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Everything posted by flightoffear1996

  1. I say none I dont see TG getting revomed within the 10 years
  2. Doesnt look like they have done much but recive parts but then again it doesnt have to be done by the parks opens Im sure they no what they are doing
  3. Do you think boomerang bay open earlier and close later date wise and time wise? I thinkl so due to the fact that this is their main attaration for 04 and they need to depend on that to bring in people.
  4. How much will gold pass upgrade be. I got my pass but my parents hardly ever go and my parents didnt want to pay 20 bucks so i could enjoy a gold pass
  5. Not inversions they are flips there is a difference. Anyway I hope to see a new program for TR;TR but you know what that means. More than likey it means more breakdowns
  6. A tunnel on the SOB. One of the reason why The Beast is so great is all the tunnels and why name a ride after another ride that is nothing alike cept the helixs. SOB is a great ride but need a more suitable name. Even though i know that is not going to happen Id like to see that. A ride over a lake! that got a lake by the larosas in river towe. That would make a great spot for a new flat or coaster
  7. Yea sure but the park with the most money wins land isnt really an issue with flat rides
  8. WHy on a Friday?? I got school all i can say is :censored:
  9. sorry about the double post but i was wording did they ever find out why that person died on a ride like DZ
  10. I like action better for the rides and there is more sounds. River town sounds dead too me IMO. I just like Drop Zone so so so much.
  11. True but I still think that DZ at pki is the better of them. The one that tilts is only like 200 feet. and the had a video and you only drop for like 2 seconds. I think that the DZ at PKI is the most exmtreme free fall in the midwest. Even though it can get boring after 35 times in one season
  12. Cool, you should have added music, maybe for the second one.
  13. Id say new TR;TR program but then agian if it is a huge huge coaster like we pki fans have been waiting for it will take awhile to get it ready for 05 who knows
  14. I think this is what they do i saw this on a video making of steel dragon 2000. I think that they have the metal pre rusted and the spray the rust off with a high powered water. I think this actually keeps the ride from rusting. Im not sure though
  15. PKI is better due to the color scheme
  16. Hopefully its more intenense because it is kinda weak now lewts wait and see
  17. I dont know if this is true but I heard that PKI is the only theme park that went up in attenedce
  18. Id be will to pay alot of money for one of the old KC cars man wouldnt that be great to have a rollercoater car. Anyway I plan on making a recreation of the KC out of Knex starting tom.
  19. I was thinking about going into the same thing. Thanks for the info.
  20. I dont pay attention to music or sounds when im on rides i always try to listen for DZ breaks when i ride it but i can never hear them i dont know why. Any way I think they should play like a drums
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