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Everything posted by BoddaH1994

  1. I've actually heard there's an elevator that goes up the center of the shaft.
  2. You'll find out info soon enough... and I've heard rumors that you'll be pretty happy with the entertainment lineup this year.
  3. With the advancements in the latest version of the forums, you can added subscription services. Don't worry, we have no plans on taking your money.
  4. In an effort to bring to you the most updated information about Kings Island we have formed a new service in which you can get text alerts with updates directly to your wireless phone! Since this service is new to us and to you, we have decided to do a two month trial of this service. If you want to be one of the first to join KIC in creating the most immediate and up-to-date community, click the link below to sign up! KICentral Official Mobile Group Powered by Broadtexter Notes: KIC will never sell or share your private info. Broadtexter will not spam you or share your info either. Although KIC is sometimes updated in the middle of the night, I assure you that you will only receive alerts during daytime hours. Alerts may be sent as a test during the first two months, but you will tyically only get alerts when the front page is updated, which is typically once a week. This service is 100% FREE, however you must check with your wireless provider in order to ensure that you will not be charged for receiving texts. Periodically, you may be asked to fill out a survey about the functionality and usefulness of this service. This program is 100% voluntary, so you may sign up or leave the program at will. At any point if you choose to exit the program, you can do so by going to Broadtext's web site, or by contacting myself. Thank you SO MUCH in advance for helping us provide you with the best possible experience that KIC has to offer! Ryan
  5. I was at Beech Bend back in 06 for Rumblefest and the ride Scat II broke down on me. Ended up being me, Dane, Zosobeast, SOB_Tom, DeliriumDreamer, and several other friends having to jump from the ride to the platform after having to climb to the outside of the vehicle to unlock it. After we all made it to the platform, we then had their maintenance guy put the ride in neutral so we could push the remaining arm to the platform so the other people could get off the ride. You'd never see that at a major park. lol
  6. lol yeah, while I'd love to see a AAA team in the AHL like the ducks come back, the cyclones beats having nothing. What? Hockey is still very strong in Cincinnati. You got the semi-pro Cyclones downtown, and various junior and amatuer teams spread throughout the city, one of the most notable teams is the Cincinnati Jr. Cyclones who played at the Gardens last year and are now the Queen City Steam at Sport's Plus. I still think the city could support two teams just as it once did if we got an AHL team back, the cyclones attendance seems to be getting better. Well Cincinnati did try to get a AHL team after the Ducks left town. The AHL thing did not work out, but we got lucky and got the Cyclones back. I still like the the old Cyclone mascot same they don't use him anymore. Yes, the Cincinnati Gardens was going to be the home arena for the "Cincinnati Railraiders", but the team failed to sell enough season tickets right off The Bat for the AHL to warrant the creation of the team after the Duck's had moved to Albany to become the "Albany River Rats". My dad had bought season tickets for me and him, it's a shame they didn't make it. I'd still love to see AHL hockey at the Gardens yet again. In the last years of the Ducks they really had that place cleaned up nice with the awesome history museum and all. The Ducks were not moved to Albany and are not the same team as the River Rats. In fact, the Ducks used to play the River Rats. The reason why the team disbanded was because Anaheim chose to end their affiliation with the Cincinnati franchise. Upon doing so, Pete Robinson (owner of the Gardens and the Ducks) had the intellectual rights to a team, but they wouldn't be the Mighty Ducks. When the affiliation ended, they voluntarily disbanded operations for a season and attempted to resurrect the same team under the name the Cincinnati Railraiders. As stated, they did not reach the season tickets expectations so the Gardens and the AHL mutually agreed to abandon the project. It was later reported that the AHL had approved the team being sold and relocated to Windsor, ON, CA, but the deal fell through. Ultimately the team was moved to Rockford, IL to become the Rockford Icehogs.
  7. You guy's can't honestly tell me you could possibly turn this thread into a flame war.....
  8. From the Kings Island Newsletter: Saturday & Sunday, February 16 and 17 10AM - 4PM Kings Island is hosting an on-site job fair this weekend! Representatives will be available to answer questions and conduct immediate interviews for tons of great positions. Don't miss out on the best jobs - apply online, then come out to the Job Fair at Kings Island this Saturday and Sunday from 10AM - 4PM!
