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Everything posted by BoddaH1994

  1. I'm not sure if you're talking about PKI or PKD, but at PKI, the fireworks do go off around 9, with ride closures happening throughout the day in preparation for the event. The park is open for a few hours after the fireworks, and it is suggested by both the park and myself (from personal experience) to stick around and ride some rides after the fireworks, because it's like the running of the bulls into the parking lot immediately after the fireworks. I remember last year on the 4th how the exit was so crowded that they began letting people exit through the admin lot. Fun times.
  2. Actually, you all kind of look like a bunch of idiots. If this stuff continues, bannings are going to start happening. Until then, topic closed....
  3. Stop the immature crap or I'm closing the topic.
  4. It's really all about market research. This site is such a microscopic view of what people really want. Of course if you asked anyone on here what they would want, they'd say they want a 250ft tall Intamin with 15 inversions. This of course is coming from a demographic that's mainly males between the ages of 16 and 30, a lot of which don't have families. PKI does extensive market research to find out what types of rides, shows, and attractions would be the most popular with the most amount of people from year to year and they follow that when planning their expansions. IJ isn't exactly what people on here would describe when asked what their dream coaster would be, but to my understanding, it has been very popular with the masses. I do however agree with your comment that you made before that PKI is always removing family attractions. Looking back at the timeline, the last true expansion we've had was SOB in 2000, and even that's arguable because the monorail used to run there. Of course, there are several reasons why this is happening. The main reason is likely that things get outdated and the space that they occupy could be utilized better and be more profitable with a new expansion, there's no denying that. Secondly, let's face it, when some of these rides get old, it's just really expensive to maintain them and as opposed to cutting into their budget for the next year, they just remove it and utilize the money on other improvements. Lastly, PKI has a pretty good layout. To my understanding, the "wheel" design is based off of Disney. Let's face it, in those few areas where it dead ends, it's always crowded (i.e. AZ neear SOB, CM near Spongebob), so in order to add a new attraction in an area that's not preexisting, they would almost have to ad a new area, which is real money there. I just wish they would think a little more when deciding what to remove. Regardless of of you feel about the Tiques, Flyers, or IJ, this years expansion really took away from the look and feel of the park.
  5. I highly doubt it on account of the fact that 1) they're not Paramount, 2) they haven't added anything to the Paramount Story since Titanic.
  6. Don't forget that The Beast got the "Hollywood Makeover" last year, which most of us gave a C- for effort.
  7. To my understanding, the park has really made it no secret that the Tiques will make an amazing return sometime soon. As far as the ride removals go, you're probably right. I'm not too sure about the Ghoster Coaster particularly, but if I were management, Water Maze, Meet and Greet, and maybe Ghoster Coaster will be on the chopping block. The water maze is out of place, the meet and greet is about half worthless, and the coaster doesn't strike me as being entirely too popular and the land could be utilized much better. I wouldn't disagree with those removals in the least.
  8. Must be old. I think Jennifer Bowers predated Jeff Siebert.
  9. You're pretty much right, and we've developed a plan. From now on, if we see any terrible posts, we're going to remove them and insert a default admin quote saying that the post was eliminated due to a ToS violation. We're not going to be Nazis about it or anything, but posts that are blatantly ignorant or hard to read really have no place here. Its a shame that PKIC had a spell check before and someone took it out. Where is it now? Why does PKIC feel like PKIU with the post of spelling and things. Thats what I don't like about PKIC now it feels to much like PKIU. The spell check is currently unavailable for our version of Invision. This has nothing to do with being Nazis, if you forget a comma, whatever. This has to do with posts that are just so terrible that they're difficult to read. It keeps the "junk" off of the forums. We have the ToS for a reason, it's not for us, it's for you. When looking at our competitor's forums, I have to page through two or three pages of one word responses and emoticons. It makes me not want to click on a topic if I think it's not worth my time. We run them in two different ways, which is fine, but we want our forums to contain content that's fun and easy to read. Edit: I also want to add that the lines of communication are always open. If you feel as though a post was deleted unfairly, or that something is unjust on the forums, feel free to e-mail, IM, or PM us at any time us with questions/comments/concerns.
