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Everything posted by flightoffear1996

  1. That was a great picture. Was flight command popular? And if it was why did the just change the harness to fit better?
  2. Yeah that would be cool inforntaly I cant make it sunday but im going saturday. I never like going on sundays anyway because you have school the next day and the park just isnt the same on a sunday
  3. So you only rotate around the pole once because i think I rember it roating all the way up the pole.
  4. Thats is way I dont like digital cameras you cant take picutres why you are in motion.
  5. I maily went to PKI today to get my 04 pass. There was no line for the picture or the papers you had to fill out. Once I was in the park I heard Drop Zone calling my name around q 45 min wait. After that I was hooked. I went to Deluium and then headed The Racers. I rode this with my dad and he hasnt been on a coaster since the 01 season and he had a blast. After that we rode The Beast and my dad at the end he said whoa that was hauling a$s. Then rode the train. After the train we rode Scbooy doo my mom and sister wanted to see what it was like since they were never on it. Most line were around a 30 minutesand it was a good day to spend at the park for a few hours
  6. I would like to say a new coaster of recorder breaking porptions but I can see PKI doing that with the huge boomerrang bay. How come other paramount park get a huge flyier with 8 inversions and we get a new water park?
  7. Really PKI doesnt have any local compation. SSKK doesnt scale to pki and Cedar Point is too far away for a 1 day trip (at least for me) so i condser it not local
  8. Why was flight commander tooen out i really wanted to ride that but i was to scared but now i got the guts to ride it i cant
  9. Any one notice the new reply button? Anyway even it The Vortex were sinking there is sometimes ways to stop the sinking
  10. Yes you do my ear still hurts from that day. I will always reget sitting next to you on the Viking Ship. I think I lost 10 years of my hearing that day. I normally dont scream, but I yell stuff when Im with my friends
  11. If PKI were to get rid of The Vortex Im sure they wouldnt replace with a Flier for the main fact then PKI wouldnt have a normal steel coaster. I really wish paramount didnt own Kings Island. O well
  12. Nice pics! you know how fast it went or how high it went
  13. One thing I hope they fix is line capcity. The old water works always had lines no matter what day you go on. Me not a big fan of water stuff I would be willing to try the new things with out the long lines.
  14. I have been unseccuful in searching on the internet so if anyone knows any history beside the person that died or has any pics of it please let me know. I would love to see what it look like since I cant really rember what it look liked.
  15. My prediction if you dont like lines I would call the season for pki this year lines will be packed
  16. You forgot me too even though I didnt do to much talking
  17. I hate to say it but TTD is a bunch of BS. Lauched coasters are a toatly different concept that a chain/cable lift coaster there for shouldnt be counted as the world tallest. In my mind Steel Dragon is the tallest. I have been on TTD and it not as great as CP makes it sound
  18. They start the inception early in the moring around 6 or so
  19. I argee with you and it is sad. parks are it for money and not about the guest happiness. Well i guess the could lower prices on food/games or at least build us a long need rollercoaster
  20. I guess it was just me since I havnt rode it in awhile.
  21. I was also there till closing just not wiht the group maily ride AR many times in a row cause my friend doesnt like coasters. It was a great time even thought it was packed. :cowboy:
  22. I would say it is wwc at least it seems that way to me. On TG you counting the part of the que under the station or just until it gets all the way back to thte ride.
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