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Everything posted by Orion-XL200

  1. I would reroute the Fast Lane entrance to Beast. It's just not wide enough to have people walking to and from the ride.
  2. I would have not added it. Kept the trail for haunt.
  3. Its a Friday, couldn't expect KI Comms to be out amoung the public....or maybe they thought it was already over since the news article was in past tense. Lol
  4. Would never happen. Too easily caught in error that way.
  5. You'll notice the midways being less clean....they've stopped running the water truck (which sprays midways in the morning to get all the gunk off) everyday and are doing it every other day. Likely will go to every 3 days or less.
  6. I believe FunTV is a corporate team and not in park comms.
  7. It probably was more like the person who signed off said "Oh, I didn't know we had that ride in the waterpark...I should ride it sometime!"
  8. I wonder if Wonder Mountain's Guardian and/or Vortex would either need to be removed or modified.
  9. We call that "artistic freedom." Haha, I didn't even pay attention to that initially.
  10. From what I have heard, the theme for Orion was supposed to be a little different, but a certain someone pushed for the meteor aspect/theme.
  11. This happened around 2 today...while mostly okay...apparently there is no proofreading before hitting send. Once corrected, they deleted the tweet and resubmitted. Such a sentence crafter we have there.
  12. Potentially...doesn't hurt that the support was manufactured within 10 hours of the park.
  13. I just have a feeling it's going to get even more complicated when people already don't understand the pass they have and what add ons they have. "Does my Kings Island Gold Pass get me discount tickets to Cedar Point?" "Does my Kings Island Gold Pass let me park for free at Cedar Point?" Pair that with the terrible rollout of the Prestige Pass for this season...conflicting information everywhere about what exactly the perks were and where they could be used. But hey...infused water.
  14. I'm not in the Cincinnati region...but had heard there was only one or two stations there....used to be well covered by many stations.
  15. https://www.facebook.com/visitkingsisland/posts/pfbid032sjqPpXxMhEu4ZzGWqwi8xsqamWR455UFLWhHJysuRKjSboS3uuEhiTN3uYTsSKql?notif_id=1689550140003273&notif_t=notify_me_page&ref=notif Just saw this posted around 7pm. Wouldn't you think this would be a bigger deal and would include news stations coming in for coverage? Would do wonders for the organization!
  16. I've had passes for Kings Island for years and never received the flyer. Where were the updates from the park when Adventure Port was not ready? There were a lot of angry people opening weekend and on until the rides opened. Park was radio silent on it...that is a Chad thing. He didn't communicate. He was too busy tweeting to other parks saying that their rides looked like fun. Who does that? Failure to communicate. __________ There are definitely budget cuts going around. Look at the ride platforms...Diamondback - sometimes has 3 or 4 ride ops on the platform, when it is designed to run with 6. There was to be an additional Peanuts show this year....employees found out a few weeks before opening that it would not be happening due to budget cuts.
  17. He literally sucks at communicating, which is bad for a communications director. So odd that until recently when he was called out for not being out in the park he all of the sudden is able to be seen in the park. Grain and Grill opening at 4 pm. He left the park at 130 pm. No coverage or even a post showing the excitement of a new restaurant opening. Cargo Loco opening, where was he? Sol Spin opening, showed up after the ride opened. It is interesting that you say running into him is fun. I'm assuming he knows who you are. I have seen several tweets, comments online that people don't know who he is or what he does at the park. That's an issue for the "face" of the park as their top communications person. Those who attended coaster stock, when was he seen? Anywhere that he could be thanked. Meals and behind the scenes tours. Outside of those two things, was never seen at ERT, out in the park, etc. . How can a communications director be good at their job if they aren't available or seen? Chad has been a downgrade from what the park had before in Don. As posted in another thread, it looks like the tweets are now written by a 12 year old and/or are copying someone else's homework. Don wrote blogs that did amazing storytelling. When is the last time Chad wrote a blog? My point is not I don't like Chad, it's the quality, professionalism and talent we are used to is gone. It is the fact that the park doesn't have a competent spokesperson anymore.
  18. This looks like a super cute coaster...could be a good addition if conditions are right including the ability for many to ride it. I have been thinking for quite some time that Planet Snoopy needs a refresh into Camp Snoopy.
  19. Will miss Don Helbig in his role....what a class act! Extremely talented in story telling, guest relations, and being a good human being. Can't say the same for Chad, who for some reason remains.
  20. I have so many things I could say about Chad. They aren't great things. The first thing I can say at this moment, speaking of Tweets...has anyone noticed how adolescent tweets have become in writing style and content? See the tweets below. Randomly placed hyphens and "don't say what I don't want you to say." Is a 12 year old running the Twitter? Nope..just Chad. Heck...now a lot of the tweets lack substance. Unfortunately, Kings Island has someone who would rather copy an idea than create original content. While I understand it may be hard when you don't know how to do your job, to basically copy a fan site's homework and then attempt to pass it off as your own, it's quite sad for a corporate entity such as Cedar Fair. For now, that's my 2 cents...more later.
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