  10. You're pretty much right, and we've developed a plan. From now on, if we see any terrible posts, we're going to remove them and insert a default admin quote saying that the post was eliminated due to a ToS violation. We're not going to be Nazis about it or anything, but posts that are blatantly ignorant or hard to read really have no place here.
  11. Ready for my guess? Everything gets a paint job and a new name and they add two new real attractions. Why, you ask? Because it would more or less clone what happened last year in the water park. Any thoughts?
  12. I think Kings Island will have a van or bus to the hotel and back. Why would PKI put the monorails they have left back up? While taking a ride on SOB you can see two monorails sitting in the park, not sure if they work or Jungle Jim would have took them. Also Jungle Jims will reopen the Monorail soon. Those are actually old trams... in fact, they're the old trams from Coney Island. To my knowledge, the only monorail is at Jungle Jim's.
  13. Sure we do! Click here.
  14. Thanks for the kind words. Dane, Bill and I work very hard to keep the photos rolling, and try to make the photos you look at relevant and interesting. We base our future updates on comments and things of that sort, so don't forget to rate the photos! Ryan PKIC Staff
  15. Yay for correct grammer! I can't stand the people who TYPE IN ALL CAPS, or never, and i mean never use punctuation or caps its like an on going run on sentence or something Please use punctuation, proper grammer, and caps only when needed. Now I'm going to get yelled at because I'm not a moderator and can't tell people what to do. Use of proper grammar is part of PKIC's TOS. We try to be a little laid back with it because, hey, this isn't English class. Then again, typing in all caps, writing an entire paragraph without punctuation, or typing in elite or hacker languages is never acceptable and is grounds for suspension/banning.
  16. I can't entirely confirm this, but from what I understand the 3rd LIM boost is for functionality only. Apparently if the train doesn't have a lot of weight in it, and the sensors don't think that it will make it past the magnetic brakes at the end, it will give it a boost. Once again, I don't know if it's true or not, that's just what I've heard. Is there any truth to it?
  17. I was at the park too. I don't know if you noticed it or not, but Delta bought out a ton of tickets. I had assumed that there would be long lines for everything since GP + large private grounds = big crowds, but oddly enough, there wasn't much of a wait for anything except in the water park.
  18. I'm not entirely certain of this, but the take that I got from the show was that the actors in it were graduates of the School of Rock. They make references to how Mr. Schneeble wouldn't approve of different things (although that's not his real name in the movie), and they clearly weren't in school at the time. I think they had strayed from their roots and the show was about Rock and Roll winning them back.
  19. Star Spangled Celebration Weekend! Celebrate your Independence Day weekend with plenty of All-American fun July 2nd - July 4th at PKI. Live music kicks off daily festivities and will be featured throughout the day at the International Bandstand and at Lt. Dan’s Back Porch Bar just behind Bubba Gump’s Restaurant. Additionally, be on the lookout for entertainers as they stroll through the streets with special surprises for guests all day! Participating in our weekend celebration activities will result in a hearty appetite! Make sure you save some room for the All-American Buffet located in the picnic grove from 4:30pm – 6:30pm, Saturday thru Monday. Adults and kids can both enjoy a menu complete with southern fried chicken, hamburgers, hot dogs, baked beans, potato salad…plus dessert! The all-you-can-eat smorgasbord is just $9.99 for adults and $5.99 for kids! Click here to purchase tickets. The Cincinnati Enquirer presents NIGHTS OF FIRE - 3D sponsored by Marathon. This year Paramount's Kings Island celebrates Independence Day for three straight days! Join us Saturday, July 2nd - Monday, July 4th as we showcase numerous blockbuster events by day and spectacular fireworks by night. As a special feature, you'll receive complimentary 3-D glasses to enjoy the fireworks like never before! The nightly