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Everything posted by BoddaH1994

  1. BoddaH1994

    eek! Top gun!

    Don't get me wrong, it's not like I have these figures sitting in front of me, but I'm pretty sure that a lot of you guys terribly underestimate the popularity of several rides.
  2. Just know that if you purchase a 2008 pass, it will be used for 2008 and 2008 only and will not include Hallo-Haunt 2007 or 2008. It may be wise to just purchase next season. Opting to renew your 2007 to a 2008 pass now will/may void the 2007 pass. Remember... new ownership, different methods!!!! Ask the right questions when purchasing... I can 100% assure you that purchasing a 2008 pass will NOT void your 2007 pass, however a 2008 pass will not be valid until the 2008 season.
  3. Magic 8 Ball says that you should probably read this post again.
  4. ^ I'd study that post if I were you guys... it's not dead on to KI's plan, but it's close. Magic 8 Ball says that some things in the above post isn't accurate to Kings Island. Don't worry, the info will be out very very soon, and you guys will be pleased.
  5. That attraction will not be returning for the 2007 event. Halloween Haunt is FREE with park admission this year, however WILL be an upcharge next year. How they will handle Halloween Haunt as an upcharge next year is a decision that has yet to be made. Likely they will be open from 10-5, close, then Halloween Haunt will be from 7 to 1am, however that is NOT the official word.
  6. You don't know the hell you're raisin' What happens in Sandusky Doesn't always happen in Mason
  7. Looks like good 'ol Walt Disney would have agreed with me... "Crowded classrooms and half-day sessions are a tragic waste of our greatest national resource - the minds of our children. "
  8. They had plans to have shows for 2007, but not necessarily the ones we ended up having. There wasn't going to be a ride installment, however they were going to do the regular capital improvements.
  9. Yes. CarnEVIL. At least that's what the promo sign in front of the Paramount Theatre says...
  10. Had Cedar Fair not taken over, that WAS the plan under Paramount...
  11. In the years 2000, 2002, and 2005, Kings Island made several promotional videos to support their new attractions. You'll find a lot of these funny. Blair Witch Project Spoof of Son of Beast! RWe7uNsn5nk National Geographic Searches for Tomb Raider: The Ride Se4JwKazE8s The Brady Bunch: The Cincinnati Kids Return. Italian Job zZn6NzQXOJo **Please note that these videos were used with park permission. Please respect our wishes and don't steal our content.
  12. Maybe your inability sit still isn't ADHD... it could be something else...
  13. There are many places that tempt your taste buds at Kings Island. Which do you prefer?
  14. Huh? So you are telling me that when I purchase my pass FOR 2008, my 2007 pass is invalid? That makes no sense. They cannot invalidate a 2007 pass because of a pass purchased in 2008. Sounds like your "inside track" is on the outside looking in. Either back your statement up, or troll somewhere else. I do know that an 08 pass is NOT valid in 07, however I don't think you have to sacrifice your 07 pass.
  15. There used to be a two tiered stage there, but the bottom half is removed.
  16. I'd scan for spyware then. Any idea how muc the Platinum Pass will cost? EDIT: Up in Muskegeon they're selling passes for $140. I certainly hope that's the chain wide price. Last year, I pad a total of $155 with $125 for the pass ande $30 for KI parking... So pay a little less for a lot more? Yeah, I'll take it.
  17. I do NOT have official word on this, but since the program is switching to a Platinum Pass for the other parks, we can only assume the same with KI... which means that you'd be issued a new pass anyway. Why not just tell them that you didn't have a pass last year? I doubt they'll have a renewal rate that's really worth cutting out the ends of the season for IF that's the case.
  18. Yes and no. The event this year is MUCH better than years past. They bumped it up a notch figuring that it would be an upcharge and wanted to make it worth your time and money. Consider it a gift from the fine folks in Sandusky.
  19. Nope -- no joke. Do I value education? Very much so. However I think that comparing a classroom experience to ANY kind of real life experience is like comparing Everybody Loves Ramond to Romeo & Juliet.
  20. Halloween IS a children's holiday...since when did it have to become so explicit and gory that it wasn't appropriate for a family? I have been going to local haunted houses since I was a child...and enjoying them. In this day and age is it not possible to scare anyone without showing an extreme amount of blood and mutilated nudity? I am not a prude...I just don't think that that is what a haunted house is about...it is about being scared, not shocked. Yeah, but kids shouldn't be SO scared they are mentally scarred for life. Adults can handle that sort of thing. And why does it have to be a kid's holiday? It didn't start off as a kid's holiday... The thing about Halloween Haunt isn't the scare factor such much as it is the risque' factor. Some kids can enjoy being scared but some can't, however some of the suggestive themes for Halloween Haunt this year simply aren't appropriate for children at all.
  21. Yeah, serves them right!!! As I told you guys in another post, the "IF" was emphasized because the decision hadn't been made. I wasn't covering anything up, I was telling you the truth!!
  22. Click here for information about Halloween Haunt being an 'upcharge'.
  23. I can confirm that this will definitely be the last year that it's free. Also, season pass information should be out right after Labor Day.
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