made for the time being. Haunt being a busy time of year it would be vital to regain some of the ride’s capacity, IMO.
    3 points
  2. I think you're gonna be hard-pressed to see Banshee operate with more than one train until a thorough investigation is complete. I'd even go so far as to speculate that Banshee won't regain a second (or third) train until 2025, or the very end of Haunt at the soonest. Gonna take a guess here that the PLC thought Valravn had one fewer train than it actually had. If it had one extra/a ghost train, I would expect that the PLC would have put an extra block between the train in the station and the train on the brakes and refused to advance the train on the brakes to the next available block. On an unrelated gripe: KI PR hasn't released any kind of statement about Banshee's collision, and I think that is the most aggravating and disheartening move possible in this scenario. People should not be learning about this incident from Reddit--you've got to get ahead of the story! Every single amusement park in the United States is operating in spite of a cultural narrative that they are unsafe and operated by dishonest people who cover up safety incidents to make a dollar. The minute you don't set the record straight and you let social media control the narrative, you lend credence to that idea--and if that idea grows too big, it WILL hurt the industry, and especially the park. The distance between Carowinds's communication on Fury 325's support crack and Kings Island's communication on the Banshee incidents is staggering. It almost feels like there's a Titanic-like hubris among KI's PR leader(s)...
    1 point
  3. They work during the day. Some activation points are on during tricks and treats, some are on during haunt only, and some are on for both. Many of them do different things during the day vs at night.
    1 point
  4. And design it in-house, since it worked so well last time!
    1 point
  5. Did the walk through of Madam Fatales Cavern of Horror today to see what all remains of tomb raider. It was a really fun experience! I must say after seeing everything that is still in there, wouldn't it be awesome to eventually have a rollercoaster or dark ride return to the building? Something like DarKoaster or Verboten would be amazing in there or of course a Vekoma Mad House would be a riot too.
    1 point
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