fireworks last approximately thirty minutes and are scheduled to begin at 10pm each night. The best viewing areas include International Street, Action Zone, and in front of the fountain as you enter the park. Don’t miss the explosive finale for the weekend’s events! Tell us about your last trip to the park! Tell us about your most recent visit to the park and we'll use what you tell us to make the park better for your next visit. PLUS, if you take the survey now, you'll be just in time to get entered in our grand prize sweepstakes in which you could win one of a hundred prizes worth up to $1,000! Take our guest satisfaction survey today! THE ITALIAN JOB: Stunt Track™ Experience As of June 20th, THE ITALIAN JOB: Stunt Track™ has officially taken moms, dads, and kids on an amazing high-speed stunt car adventure through movie sets and scenes for one whole month! Haven't tried it yet? Wait no longer and hop in the drivers seat today! This fast-track coaster experience will seat guests into their very own MINI Cooper S tricked out with audio special effects adding to the multi-sensory sensation of the experience. Once strapped into their custom stunt car, rubber meets the road as the MINIs peel out to begin their chase sequence. Drivers twist through a parking garage, dodge near-collisions, race down stairs, chase through tunnels and narrowly escape massive explosions triggered by gunfire from a menacing helicopter. Tires skid out one last time as the stunt cars crash through a billboard and splash down into an L.A. aqueduct concluding the chase sequence and their trial as a stunt driver in this screen test! Click here for THE ITALIAN JOB: Stunt Track's™ Virtual Tour and Insider Information. Also, check our home page for listings of current announcements and any extra-special ticket deals offered. PKI Now Hiring for 2005 Seasonal Positions Don’t miss your ticket to fun...all season long! You can't beat all the fun that comes with a job at Paramount's Kings Island. It's the only job around where you'll enjoy your work as much as your days off! Visit PKI Jobs page to learn how you can become part of our team! Nickelodeon™ Celebration Parade Returns! Be sure to witness the return of the Nickelodeon™ Celebration Parade up close and personal as it returns to PKI beginning Saturday, July 2nd. Amazing additions like Diego, Dora the Explorer’s cousin and two additional floats have strengthened an already solid lineup of characters in the hugely successful Nickelodeon™ Parade. In addition to the many upgrades that will put the Nickelodeon Parade at PKI over the top this season, an additional week of Nickelodeon fun has been added to the calendar. Originally scheduled to leave PKI on August 7th, the biggest, most extravagant parade in the Midwest will now parade through the PKI streets until August 14th! Last season, the parade brought smiles and happiness to everyone who witnessed the spectacle. Its nine, 25-foot floats and more than 80 performers, upbeat soundtrack, and Hollywood style quality ensured its spot as one of the most magical experiences at PKI in 2004. This season, the parade marches through the PKI streets each day at 5pm, and will stop five times at various locations, giving guests an up close and personal experience with their favorite characters. Parade spectators will have a chance to become part of the magic as they throw pies, make bubbles, and much, much more. This is truly an event you won’t want to miss! For more Nickelodeon Fun, click here! Buy 3 Adult Season Passes - Get 1 FREE! For a limited time, the Four Pack of Season Passes is the same price as three individual adult passes! That means, you buy three and you'll get a fourth absolutely free. Plus, with the Four Pack you DO NOT need to live in the same household. To take advantage of this great deal, click here. Recent Park Sweepstakes Winners Congratulations to our recent winners in the web site sweepstakes contests: The following individuals won tickets for participating in our park surveys: S. Woods from Cincinnati, OH; E. Routt from Rineyville, KY; B. Norris from Vienna, VA; T. Shelley from Dayton, OH; T. Spegal from Shirley, IN; M. Power from North York, Ont; L. Baker from Corapeake, NC; D. Godsell from Mississauga, Ont; D. McKay from Monaca, PA; J. Revell from Caledon East, Ont; W. Kropp from New Palestine, IN; and B. Wood from