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Everything posted by Oldiesmann

  1. I doubt it. I'm sure most of them are just trying to get in on the action. In other news, it seems that investors are less than impressed with this... http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2012-03-15/apollo-bid-for-great-wolf-resorts-challenged-by-shareholders-1-.html WOLF apparently learned nothing from the attempted FUN deal...
  2. They haven't. It's just not as noticeable with the new "timeline" layout for pages. On the right side (third box down) you'll see "Recent Posts by Others on Kings Island". In addition, if you click "Highlights" (top center above the timeline boxes), you can select "Posts by Others" to see what others have posted.
  3. Interesting... Divided seats, but with buzz bars, no seatbelts or headrests and old-school loading gates. Nice find!
  4. Great video. I don't think I'll ever think of that song the same way again
  5. In the park - whatever sounds good when I decide I'm hungry
  6. Definitely a great brochure! Makes me wish I could go back in time 38 years and visit the park as it was back then...
  7. Yes, it is "Learn to Fly". I even Googled it first and saw references to a "learning how to fly", so I guess many people get the title mixed up (I'm not that familiar with the band).
  8. Really? There was actually a "show" aspect to it? I thought the whole thing was just "look at this display of unmaintained lights that we think are pretty while listening to generic Charlie Brown music". I never knew there was ever anything resembling a "show". My point exactly... They have a few segments where the lights sort of sync with the music, the giant flowers open and the lights on the tower go wild. The rest of the time it's just "walk around, enjoy the generic music and look at the pretty lights!"
  9. A few more that remind me of KI: "Learning How to Fly" by the Foo Fighters "A Baby Changes Everything" by Faith Hill "Show Me What I'm Looking For" by Carolina Liar The first two are frequently heard in DB's queue line, while I heard the last one on I-Street one day as I was leaving the park.
  10. The biggest problem with Starlight Spectacular (besides the burned-out bulbs and the park's apparent lack of interest in replacing them) is the fact that it was not a continuous show - they'd do one small show for 5 minutes or so, then you'd have 10-15 minutes of generic Charlie Brown music before another show started, which left many guests thoroughly confused.
  11. A couple of other interesting notes related to this... At least 5 other law firms are investigating the deal (according to Google Finance: Bernstein Liebhard LLP, Brower Piven, Kendall Law Group, Glancy Binkow & Goldberg and Weiss & Lurie). Shares of WOLF are currently trading at $5.22 - up $1.03 (24.58%) from yesterday and just $0.07 shy of the 52-week high.
  12. Interesting... http://finance.yahoo.com/news/great-wolf-acquired-affiliate-apollo-110122816.html
  13. I have home video of the park from 2003 but its on VHS i have no idea how to convert it to download it to my laptop. There are two basic ways to do it: Do it yourself with something like Roxio's Easy VHS to DVD kit Search your local yellow pages for a company that will convert home movies to DVD and have a professional do it
  14. I wish landscaping was still that good at KI. That looks like a scene from a Busch Gardens park!
  15. Sorry about that! I've fixed it so it won't start automatically anymore.
  16. Wow, is this true? Yes, and there are two links confirming it a few posts above yours...
  17. You can't say that there's "no chance", because we don't have anywhere near enough information to make that call right now. We have no idea what the future holds for The Beach, nor do we know if KI/CF is even interested in the slides. At this point we just know that The Beach won't be opening for this season.
  18. They could get away with it if they priced things appropriately. Basically, keep two-park admission/passes priced like they currently are, then offer lower-priced options for admission/passes to just the main park or just the water park. They would have to focus mainly on the lower-priced single-park options though, and charge the typical "dry park only" rate during the parts of the season when SC is closed, but with enough effort the might be able to pull it off.
  19. I'm not familiar with ValueClick, but Google does allow you some control over which ads get displayed on your site - there's a way to block ads from competitors (or other ads that you don't want your users to see, for instance, ads for dating sites on a site that wishes to remain family-friendly), and I believe you can also set it up so you have to approve every ad that gets displayed on the site. If you don't want ads based on what you've visited, etc., you can opt out of that by clicking the "AdChoices" thing at the top of the ad.
  20. Considering that the water park has always been included with the KI admission, I'm not sure how easily they could suddenly convert it to two separate parks, especially with the train and keeping track of which parks you paid for. Granted, CP has done this for years, but from what I can tell, CP and their Soak City aren't really as "connected" as KI and its Soak City is.
  21. Neat story out of Lexington... <iframe src="http://www.lex18.com/videoplayer/?video_id=23735&categories=167&player_width=584&player_height=328&has_playlist=false&total_playlist_items=1&items_per_page=1&will_stretch_videos=false&has_autoplay=false&auto_hide=always&show_info=true&show_companions=true&live=false&iframe=true" style="width:584px;height:357px;border:none;overflow:hidden;" frameborder="0" scrolling="no"></iframe>
  22. Also mentioned on their Facebook page: https://www.facebook.com/pages/The-Beach-Waterpark/293964845559 I guess they haven't gotten around to updating their site yet.
  23. Love the outfit! I had the pleasure of seeing Al last year at PNC Pavilion at Riverbend. I'm hoping he'll make a return visit to the Cincinnati area this summer.
  24. One thing I don't understand about those brochures. Why did they have separate toll-free numbers depending on whether or not you were calling from within Ohio?
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