  9. I will get exact information as to what days the walkback will happen. I think it happens every day during the regular season, but I'm not a coaster club members so I've only participated a few times. Everyone present will need to present an up-to-date membership card from an accredited coaster club and sign in in order to participate.
  10. Or the ACE Beast Bash or anything else that Paramount (and Jeff and Maureen) used to do for us Dont know about The Beast walk back in the morning, suspect we will be saying ba bye to that too. A date for Beast Bash was offered, but Russ Johnson declined the dates because they were before Halloween Haunt. It simply wasn't fair for the Kings Island employees to be forced to work extra late when they closed at 1am anyway. Many of them had to be back in the morning. Due to the fact that most of the interest in Beast Bash came from the Halloween attractions, he chose not decline the dates offered. That's why there was no Beast Bash. It had nothing to do with Cedar Fair, Paramount, Maureen leaving, etc. The walkback WILL continue this year. This year ALL accredited coaster clubs will be invited to join in on the walkback. Everyone in attendance must present a valid, up-to-date coaster club membership card and must sign in each morning. Ryan This sounds very interesting. When do these walkbacks happen, and where do you check in? We'll announce the location of the walk back when we get that information. A person from the marketing department will be there with the sign in sheet. Remember that you must present an up-to-date membership card from an accredited coaster club in order to participate. The walk back will be to The Beast only.
  11. Right now the information about Spirit Song, including whether or not it will happen this year, has not been released.
  12. They have a whole "Spirit Song Festival" that time of year. I guess that's one of the dates for it. Very popular event.
  13. I read the name and thought the same thing. I rode a skyscraper at the Daytona Beach pier a few years back. It's actually pretty fun.
  14. He's talking about how it's the dark ride for grown ups.
  15. "A little more than a handful" sounds like the Cyclones attendance for most of this season. I don't think the weather was 100% to blame.
  16. February and March are very action packed months for Kings Island. Due to things such as interviews and job fairs taking up a lot of the space and time at Kings Island, it simply wasn't a viable option to host it at the park this year. Check your newsletter, they relocated it to another location.
  17. We're not getting a new ride, but I do assure you that we're not getting nothing.
  18. Or the ACE Beast Bash or anything else that Paramount (and Jeff and Maureen) used to do for us Dont know about The Beast walk back in the morning, suspect we will be saying ba bye to that too. A date for Beast Bash was offered, but Russ Johnson declined the dates because they were before Halloween Haunt. It simply wasn't fair for the Kings Island employees to be forced to work extra late when they closed at 1am anyway. Many of them had to be back in the morning. Due to the fact that most of the interest in Beast Bash came from the Halloween attractions, he chose not decline the dates offered. That's why there was no Beast Bash. It had nothing to do with Cedar Fair, Paramount, Maureen leaving, etc. The walkback WILL continue this year. This year ALL accredited coaster clubs will be invited to join in on the walkback. Everyone in attendance must present a valid, up-to-date coaster club membership card and must sign in each morning. Ryan
  19. Haunt will be the same program this year as it was last year, so you get to visit Haunt as often as you'd like. I will get answers to the rest of your questions. Update: The rules for Haunt are the same as last year. Your pass will be good for entrance to Haunt on any public day, but there will be no reentry. The time split on VisitKingsIsland.com reflect the time when the transition will take place. Parts of the park will close around 6:00 as they have in years past.
  20. I was asked to make it clear that all season passes will get free admission to Halloween Haunt, not just Gold Passes or Platinum Passes. Ryan
  21. Say what you want about Spongebob, but at least he's trying to make something of himself. Yeah, he may have started as a fry cook, but he'll be a manager some day, and it won't be long until he owns his own chain of Krusty Krabs.
  22. Decisions are made and then decisions are changed. Some people have the info, some people read the info on one site and post it on their own. Such is life.
  23. Chain-Wide Consistency? Does this mean KBF's will be included with a Season Pass as well? Unlikely, Knott's is geographically isolated from the rest of the chain and is year-round, so I wouldn't count on it being free.
  24. I was wondering how long it would be until someone picked up on that. It's true, HH will be included in your pass in 2008. This was due to the overwhelming amount of Platinum Passes being sold and CF wishing to have chain-wide consistency.
  25. True 1. Anything Paramount 2. False 3. True False Probably True. True.
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