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Everything posted by Coasterteam

  1. Hi, I'm working on another Kings Island related project and I'm collecting up a bunch of ride statistics for it. I have found most of what I am looking for but have been unable to find information regarding these two entries: 1. Congo Falls Hourly Capacity (or average dispatches per hour would work too) 2. Antique Autos Total Number Vehicles (or average on the track at once) Hourly Capacity Tried looking on YouTube for off-rides of Congo Falls and they aren't long enough for 2 cycles or skip time between cycles, my best guess would be 600-1000 pph. I would imagine the capacity of KMAA to be rather low; 100-300 sounds reasonable. Antique Autos is too hard to keep track of all the vehicles through videos as they tend to skip around time wise and/or don't show the vehicles. I have dug through KICentrals ride information pages, ride wiki pages, coaster forums, and youtube videos on these but I can't get find any concrete answer. If anyone has any information on these I would greatly appreciate it!
  2. *puppy eyes* please Xtreme Spinner *puppy eyes*
  3. separate from the announcement, thank you IndyGuy4KI for merging the thread over to a new one from the original teaser discussion thread
  4. It looks like they're going for the two-row seating instead of the single row based on the concept art; will help with capacity if that's the case.
  5. I wanna note the name of the tea cup rides lore company, "Arrow Cargo Company"....
  6. I absolutely love this!!!!! I rarely ever went over to the Oktoberfest section of the park whenever I visited. I'll have to go over now.
  7. OH, NEW IN 2023: ADVENTURE PORT https://www.visitkingsisland.com/new-in-2023
  8. A lot of people think it's going to be announced at 10 AM Eastern, so we'll find out if they're right in under 2 minutes update: 10:01am, they were wrong!!! UPDATE: 10:05 THEY WERE RIGHT
  9. I'm gonna stand by the year-round calendar, pretty confident it'll be that. Unless that NOC from earlier last month is actually an indicator of something, this'll be interesting. If something major does get announced like a new ride it'd be very surprising given the lack of any media hype surrounding it until the last minute.
  10. inb4 the post tomorrow is like "new bathrooms in 2023!!!"
  11. Yeah, don't see any new major capital investments being added in 2023 as they would've been announced during all the other parks announcements.
  12. WHAT Edit: Doesn't say whether it's a capital investment or not; title is sorta misleading
  13. Oh boy I’m looking towards my expanded pass perks rewards so I can raise my 20% discount on a small order to a solid 50% discount and save a few dollars!!!! The only “expanded” perks I thought of would be something like “here’s a free meal entree on us” or “take a another free single use Fast Lane”, maybe “free funpix photo”
  14. All I can say is once there are odd posters near Vortex you can bet the rumors will start to run absolutely wild when these posters will appear is obviously still up for debate
  15. Curious how busy today is gonna be.
  16. I saw this thread at the home page and thought “oh my god are they bringing it back???” Nice job finding the music!
  17. They mentioned that often times when they remove a ride they have an idea what’s gonna go there next. With Vortex there was nothing on the table. Take that with the pandemic and an average length of 2 years from concept to open, it will be a while.
  18. If you consider service life to be 30 years, then a few current coasters will be reaching that within 5-10 years. Estimated 30ish year service life Not including Racer/Beast, both have gotten a lot of track work recently and remain very popular. This is applying to steel coasters. Adventure Express - 2031 (not very intense might be a 40 year lifespan) (1991) <9 years (The) Bat - 2023 (1993) <1 year - (hopefully it’ll be serviced longer!) FoF - 2026 (1996) <4 years Invertigo - 2029 (1999) <7 years — not for a while haha — Backlot - 2005 (2035) >10 years Diamondback - 2039 (2009) >10 years etc these are not hard dates nor anything to really go by but it’s put into perspective what the park has to decide when it comes to a ride reaching its end of life and deciding whether to remove it or redo it. Bat still is pretty popular and they seem to have an interest in repairing it, unlikely it will be removed in the next 5 years. FoF/Invertigo are up for debate; still popular but low capacity.
  19. SoB station demolition would be the final goodbye but could spark the beginning of a revamped Action Zone. A phase 2 of Beast trackwork... will be keeping an eye on Beast in the off-season/winterfest to see if anything starts up; if not then thats fine too
  20. Could they be on the list if they're just replacing steel track? Would be interested in seeing some parts of Diamondback get new track put in like the rough patch before the trim brake. A lot of people think we could see a Vortex replacement as early as 2024, but I'm more towards 2025/2026 since everything was pushed back a year or two after the pandemic. If we are getting something in 2024, we would likely start seeing teasers early into the next season.
  21. Swear some of those people have automatic bots to practically check for new park related documents for them Also don't think the park would purposefully lie on their city documents to annoy some random enthusiasts.
  22. Kings Island is often considered chained by Cedar Point. Some can argue that the park is already better than Cedar Point in terms of employees, operations, and atmosphere. (I certainly prefer KI over Cedar Point, it's too much of a tourist attraction for me and needs to regain a lot of its lost rider capacity) Since SoB Kings Island leadership have stuck to those 5 points you have made. So far they're pretty good at keeping to those points. An RMC would be risky since capacity can be an issue as well as reliability; i.e. Steel Vengeance has a lot of issues. RMC did learn a lot from that and they seem to be doing better. Intensity is up for debate but it would easily be the most intense coaster at the park; which would risk another point. Seeing a ground up RMC is very unlikely but a scaled down version could be an option if CF still wants to work with them. A B&M and GCI would check off all these points. A new Mack could have good capacity, Copperhead has an estimated 1200/hour capacity. Not sure how well it actually hits that. I have not heard of Copperhead or Time traveler being unreliable. The intensity is not on a level of intimidator 305. The fact few extreme spinners exist right now could make the ride seem more of a concept and risky in the complexity point. Might be too much of a crowd drawer since the only one currently in the US is in SDC. One thing people often miss is how Cedar Fair is starting to really head in the "nostalgia" direction. Could we see a modernization of a former ride come back? New B&M standup? Something like Bavarian Beetle? Some old flats come back?
  23. They mentioned it being a goal for next year; so that can be taken different ways. Hoping it does though! Seeing Baynum on the list is very good and makes it more likely it'll happen!
  24. I mentioned this earlier in the reddit thread that popped up for this document. If we saw companies like Gerstlauer, RMC or Mack on this then speculation would begin to run rampant. While I'd love to see a Vortex replacement soon, this is likely just additional trackwork and/or parts for current rides. Either way as I've said before, time will tell!
  25. I've been speculating a second phase of Beast work for a while now; so it's very interesting to see their name noted down. I don't know what would make a company appear on this document, whether that just be general talk between them and Kings Island or actual work being done with them, it's still intriguing. If we do get more trackwork on Beast, it'd likely be focused on finishing the Helix structure redesign and/or some spots after the midcourse tunnel and before the second lift. I still can believe the park might wanna get the track/structure to a point where it can handle reduced trims at the same wear. They have not said this so this could be completely wrong. Nonetheless any trackwork is beneficial. For all we know this could just be general off-season maintenance with a bunch of companies. Time will tell what happens, so we'll keep our eyes out especially at WinterFest.
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