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Everything posted by flightoffear1996

  1. The cars only takes a second to trasfer and paramount has billions of dollars so why not spend it on something.
  2. Do you think the water park will have later hours insteed of the early 8 pm closing also do you think it will be open a little earlyier and closed a little later in the season? This is my 200th post!!!!!!! Yippie
  3. Well one think I know is that it is too short and has long lines but it is a fun ride. I dont know but maybe they should have made face/off a dueling coaster.
  4. there is no need to that was for the line but now pki doesnt put ride in that would draw all that attenion errrrrrrr.
  5. I dont think they can fix it its just a poor desgin but its still a great ride. I just wish that it would be longer. The train is still going 40-45 mph toward the end
  6. Sorry to say but those arctiles make pki cheap a :censored: :censored:
  7. They probaly took it out because of the money. The got have a zambomine, workers, the skaters, the cost to keep the ice cold enough
  8. TTd is the the dumest ride that revices alot of attention. I got to ride it and its not all that great besides the launch. CP is now out of land and that was the oonly thing that would fit. And hyrodlic launch was needed to the train up to speed faster but that doesnt always work with the fall backs. The launch was probaly the most expensive part to build and it allways breaks down. sorry if that was off topic i just felt the need to say that
  9. Yes they probaly would but I think it would be worth it to save the guest from waiting in line hour it probaly bring the line down to 20 minutes for a 11/2 ride
  10. I hope it wont be an intmen. I hoping for a Vekma
  11. Yes it is in SFOT that is where i got the idea from. I really wish pki would do that to faceoff
  12. This probably won't get any replies, but for everyone's info, Face/Off could have two trains, and this is how. By using a transfer track while people are on the ride, train one could be on the ride while people were loading on the train. Once train one was done going through the track, the transfer track would move and the next train would be ready to go. I think this would cut down the line time, even though I know PKI will not do this. It is possible to have two trains on Face/Off at the same time.
  13. Im not making this a poll because there is too many small flats. My favorate is the monster i dont know if that is what the name is but i always call it that. The black ride that takes forever to load that is bye The Racers. I love that ride it gets some good air time and it seems like its long
  14. Backwards. I like the drop on backwards it feels different
  15. Umm Im fat so i dont spend much time in the water park. Anyway i would ride Tazmainian Typhoon first providing the line was short
  16. I would consider it a renovation. They only added a ride. a renoation would be like re paving footpaths paiting buildings planting more plants ect ect.
  17. My fav, Flat dropzone You wait in line as you can here drop zones breaks vrrroooooomm. I love that sound. As my turn to ride comes alongs my heart used to race but now as I got used to the ride it no longer scares me. I board the ride and close my restrait. Sometimes the operator checks it other times not as the claw grabs the car away the car goes slowy rotating up the pole and raising. As we near the drop people begin to wonder why the rode this. Then all the sudden the car drops and you get the best airtime ever. The breaks slow you down and im shaken after the ride stops. That is why drop zone is my fav. flat
  18. I argee but i sure do miss Carl as being the park owner
  19. The worst move bye KI was to let paramount bye them out. SOB was a great purcahse and the only bad spot for me any is at the top of the second hill going into the big helix. The park can only do so much to try and fix the problem otherwise they woudl have to change the strutare
  20. I would say all of Action Zone Specaily Dropzone and Face/off were the best. The rides arent really all that new and still hold a pretty long line
  21. How is the sand volleyball gonna work? Like is it gonna be free. DO you have to pay? How long do you get to play.
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