Decatur, GA. The following individuals recently won tickets for participating in our web site sweepstakes: Kings Island Italian Job Sweepstakes: J. Carpenter from Trenton, OH; Kings Dominion Tomb Raider Sweepstakes: L. Adams from Richmond, VA; Canada's Wonderland Italian Job Sweepstakes: D. Leblanc from Oshawa, Ont; Carowinds Nick Central Sweepstakes: D. Todd from Huntersville, NC; General Web Site Ticket Sweepstakes: K. Rodriguez from Colonial Heights, VA; J. Ware from Mooresville, NC; M. MacHado from San Jose, CA; S. Rolnick from Dundalk, MD. Season Pass Sweepstakes Winner: C. Rawls from Charlotte, NC. Visit our regularly updated winner's list for a full and current list of winners. Will you be our next winner? There are more chances to win all the time! Keep reading our newsletter for details. Pretty Ricky is June 25th - Hurry! Tickets for this Saturday, June 25th show are on sale now at any ticketmaster location. Get into the Park after 5pm AND into the concert for just $20! If you already have a Paramount's Kings Island Season Pass, concert admission is just $10 in advance! ATTENTION CINCINNATI BELL & I-WIRELESS SUBSCRIBERS…TEXT NOW TO WIN TICKETS! Register now for your chance to come check out Pleasure, Slick 'Em, Baby Blue, and Spectacular, better known as Pretty Ricky as they hit PKI's Timberwolf Stage. Win tickets for you and 3 of your best friends to sit front and center as Pretty Ricky performs their #1 smash hit single "Grind With Me!" Text the word "Ricky" to short code "winpki"(946754) on your Cincinnati Bell or I-Wireless phone for your chance to snag 4 tickets to this hot concert! Click here for a complete list of contest rules. A Smooch From Scooby-Doo! I have been going to Kings Island since I was 7 years old. I am now 31. My most memorable moment started out the same as it did almost every year for 10 years with my family. My dad, who wasn't a fan of rollercoasters but loved to watch his kids faces when they would come running off of The Beast, would get us up at 4:30am central time to make the 3 1/2 hour journey. Every year my dad would get us so excited by pointing out the signs as we got close enough to see the park. He would say,"there it is, there it is" and point out the Eiffel Tower or the other tall thriller rides. On this particular day, we entered the park and all were posing for our yearly point of entry photo. We were smiling very big as usual. Mom started to take the photo and said to say "Vortex" and just as she was getting ready to take the picture sneaking up behind dad came Scooby-Doo and proceeded to grab him and give him a big hug and kiss! What a great photo!! I asked my mother recently if she could find the photo and she can't but, I still have the memory stuck forever in my mind. Now, I take my 3 children there and tell them my memories over and over again. I hope they will have wonderful memories of Kings Island to tell to their children! Melinda S. from Perrysville, IN. will receive two tickets to Paramount's Kings Island. Winners are randomly selected. Submit your entry! Special Limited-Time Offer: Six-Month Subscription to Nick Magazine When You Order Online Today Receive Nick Magazine when you order your tickets online: Order your tickets and season passes online TODAY and we'll include a special six-month subscription to Nickelodeon Magazine! Learn more about receiving Nickelodeon Magazine when you order your season passes or when you order your single-day tickets! Stay tuned for our next issue in two weeks! Source: PKI e-newsletter
  20. Why they gotta be black? Would you have rather they said something else? I mean is it not politically correct to call someone of African Amercian decent "Black"? I have lots of Black friends and if I called them African Americans they would look at me an laugh! People kill me with all this POLITICAL RIGHT AND WRONG WORDS! Get a life! According to the US census, the term for a person of African-American descent is "black" so it techincally is politically correct.
  21. I had their giant burritos the other day. They LOOK a lot like Chipolte, but they don't have the distinct taste, and they shoot through you like a laser.
  22. Have you guys given the Happy Days combos a chance yet? In my opinion, they're some of the best burgers in the house. The quality of the burgers at the Festhaus has gone down the tubes this season!
