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Everything posted by BoddaH1994

  1. I'm willing to bet anything that you're correct. That site seems to fit Fearfest '06 like a glove.
  2. I got nothin'. That's just what I was told.
  3. Uhm, SOB wasn't the first to use that similar logo so before you claim anyone is ripping anything off do a little research before you throw your angry caps locked fury upon the internet. The 1997 movie "Anacanda" used a similar logo on their teaser posters and trailers and even the Villain at Geauga Lake (which opened the same year as SOB) has a similar logo with the eyes accomidating the letters. Weird coincidence....Anaconda was a box office flop....SOB is notorious for being an uncomfortobale ride....The Villain is notorious for being an uncomfortable ride....I just hope whoever uses that style logo next has more success. Ronny, you should use a logo like that on your resume'.
  4. As per the original event schedules, Twistin' to the 60's and Hot Island Rhythms are off August 20-24. They will return on August 25th. Ryan
  5. Drop Zone was locked in the position that it was in to block the view of the Timberwolf from the tower so people couldn't just stand up there and get a free show. I'm not sure why that cable was slacked, however the ride did return to a home position close to close. Then again, it was down on Sunday and the catch car was paused about 3/4 the way to the top, yet the carriage was at the bottom.
  6. Plus the Zodiac... Also, most things were not 'broken down' on Saturday, they shut down a lot of rides early because there was a concert in the Timberwolf and a lot of them make too much noise.
  7. Please do -- and let us know what answer (if you get an answer) you get.
  8. Believe it or not, the only thing the 'same' about School of Rock was the show itself. Even the production company changed.
  9. I agree -- the talent in that poster is just too overwealming. Especially the guy in the middle.
  10. School of Rock may not be coming back but.......
  11. I want to take this opportunity to thank the cast, crew, and everyone else involved with making Endless Summer on Ice such a wonderful show all season! This has clearly been one of the best years that the entertainment department has had in over a decade! Of course, the entertainment is FAR from done for the year! Twistin' to the 60s is still rockin' with Ricky Van, Dora still invites you to her Sing-A-Long, you can Meet the Nicktoons, and celebrate summer with the cast of Hot Island Rhythms, all until September 3rd!
  12. Kings Island continues its commitment to education, celebrating the accomplishments of 17 extraordinary young people. Joined by family and peers, scholarship recipients are applauded for their years of service to Kings Island, exceptional leadership qualities and pursuit of higher education. More information available here. Mark your calendars now for Oct 21st when Kings Island and Cincinnati's 'coolest' home team bring you Meet the Cyclones Day at Kings Island. The Cyclones will be available to pose for photos and sign autographs from 1pm to 3pm on Oct 21st. We'll have more details as they arrive. Boomerang Bay Water Park Resort at Kings Island will open for five additional days this month (August 20-24) to provide guests a great opportunity to enjoy all the down-under excitement in the park's very own Australian Oasis. Daily operations for Boomerang Bay were originally scheduled to end August 19. Operating hours for Boomerang Bay from August 20-24 will be 12-6 p.m. All of the water park's most popular attractions are expected to be open. Some attractions starting times may vary. Also, don't forget that Kings Island is still searching for some cold-hearted goblins to help convert warm and sunny Kings Island into the largest haunted attraction in the Midwest as Kings Island presents Fearfest! Remaining dates to try out for SCAREactor and day positions include: Friday, August 17 Saturday, August 18 Friday, August 24 Saturday, August 25 Friday, August 31 Saturday, September 1 Friday, September 7 Saturday, September 8 Each day of the casting call, the hours are 2pm to 6pm. For more information regarding open casting calls for FearFest, please contact the Kings Island Entertainment Office at (513) 754-5740 or visit www.pki.com/fearfest. Don't forget to keep checking KICentral.com for the latest news, rumors, discussion, and information about Kings Island amusement park! Regards, Ryan
  13. I will have the official track list for you soon.
  14. Today, Sunday August 19th, is your last chance to see Endless Summer on Ice!! Come see the long awaited return of ice skating to the Paramount Theatre one last time. School's out, so it's time to party! Follow the talented cast of world-class ice dancers as they bust out of the building on the last day of school, encounter bears and other surprises at summer camp, stop by the race course for some mid-summer racing action, celebrate Indpendence Day, and finally return to school with a good 'ol fashion back to school mixer! Show times are 1:00, 3:00, 5:30, & 7:30 and the Paramount Theatre defrosts on Sunday, August 19th! It would be very nice to see how many KIC members can make it to the 7:30 show. That would be a great way to thank the entertainment department for all of their support this season and in seasons past! See you there! Ryan
  15. ^ From what I've been hearing, the above mentioned post will not be a problem this year.
  16. I wonder how the online renewal will work. If you have a Maxx Pass, can you buy a Gold Pass instead? If you have a Gold Pass can you upgrade? Will there be Gold benefits next year?
  17. Oh wow, somebody had a correct guess! Give yourself a pat on the back!
  18. I told you! Not everything I post is a press release!!!!!!!!!
  19. Darndest thing... Fearfest will officially change its name to Halloween Haunt's Scare Fairs... Don't expect for it to be too long before you hear a lot more where that came frome.
  20. Kings Island Recognizes Associates' Academic Excellence Seventeen scholarships presented at 14th annual awards banquet August 16 Kings Island, Ohio - Kings Island continues its commitment to education, celebrating the accomplishments of 17 extraordinary young people. Joined by family and peers, scholarship recipients are applauded for their years of service to Kings Island, exceptional leadership qualities and pursuit of higher education. Honorary scholarships are given to students who exceed in all of the qualifications for a Kings Island scholarship. All recipients display excellent scholastic achievement, community and extracurricular activity, while exhibiting both dedication and leadership. Three prestigious Honorary Scholarship Awards are awarded to the most outstanding scholarship finalists. Honorary Scholarship Recipients The Don Miller Award Cole Vanicek, Ohio State University Cornerstone Award Heath Ingram, Miami University Kings Island Award Justin Niefield, University of Cincinnati Kings Island Scholarship Recipients Michael Barger, Ohio State University Samantha Bowling, Ohio State University Nick Brenner, University of Cincinnati Stefanie Brunemann, Salmon P. Chase College of Law Michelle Crenshaw, University of Dayton Stacy Fazzio, Xavier University Tyler French, Miami University Kristy Gallaher, The Christ College of Nursing Trevor Hannah, Xavier University Ashley Lomax, Ohio State University Sarah Michel, Ohio University Kristen Price, Howard University Robert Shull, University of Cincinnati Ashley Vincent, Ohio State University
  21. If you REALLY want, we can delete the account, but what's the point? I mean, if you're worried about security, we can always do a willing suspension...
  22. Unlikely -- I CAN however see Spongebob being replaced (as it used to be done almost yearly) and meybe even a 4D upgrade to the theatre. That venue is commonly used for Fearfest, so that may account for why some things were different.
  23. They were able to reattach one foot, but one had to be amputated just below the knee. It will be a year before they know for sure if her body can fully accept the reattached foot. See previous links in this thread for more details.
  24. I found this site a while ago and figured I'd share it with you. It's a site dedicated to everything Tomb Raider, and it features some photos of Tomb Raider: The Ride's construction. Tomb Raider Chronicles
  25. I'm no expert, but I imagine the park will be dead since most schools are back in by then. That may be a better choice for you.
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