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Everything posted by BoddaH1994

  1. I disagree about the Holiday World thing. Taking into account the cost of construction in the amusement industry today, there's no way they'd make their money back on it quickly enough for it not to hurt. Clearly the industry isn't looking for record breakers anymore, which is why PKI, with very few records left on the books, is the highest attended and highest rated seasonal theme park in the world. I wish the best of luck to any other park that would like to break our records, but I still have my doubts. I don't think that people come to ride The Beast because it's the longest in the world, but rather because of the reputation that it has developed over the past 26 years of being an awesome ride. On the other hand, it goes to show what monkeys are running Six Flags if they want to recreate our mistakes by building hyper-woodies. Ryan
  2. My little brother's trashy friend's dad attempted to sue the park several years after an incident in which he slipped and fell on Wild Thornberry's. He claimed that he had some sort of long-term injury as a result of it. I think that lawsuits are his main source of income. Poeple like that should be in prison.
  3. That's what I'm thinking. I mean, law suits are great in all for keeping a fair balance in society, but don't fuel a fire unless you're directly associated. If they call you again and ask questions, don't answer ANYTHING that you think could be misread or used against the park. If they start asking questions, and won't leave you alone, just keep repeating: "All of the rides and attractions at Paramount's Kings Island are safe forms of entertainment so long as the patron reads and follows the Fun & Safety Guides located at the entrance to each ride." That is of course if you are put in a position in which you HAVE to answer questions. Of course, the best thing you can do (which is what I 100% recommend) is to direct them here, where they can contact an offical park spokesperson, although I imagine that Jeff, Maureen, or whoever they talk to, would direct them towards one of their representing attorneys. Let's hope that this is nothing, but prepare for the worst. Although even in a worst case scenario, what you say would likely have a very minimal impact on whatever happens, I feel as though as fans of the park we have a responsibility to be supporters of the industry, rather than reports of it.
  4. We don't know that for certain. Don't read too much into this, but I can see Paramount offering free admission to Winterfest with a 2006 season pass.
  5. I'd leave that to Paramount to figure out. IJ resparked my trust in their themeing department.
  6. I wouldn't recommend calling them back, and would refuse to answer questions. I have a bad feeling that if this is legit, they're trying to get fuel against the park.
  7. You've really got to take I-Street for what it's worth. There really wouldn't be a market for a true international street in the park. My fear would be that a Hollywood makeover would be done poorly and would make a cheesy feel to the park as soon as you walk in. If they were going to do something like this, this is how I would do it: 1. Put in a mock walk of fame down the street. 2. Somehow manage to have the Hollywood Hills sign in the distance. Maybe build up a mound in a vacant area behind or near I-Street that's visible. 3. Have red carpet entrances to some of the locations. Set them up with felt ropes and such so it looks like a Hollywood premier. Just stuff like that... if done correctly, it could make very a VERY interesting experience, if done poorly, it could be the biggest desperate attempt to make a theme park look like Disney World... it's your call.
  8. Today they weren't doing the fast pass. I don't know if it was because of the low attendance or whatever, but the lady at the information kiosk told me that it was too much of a hassle, so take that for what it's worth. On a side note, when riding it today, I notice that the effects were timed perfectly. I'm not exactly sure what was done, but I was in the 2nd row and could see all of the effects. I'm guessing that they either stopped the train slightly farther back, or waiting a longer time to launch. I think that the warehouse scene is much better than it was now too. A lot of "stuff" seems to go on. Ryan
  9. Right... let's perpetuate PKI's best-kept secret.
  10. I don't know who this guy is, but there's a person who has the license plate "B and M". He's at all of the special events.
  11. Its fine that he asked, if you dont know something you ask a question, its that simple. Im just saying that employees are not allowed to disclose information on here without their job being threatened. Still no excuse to be rude to him. If you're not allowed to answer, just don't answer. It's really just that simple.
  12. BoddaH1994


    Assuming it's going to work how it has the past few weeks, you go under the Eiffel Tower to the information kiosk, flash your gold pass and they give you a little card with a time on it. You take that card to the fast pass line at the appropriate time.
  13. BoddaH1994


    I agree that IJ is better in the dark. I don't know how much mist they were shooting in the tunnel this weekend, but the week it opened, they had so much that you clould clearly see the beams from the headlights. It was awesome.
  14. What can I say Di? We don't like you.
  15. Crispy -- Click here. Let us know how it goes. Ryan
  16. To be honest with you, you couldn't pay me $10,000 to listen to Kiss FM.
  17. If anyone else is having trouble playing the video, PM me and I'll try to figure something out. For some browsers, you have to right click>save as.
  18. Especially for The Beast, I could see them tearing down whole sections and replacing them.
  19. Actually, they will not be gone after this weekend. They will be avalible to Gold Pass members everyday through the season (I think everyday). But yeah, just one of the perks of a Gold Pass. I heard June 15th, I think.
  20. No no no, you're right, we are slacking. Unfortunately, the early season and FearFest are always really bad for me with this weekend-only operation. I usually work until 4 or 5, and with an hour drive to PKI, it's hard to justify going if they close at 8 or 9. I Survived the Shake, Rattle & Roll! Ryan
  21. I've heard a lot of people say that they removed the ride for mechanical reasons, but from what I understand, the ride was moved from Coney Island. Now, would they bother to move a ride that was having major problems? Probably not. It's more logical that they removed it because you can go to any church festival and ride a galaxy style coaster like that.
  22. Pioneer girl? I've always heard accounts that she was a young girl in a blue dress. Doesn't sound THAT old to me. Most people believe that she is buried in the cemetery that is between the park and the former campground. It was the private interment grounds for the family that owned the land that the park was later built on.
  23. Pics get better every time, Aaron. I went to Toronto for my spring break my senior year of highschool along with DirtySteve and a couple of other people that you guys wouldn't know. We didn't go to PCW because it was too early in the season, but we did get to see the sites around the city and have some fun.... and I was drunk.
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