  23. hey now! if you hate us so much don't come back! seriously. it's rude people like YOU that make OUR job seem crappy. it's rude people like YOU that make us NOT want to serve you. it's rude people like YOU that put us in a bad mood. it's rude people like YOU who make us think "please don't come back." Your post was just straight up biased, and VERY judgemental. You can't judge all PKI employees based on the behaviour of a select few. If you come there in a ****ed off mood, and treat us like crap, guess what, you will not get very good behaviour in return. Perhaps the dude at the ET was not friendly because he had been there ALL FREAKIN DAY and was tired. I don't always have the guts to smile at my customers, yet they're still nice to me. We have our issues too so don't go pickin on us just because we forgot to smile at you and say hi. There are thousands of guests every day and we don't always have it in us to say hi to every freakin person we meet. PKI is a tough job, even if you are just a greeter. Standing there in the hot sun, on your feet ALL DAY can be exhausting, and you can't get all ****ed at someone because they didn't say hi. what's stopping YOU? hm? what is stopping YOU from saying hi to US? Why does it always have to be us saying hi to you, and most times "you" don't reply. you just look at me like will you shut up so i can order? and THAT gets old. If you don't like our manners, and don't like our behaviour, we wear name tags for a reason. Ask to speak with the supervisor or take it up with guest relations, but don't get online and post a very negative biased post about how lousy we are. and honestly, it's not YOUR money that pays us. Your money goes to pay for stuff like IJ and repairs most likely. So like I said, you don't like us, fine. The feeling is mutual. I don't like rude guests that have a crappy attitude and show us no sympathy at all. YES I agree that personal chit chat should be saved for times when there are no guests, but you can't make a biased statement like all of us are that way. Like I said if you don't like the behaviour of a PKI employee, you could change it several ways. 1. showing US more respect and being nice to us. Trust me, it does a world of good. 2. Ask to speak with the employee's supervisor if they're around (i.e. on a ride or a food station) 3. take it up with Guest Relations. They handle customer complaints, and they will contact said employee and talk to them about their behaviour. 4. If you flat out hate us, then do us a favor and please don't come back. sincerely, one ****ed off employee Kat, You do make some very good points. Although I'm a big supporter of the notion that you're paid to be at the park and I pay a lot of money to enjoy the park, so it is park of your job to ensure that I have a world class experience every time I go, it's really not as simple as that. In the defense of HomerJay, I have to say that anyone who actually takes the time to visit and post on a site dedicated to PKI usually has the understanding that PKI is hard work, and it's rare that I see a PKIC user be blatantly rude to employees. You do make a good point, though. If you see an employee that's clearly not in a good mood, say hi to them. The text book response would be to suck it up, and if you can't handle the job, quit, but we're all humans here. It's hard to find someone in a good mood who has been working on their feet for more than 8 hours in 90+ degree heat. If you, as guests of the park, are kind to employees, it could make their day a little better, and it's not an attrocity to do so. I mean, think of it this way: if you're in line at an eatery in the park and it takes them 10 minutes to get your food, there's probably a reason behind it that's out of the hands of the person that you're dealing with, or if the load/unload of a ride takes forever, it's usually the fault of the guests on the train, and the safety of the guests outweighed the goal of 1000 people per hour of the ride. When it comes down to it, I really have no doubt that PKI has its fair share of crappy employees, but it also has its fair share of crappy guests as well. Just remember that as a guest who is a member of this site, you know quite a bit more about the day to day lives of park employees and how their jobs are far from easy. Employees, you know how even the little things like shooting a smile at guests can enhance the experience of the patronage of the park and can make a world of difference. Since we all have a common ground here, we have a certain level of obligation to eachother.
  24. The event itself was pretty neat. They had over 400 tickets sold for the event, which they deemed a sell out. Mini Cooper owners from all around were supplied with two meals, two ERTs on IJST (morning and night), as well as an exclusive seating area for a School of Rock showing that day. They also had mini coopers on display that day for everyone to see. Check out the photo gallery link above to see.
  25. This past Saturday, PKI saw quite a bit of action. Not only did everyone get to check out the latest and greatest games at Game Riot, but we also saw the introduction of the exclusive Mini Cooper owners' event! Of course, your loyal PKIC staff was on hand to take pictures of these events, as well as patch holes in our content gaps. Click here for photos of the Mini Cooper event, Game Riot, more Beastbuzz photos, as well as general park photos including the International Restaurant, Chic Fil A, Starbucks, Tuned In! 2005, and so much more! Brought to you by PKICentral.com, where our cameras point towards our content, not our competition. Ryan
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