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Everything posted by RedSummit20

  1. very detailed whos your source? and how did you know?
  2. Mike never said that at the 50th birthday! He's not going anywhere anytime soon!
  3. hate to break it to ya, as much as we all want a new ride for 23, i dont think its happening, which is okay, also this sign has been there for a few years lol
  4. Check out the new coasters at Worlds of fun! Heres the POV
  5. lol thats all the fun tv's where have you been?
  6. I cant find the August ERT lineup on the website. Will Orion be on there?
  7. No the operator can hit people there. I use to work there lol
  8. Hey John is a Coaster lover like we all are, his stories are always interesting, and hes not a "crime reporter" lol
  9. well if i were you i would stay off fb, and im not the fool here. .
  10. I love the photos, is there any way to make them bigger, when i try to zoom in on chrome they are all blurry..thanks for keeping the history alive!
  11. I was there, but everyone post stuff on social media now days. Websites are just becoming a thing of the past for things like this, its sad but true. Coasterstock was a blast though!
  12. Im curious how many people get their phones out, log into the site and look at this thread to see the wait times lol. Ive always wondered? I know i dont. But just wondering if others do.
  13. Old story i found on Rivertown at Ki https://www.themerica.org/blog/2019/02/24/kings-island-03
  14. nice tips, i would say most people on here though have season passes
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