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Everything posted by Oldiesmann

  1. I voted as well, but it's way behind. In 6th place with 115 votes. Top story has 1,029 votes.
  2. I don't understand that either Terpy. A falling camera could do far more harm than a falling pair of eyeglasses. I've always wanted to visit that park, but I'm not sure I could deal with having to take my glasses off on every ride (by comparison, the only rides at KI that I take my glasses off on are Crypt, Firehawk and the water rides).
  3. Courtesy of Jonathan Paula (of "Is It A Good Idea To Microwave This?" fame)...
  4. Interesting. I didn't know TwitPic supported videos.
  5. Should be interesting to see what these guys bring to the company. Interesting that both have sports experience as well. As far as the discussions tab on KI's Facebook page - blame that on Facebook, not KI. Someone at FB decided that "the best way to encourage conversation and feedback is through posts and comments on your wall", and they're killing the discussions feature at the end of the month.
  6. There's also one at The Beach (Aztec Adventure), which opened long before GWL was even a thought in this area.
  7. Partly because Holiday Fest is cheaper and is included for anyone with a season pass for either the current or the next season. When KI brought WF back, they charged for everything they could and season passes weren't valid.
  8. Note that the description says "fanpage for winterfest". As it isn't an official page, I don't see how the number of "likes" will impact whether or not it's brought back. I honestly don't see it returning.
  9. It was likely moved because of the new Honda plant in Indiana. KI is closer to that plant than CF is.
  10. I still have both of my KIC shirts. I really wish KI would do another RWCW event too. That weekend was so much fun!
  11. While I'm looking forward to the changes, I'm not sure the "compare for yourself" page was necessary. Each of the three parks offers a different experience. I am also a bit surprised that they're going to completely overhaul the lazy river for an "adventure river". I recall one day last summer when the Lazy River was so crowded that they were making you get out after one trip around because there was a long line of people waiting to get in a tube. The ride clearly is quite popular, especially with those who aren't necessarily fans of the more "thrilling" things in the water park. Should be interesting to see how this all works out though.
  12. If you want good clear aerial shots, try Bing Maps with Birds Eye View enabled.
  13. The EVP must really believe in the company - he scooped up twice as many shares as Oiumet, though at $0.56 less per share.
  14. At least KD's WindSeeker capacity is a bit more realistic (though still a bit far-fetched - 960 riders per hour leaves you with only 1 minute in between ride cycles).
  15. I wonder if they'll have a new ice show for next year or if they'll just "rotate" in one of the ones from another CF park.
  16. I guess I will be the first to say "Not at Holiday World". Same goes for Beech Bend...
  17. Brings up the full site on my Nexus S 4G as well. I was able to get into the mobile version by tapping "Change Theme" at the bottom and then tapping "IP.Mobile". Unfortunately though that means you have to change it back to the full version again when you log back in from your computer, but it's better than constantly having to zoom in or out to get around. Odd thing is though, when I go to another forum powered by the same version of IP.Board, it loads the mobile theme just fine.
  18. For those who have been to Beech Bend and who have a good memory of KI's antique cars, how similar are the Hubcap Alley cars to the ones that used to run at KI? It was great getting to ride antique cars again, and I only wish that Beech Bend weren't 3 1/2 hours away. Their track is shorter and less scenic than KI's was, but it still brought back a lot of fond memories.
  19. Son of Beast as it originally opened (with the heavier cars and the loop) would be my favorite, but since we all know that's not going to happen again, I'll go for Beast
  20. When I was at the park this past Saturday, in line for Flight Deck, a couple of kids behind me kept insisting that Son of Beast was Gemini, despite their dad telling them that there was no such coaster at KI.
  21. Really like the new look. Thanks for all your hard work!
  22. "Arrival to Earth" from Transformers: (I used an app on my phone called SoundHound to identify the tune earlier in the season).
  23. I'm surprised nobody's posted this yet. Just announced on Thursday. Complete details at http://www.visitkingsisland.com/forthecure/ Summary: They'll be doing the duck toss again this year, but they'll be using pink Snoopys instead Discounted admission tickets ($29.99) for the first three weeks of August On July 31st, the park wants to attempt to break the world record for the Largest Pink Ribbon - Made of Humans The last one should be interesting, but I'll be in Nashville that day so I won't be able to attend.
  24. Interesting how the stories between that site and Cincinnati.com are a bit different, even though both sites are owned by the same company.
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