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Everything posted by Shaggy

  1. CP has installed a wooden wall around TTD. Rumor is they are beginning the process of removing the Grandstand.
  2. “As you know it…” ”Re-imagined…” I was fortunate to join the elusive “rollback” club about 5 or 6 years ago. Once I had that experience, I moved on. A fun ride, but it is time for change. It had a good run.
  3. My bad - you are absolutely correct
  4. I hope Jess Naderman will eventually (someday) fill a lead position at KI. She and I started on Beast crew together in 1999.... now she's the Director of Operations at Dorney. (Following stints as the Dir of Ops at Valleyfair, Asst GM at Schlitterbaun etc ) She's a gem, and going places. Id love for her to come full circle.
  5. The next two are up today…. Viking Fury and Winterfest ‘82. They seem to be following the KI timeline with the pin releases.
  6. Sounds similar to the SOB accident - ledgers breaking. I hope all those injured recover!
  7. Glad you had a good time! I really enjoy this park. I first went as a part of an 8-day/10-park trip back around 2001 when Superman was still new. I FLIPPED over it and it easily took my top steel spot where it has remained ever since. I re-rode it as recently as July 2018, and it still remains at the top. The park is very Six Flags at this point. But it still have several charming pieces/holdovers from its heyday as Riverside... the carousel and Thunderbolt are maintained very well and are the two most charming rides in the park. Here's a pic from my first visit in 2001... It sure is a beauty...
  8. I love the throwback to the old Swarzkopf! Kudos to them!
  9. My predictions... CoW - Area re-theme with flat ride package WOF - Hybrid CP -Pavillion with family coaster & flats KI & CW - Planet Snoopy makeovers/expansions
  10. Don't waste your punctuation.
  11. Actually, the new pins are for The Demon and Lion Country Safari.. The other pins produced prior were for Wild Animal Habitat and The Screamin Demon. Remember, (Screamin) Demon had 2 logos - "Screamin" was dropped in 1983 to better align its name with the other coasters. Lion Country Safari was the name that pre-dated Wild Animal Habitat from 1974-1976. Its a subtle - but noteworthy difference. I'm glad someone in merch is being savvy and knows the history/difference.
  12. Good Lord KI is killing my wallet this season! The merch is simply the best its been in 30 years... Now they need to sell maquettes of the Phantom Theater characters. Those would blow my mind...
  13. I want KI to implement it. I witnessed a situation with a large group of “teens” when I was at KI on a Sat night about a month ago… let’s just say it was like watching a storm brew… then all heck broke loose. Thank God security and Mason police were quick to act - but it was literally terrifying to watch. I may be saying too much, but there’s something odd going on in general. Places like parks and malls etc are the new targets of trouble-makers of a certain dynamic. Until drastic measures are taken to ensure that they cannot attend in groups/congregate, they will keep trying to lay claim/ownership as part of their turf war.
  14. Puppet Tree. Beastie. Screamin Demon. Guilliver's. Zodiac. WWC. KCKC. Eagles. Fascination Parlor.
  15. FYI - If you haven't taken the time to walk through, do so. At some point they'll probably close it in order to prep for Haunt and WF. I hope they keep/bring back the signage next season... obviously the pavers will stay.
  16. Im glad someone else remembers the "snakes"... essentially garden hoses gone crazy. That was always a funny part to me.
  17. I have not. I'd like to - its been way too long. I believe Shockwave has nearly faced the wrecking ball a few times, but managed to survive. I too worry because at some point cost outweighs worth.
  18. SDL is highly HIGHLY underrated IMO. A Schwarzkopf gem. I haven't been to Hershey for nearly 20 years (I was supposed to go to the ACE Con there last year - but concerns over Covid deterred that), so I hope they are maintaining it well. I'm a sucker for those original Schwarzkopf full-circuit loopers - my top 10 steel also includes Mindbender at SFOG and Shockwave at SFOT.
