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Klabergian Empire

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Everything posted by Klabergian Empire

  1. Replacing Bob with Bob. The Mouse sure can really be intriguing! lol
  2. All I can say is it certainly will be interesting how this all plays out. Will it affect the theme park business? It seem to already be a reality for parks in Asia. Here in America, it really depends. It will depend on how bad the virus affects the people and what steps parks can take to step up hygiene for visitors. When I said "steps parks can take to step up hygiene for visitors", what I specifically meant was will parks provide resources for hygiene like hand sanitizing stations or just something to people who visit the park so people have that option to reduce the risk of infection and/or spreading the virus. All we can really do now besides speculate is watch the progress of this new virus and put faith in scientists developing a vaccine. And of course, practice good hygiene whenever possible!
  3. The Mouse is feeling the burn now!!! lol I really shouldn't joke about that....
  4. Ok these really clear things up! I kinda knew that, but I guess I took it in a different way. Thanks!
  5. I agree Kings Island doesn't need a giant ferris wheel, since Cincinnati kinda has one. But a small one returning to Oktoberfest would be amazing!
  6. I would imagine sanitation at parks would increase at the minimum.
  7. I have to disagree with you there. If you remember, Kings Island had a ferris wheel in Oktoberfest awhile back, and Kings Island needs some more family rides in that general area of the park. So a ferris wheel would be a great addition. But I do agree we need a replacement for Vortex.
  8. Troika huh? If that's the case, I hope theming improves throughout that stretch to reflect on the Rivertown theme Yeah....I don't think "Troika" is being annexed by Rivertown. Unless, you know, they move it there...
  9. Geezers this is a hard one... I think first I will recap what we have: - Peanuts themed kid land - Rivertown...is a bit mixed but I for the most part think Rivertown centers around a western theme/wilderness theme. Coney Mall- Pretty much (not as much anymore) the Coney Strip. Area 72- Space themed with space themed tech. Oktoberfest- Supposedly celebrating Cincinnati's German heritage, but the only real German themes there are the Festhaus and Viking fury. Definite need of more themeing and rides especially. Action Zone- Not exactly sure what to say here. To me, Action Zone is a miscellaneous area the park stuck rides that they couldn't theme to other areas (not saying thats what they did, but its in definite need of a clean up). International Street- I think y'all know whats up here lol As far as new theming, this gets tough because there isnt a whole lot of options they can really do here. I don't see PS, RT, CM, A72, or IS going anywhere since the theming is spot on in those areas. I could sadly see Oktoberfest go (which I really don't what to happen) since it is pretty much the most neglected area of the park (haven't gotten a new ride since Sling Shot, most of the theming isn't there; You guys know the drill). I think we can all agree the most likely area in the park to receive a re theme is Action Zone. I would imagine if Action Zone was re themed, it would probably be centered around a haunted theme. I say this because I highly doubt Kings Island is going to completely re theme Banshee into something else and will instead theme everything else around it to a haunted theme. Banshee is ready to go with a haunted theme as well as The Bat. If they were to re theme, they would have to re theme Drop Tower, X-treme SkyFlyer, and Delirium. I really do feel that Invertigo would be removed in that process and Congo Falls relocated in the process. With the new room, they could add a new coaster and add a food stand and a game or two there. Just my thoughts.
  10. MY THOUGHTS EXACTLY!!!!!! And for those wanting for a return of the Kings Island Inn, just have them buy Great Wolf Lodge. Its quite literally next door and it can be used year round AND its already built.
  11. I feel like if Vortex was resurrected as a Giga coaster, its name would be "Gigatex" lol Don't know why I felt like saying this, just figured people needed something to smile to considering today's developments.
  12. Well, Vortex is officially down. Wonder if we will get a video from the park...
  13. Sure! As a reminder, the poll to vote for the name of the coaster closes at noon this Sunday, so vote while you can if you haven't voted. For the coaster itself, construction has not started yet. Construction is going to start at the end of May/ beginning of June and will be completed sometime in June. The concept is all worked out, its just a matter of time.
  14. #TeamLittleBill'sGigaCoaster

  15. In that case, we have two options: 1. We create a Vortex simulator to replecate the feeling of the ride and 360 VR headset for visual; or 2. We buy a butt-ton of steel, get a few welders together, and we rebuild that son-of-a-gun! lol
  16. In fact, I remember talking to someone who is part of Ohio's first task force for emergencies/ rescue operations (forget what its called) and they go to Kings Island and use the tower to climb on and to zip line down to in front of BLST. The gentleman even showed me photos of in and it looked like a blast! But they were doing it for training purposes.
  17. I wouldn't say that. Physically, pretty much unless they plan to sell sections in the Emporium; but Vortex will always be in our memories and in YouTube POV's and reviews. EDIT: I know this sounds cheese as heck, but its pretty much the truth.
  18. That wire is still on the Eiffel Tower.
  19. Im pretty sure they filled the rails instead of the box beam on Orion, while on Fury 325 has the box beam filled instead of the rails.
  20. Really??? I haven't seen it. I looked at the webcams and for me its hard to tell.
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