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Everything posted by JonahWilliamson

  1. Bengals win superbowl Andy Dalton "Im going to Kings Island" *misses*
  2. When i get home from work im selling my Cedar Fair shares. Drop that stock price shoooo six flags
  3. IF this happens. Sixflags will Kill of The Beast. They will downright introduce us to the demise of The Beast. Michigans adventure. nah thats La Ronde 2.0 but we wont maintain our coasters as well
  4. I have been to two six flags parks.... it only took me the first hour in the first one i visited to realize how much i love Cedar Fair. A deal like this would CHANGE EVERY ASPECT bye. Tony. Bye. Don Bye. Simple dinning plan. Bye. Good maintance of coasters, park, landscape. Hellllloooooo One train ops
  5. What does this mean? This is just economical stuff right? It wont effect the parks?
  6. I can see it now. "Ride on the wings of the falcon on the outside of the track!" "Rotate 8 time cause falcons do that at six flags" The only thing confirmed for this park is that Six flags does bigger lines of Coke then I thought.
  7. I wish they would move mystic cam pointing out into rivertown facing Diamondbacks splash that would be a cool angle
  8. I wish they moved theirs as much as Cedar Point. Its literally just a slight move and leave it for a week. We havent seen a snoopy cam, waterpark cam would be cool. I really want a drop zone or Invertigo... (parking lot view to see how crowded)
  9. Are we positive they are tearing it down this season yet? And actually will be exciting if they move Diamondback cam. I love it but imagine WindSeeker the back half of orion and new construction of a coaster. Cons: I wont be able to tell how long Diamondbacks line is... and we lost Banshee cams so i cant make my late park decisions based on webcam lines, does anyone else do this?
  10. Lets hope KI recent trends continue and better upgrades continue.
  11. Viper at Darien Lake is a very very smooth Arrow. Ive ridden Vortex alot and Ive ridden Viper many many times and I would rather ride that then Vortex. BUT. Vortex is a giant, historic roller coaster. I've always dreamed about that plot of land but guess I never put together how shocking a Vortex closure would be.
  12. Launch and go into a top hat with a holding break. or just launch into a longer out and back layout full of Rolls and hills.
  13. Just curious is it possible to launch a B&M dive train. Can that be my vote? Launch B&M Dive Coming to Kings Island in 2069
  14. Funny im responding to you. Ha Im looking at the SOB removal forum and you are in there alot. Also Rip the Bengals season. RIP our O-Line Rip Andy since we have no o-line
  15. I doubt it as the backlash with Orion was heavy. And floorless records arent anywhere near insane. I bet if King Island were to go the floorless route it will be decent
  16. Whens the next podcast? How do we do more frequent pod casts? Is there a person who does them? I have all the equipment to do a really really good sounding podcast. I would love to do a coaster related one. But would need at least two more people to have on and talk with. Idk if anyone would be down or if you mods would want to get something rolling again but id love it.
  17. Anyone gonna be at at Kings Island on Friday? Thinking about coming down from New York for Vortex goodbyes lol
  18. Yea wicked twister wont see another park. Especially with the Removal of KD's Inverted Impulse. Like Vortex, those will be leaving eventually
  19. Am I the only one who wants a B&M sitdown looper. Dethrone Kumba. And give us a 90 degree drop
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