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Everything posted by BoddaH1994

  1. I'm glad you guys had a good time! Believe it or not, I have yet to go to CP (so if any of you guys are going soon, I'm comin' along! ). I'll see you up at the park!
  2. Well, we can all agree that Nights of Fire was a pretty impressive show this year. What I'm asking is whether you prefer Nights of Fire the way they did it this year, with a KILLER lighting display on the tower, or the way they've done it the past couple of years, doing various fireworks off the tower. Just curious, Ryan
  3. Well, as we read in the other article, they want to extend the average stay in the park from 6hrs to 8hrs... the only way to do that is to create more "stuff" to do in the park. In my opinion, this organic growth kick that they're on now will only be good for us in the end.
  4. Please note that Viacom has owned CBS for a very long time, so this isn't exactly something that will rock your world.
  5. Even if it is taller or longer than The Beast or SOB, if it's a hybrid, I'm not going to respect it as the record holder.
  6. Thanks for your kind words, Matt. I actually had a couple of requests for the video on DVD so people could send it to friends and family who are serving over seas... that's about as flattering as it gets. Ryan
  7. You're still far more likely to die in your car on the way to the amusement park than to die at the park itself. Side note: It's safer to ride a rollercoaster than it is to sneeze.
  8. Cool trip report. If you upload your photos to a Yahoo photo gallery or whatever, you're more than welcome to link to it.
  9. I'm sure most of you saw PKI's Nights of Fire in 3D, but we here at PKIC thought it wasn't enough. A simple photo gallery update wouldn't encompass the many events and attractions for the weekend, so we have compiled a video which is Nights of Fire in 5D! That's right, 5 camera angles spanning over two nights of filming! Click here to check out the video! UPDATE: With a little help from a long time friend of the site, Jonah Keinath (Fusiondude), we were able to get pictures of the special events going on during the day as well as the 2005 Nick Parade! Check out the new pictures right here!! ENJOY! Ryan PKICentral.com -- Showcasing the BEST of the best of Hollywood entertainment. Now playing.
  10. Ironically, the other coaster the Teddy Bear was made using the blueprits from the Teddy Bear at Coney Island.
  11. Let him know that he has the full support of the staff on PKIC.
  12. From what I take of the confidentality agreement, employees can only communicate information that is obvious to the general public, so having a video of 'a day in the life' would be highly unlikely. Plus, let's face it, where's the fun in watching a guy check lap bars for 8 hours?
  13. For those of you who have yet to experience Nights of Fire, here is the schedule of events for the next two days at PKI. Of course, we all know about the spectacular fireworks display which blasts off at 10:00pm sharp, but there's a whole day of patriotic fun waiting for you and your family. Special Entertainment Schedule Ragtime River Rats, Skyline Stage in Rivertown 12:00, 1:00, 2:00 Rabbit Hash String Bank, Syline Stage in Rivertown 12:30, 1:30, 2:30, 3:30 Country Show, Cincinnati Enquirer's Back Porch Stage 1:00, 2:30 Eric Wolf -- Storyteller, Cincinnati Enquirer's Back Porch Stage 4:00, 5:00, 6:00, 7:00 Travelin' Riverboat, Nickelodeon Central 12:00, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00, 4:00 Country Step Cloggers, Nickelodeon Central 12:30, 1:30, 2:30 Hexagons, Nickelodeon Central 4:30, 5:30, 6:30 Hills of Kentucky Dulcimers, Bandstand 1:30, 2:30 Star Search, Bandstand 7:30, 9:00 Elvis Live in Concert, Bandstand 8:00 1869 Redstockings, Internation Showplace 1:00, 3:00 Skydiver Paul, International Showplace 2:00, 4:30, 7:00 Also, stay tuned into PKICentral.com because in just a few days, we'll have an amazing update for you including both pictures in video! Until then, Happy 4th of July! Ryan PKICentral.com -- In with a boom, out with a bang. Now in 3D!
  14. Good luck with everything, Brad. Thanks for doing the Survivor gig. Stay in touch! Ryan
  15. I was at the park today and there's currently a sign in front of Delirium that reads, "Delirium is currently down as we await a part that will be shipped from Germany." Or something along those lines. Take that for what it's worth.
  16. The unconfirmed word on the street is that they're going to launch some fireworks from the pad that houses the Pumpkin Patch.
  17. The other day, the guy in the Rock Shop said he THOUGHT it was $5/5 min, which sounds high (no pun intended), but I think that's the going rate at a lot of these places. Take this for what it's worth because the guy wasn't sure.
  18. Unlikely. If it had any of the negative effects or addictive traits of cocaine, the FDA would put an end to the whole industry in a heartbeat.
  19. From what I take of it, it's like the opposite of being drunk. As opposed to being groggy and slow, you're energetic and alert.
  20. A lot of you guys in the other thread said you'd like to see more videos here on PKIC. What kind of videos do you want? Music videos, event videos, etc... any suggestions would help. Feel free to check out our video section to get a feel for what we already have. Thanks, Ryan
  21. What you have to understand is that the air your breath is something along the lines of 60% oxygen. The other 40% is other naturally occuring gasses and pollution. I think they shoot you with a 90% oxygen mix which gives you a buzz. They're really popular on the west coast.
  22. I don't know if you noticed it or not, but they have an oxygen bar in the front window. I may try it some time just out of curiosity.
  23. I rode WWC for the first time in ages a couple of weeks ago. Excellent crew! You're every bit as good of a supervisor as I had imagined you'd be.
  24. BoddaH1994


    If it's the first Monday in July, it'll be crazy because that's one of the Nights of Fire, but any other Monday shouldn't be bad at all.
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