  19. There was once a long-standing rumor that the park was considering "flipping" the main entrance to the back-side. It never came to be, of course, but the idea was you'd enter in the Midway America area and the current entrance area would become the back end of the park. Obviously things worked out for the best - they eventually got a much improved/expanded entrance area and were able to acquire the old golf course area - hence Candymonium. But back in the day, the park grew to a point that the original entrance area was a terrible bottleneck. Fun fact - Hersheypark originally had an Intamin Double-arm ferris wheel right inside the original main entrance. It was just like Kings Island's Zodiac but Hershey's Giant wheel predated the KI one by a few years. When KI expanded Coney Mall, they used pictures of Hershey's Giant Wheel for promotional purposes. (you can tell because the Hershey wheel had the unique pinwheel logo in the center of each wheel.) I first went to Hersheypark in 1984. The park was only about 1/3 the size that it is now. The Comet still used its original trains and had hand-brakes. I also seem to recall that it might have had a 2-point unload/load process where you exited the train in the curved part of the station - then a ride op sent the train forward where it loaded. The Superdooperlooper was the "big" coaster in the park (there were only 3 then.) I was obsessed with the SuperDooperLooper - and must have ridden it a dozen times that first visit. I still love that coaster and it holds a special place for me.
  20. The Wildcat is long overdue for a rehab. It was already rough by its 2nd or 3rd season - and that was over 25 years ago. They did replace the trains sometime in the past 10-15 years or so with millennium flyers, I think that helped a bit. (I havent ridden since that change was made) But man oh man was that thing rough with the original PTC's. If this is a hybrid conversion, it will be a wonderful change. The underrated wooden gem in that park, however, is Lightning Racer. I love that ride, and boy is it beautiful to look at and fun to ride.
  21. I'm a very mild-mannered kind of guy. However, I nearly got in a physical-fight with a young punk at SFGAM a few years back. He proceeded to "attempt" to film his ride on Goliath by holding his phone in his hands above his head... and he was in the seat directly in front of me. If you've not ridden Goliath, its not a mild coaster by any stretch of the imagination.... as we went up the lift, I said to him (loudly) "put the phone away" - but he refused. He then proceeded to get tossed all over the place losing control of his arms and phone during the ride. I managed to not get hit - narrowly. By the time we hit the brake run, I was so angry that I reached forward and grabbed the hood of his sweatshirt and pulled as hard as I could. By the time the train reached the station we were in a full-out verbal fight. He was COMPLETELY oblivious to anything other than his own desire to video/stream that ride..... and could not, in any way, understand that he put others (me) in danger. He was a complete punk about it. Once we were out of the train, he quickly realized I was about twice his size and I wasn't backing down. So he proceeded to exit the ride as quickly as he could - scampering away into the crowd. His GF, however, apologized to me. My point is NOT that anyone should physically take matters into their hands like I did (that was wrong.) Its to cite an exact example of how, too often, the ones filming have a "superior" mentality. Until they are "awakended" to the fact that what they are doing is literally ignorant - and dangerous - then they're oblivious to the safety and welfare of others.
  22. I visited CGA about 20 years ago. My first, and only, time (so far) seeing the park in person. I knew that it was surrounded by corporate buildings, but I was still shocked at just how shoe-horned it was. It is literally surrounded on 3 sides by an office park, and then a residential area on the other. It was obvious then that the park had no where to grow. Frankly, its a wonder this hasn't happened sooner. Its always fought battle after battle due to its location - especially with the 49'ers stadium adjacent. I hate to see the loss of a long-standing park, but can also understand how it makes financial sense. That land is like sitting on gold. I cant imagine that the 49'ers will not have some say as to how much developing the new land owners can do... they share the parking lot with PGA. P.S. - Count me on the side of not wanting any cast-off rides from CGA relocated to KI. I'd rather see them go to other parks. That having been said - send their flyers to Carowinds, and bring our Eagles back. Now THAT would make me happy.
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