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Everything posted by flightoffear1996

  1. Well, then again PKI hasnt built much to get much more than the locals to the park
  2. Wrong the I heard the Air Time on Hyper Sonic was great at the top of that hill
  3. Sounds good for the park. Hopefully they will use that extra money to build a mega coaster
  4. What ride are you looking forward to ride first in the 04 season. Im hoping to ride Drop Zone first.
  5. You could just tell them I didnt mean it sorry.
  6. I m kinda into build custom models. I made around 3 or 4 complete ones mine arent that great since im limited to 3 sets. here is another great link to some custom coasters http://www.bgtguide.com/~sscoasters/
  7. I hope itss not true and I dont know why the bann it. I dont see how it damages the cables.
  8. What about the sidewinder prototype coaster?!?!!
  9. I would like to see a Flier and if it was a custom one not like superman it would bring alot of people to the park
  10. The coaster will come rember TR:TR SOB FACE/OFF and Drop Zone all osted alot of money give pki some time to recover from the expensises.
  11. They should add a thing like Nickeloden had with all the game shows. I know they used to have one but i forget what it was called and I got to go on stage and play one of the game
  12. I pick the Son of Beast doesnt bother me to me its only jerky in one spot and that is the incline after the first drop and the turn on top of that hill is a little jerky the rest of the ride is great
  13. I think MF is too short but then again if your going that fast 8000 feet (im not sure if that what it is i pulled the number out of my head) track wont take long if your going 70 the whole ride :medieval:
  14. IT would also help if people threw stuff in the gargage can. I see people all the time throwing stuff on the ground or making a mess of The Racer tunnel. It just really :censored: me off. I just wish that pki would put more money into the rides and themeing and the guest take care of the park cleaniness
  15. 10.sleep 9school 8shovel snow 7hang out with friends 6,movies 5,video game 4sleep 3sleep 2sleep 1.sleep
  16. looks like they are making good time but im sure there is still alot of work to be done and one bad snow storm could put them behind scheldue
  17. Also impluse were not around when pki built face/off and impluse need more land that you think cause they need a huge straight away
  18. The reason why pki more than likey put a boomerang in was to save on land
  19. Ummm... Maybe they pay the bills. It takes alot of money to run a theme park
  20. I like boomerangs but they arent worth the wait. I think that PKI has plenty of money and a year when they do a small thing for a new ride they should add a transfree track. O well wish thinking i guess
  21. The cars only takes a second to trasfer and paramount has billions of dollars so why not spend it on something.
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