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Everything posted by BoddaH1994

  1. There are no sirens From what I understand, the effect of the sirens is going to come out of the speakers in the trains, which isn't perfect yet.
  2. On our version, the last LIM wasn't working, so it may have been the case for you as well.
  3. It's hard to say... from what I understand it is on site, though.
  4. After today's technical rehersals, what are some things that you've noticed could use a little work on the ride? Here's my list: 1. The effects weren't timed correctly. a. Unless you were in the back seat, you couldn't really see the warehouse scene. b. The splashdown happens before the train hits the water. 2. Audio needs to be turned up. You can only hear the speakers inside the car at the beginning and end of the ride, yet it is supposed to be part of the who experience. 3. The fishtailing is weak. From what I understand, the spring mechanisms loosen up over time and will be felt more once the ride has taken a few more trips around the block. 4. Yes, the mechanism that makes the train rumble down the stairs was turned off. 5. The LIM boost before the splashdown wasn't on. 6. From what I've heard, we may or may not have seen everything that the warehouse scene has to offer. The ride was amazing BEFORE these little things were worked on... just imgine it in full swing!!
  5. 1.Did it suprise or disapoint anyone? Definitely surprised. I loved the new attraction and it kept me coming back... 5 times to be precise! 2.What was your favorite part? What's that sensation in which you feel like you're flying? Oh yeah.. airtime! A Paramount Park with airtime! 3.How long did you wait? No more than 10 mins. (fastpass) 4.What car were you in? I rode in the front twice, the back twice, and in the 2nd last seat. 5.Will you ride it again? I'm excited about riding it again already!
  6. Ever since the 2nd Golden Age of coasters was ushered out of existence, fans of the amusement industry have been able to do nothing but patiently wait and see what the masterminds of the industry could possibly do in order to put us in awe. No longer are people impressed by going higher, faster, or even longer. The fans have always been the ones to set what we think of as standards in the industry, and have never hesitated to raise the bar at their leisure. It seems more and more evident that the fans have asked for as much as they could out of the massive structures that we once knew as coasters, but still asked for more. In a world where almost every major city has a park, and almost every one of those parks have massive entanglements of steel to thrill the patrons, you can only step beside what you’re seeing and ask what the next level will be. It seems more and more evident that the next progression is right at our fingertips. With the opening of the Italian Job Stunt Track, I believe that a 3rd Golden Age has been introduced. Being the illegitimate child of crazy Hollywood effects and the 1980s Arrow loopers, this new age offers something that an old retired coaster industry could never offer: a true experience. PKI has never been alienated from progress in the amusement industry. With the construction of John Allen’s Racer in 1972, a long-lasting 2nd Golden Age of coasters was born, and rapidly progressed from there. Even before the Italian Job, PKI teased at this new vision that they had in mind. Take Flight of Fear for instance, you climb aboard an alien saucer after sifting through the mysteries of Area 51, but after you took your seat on the coaster, secured your lap bar, and were given the “all clearâ€Â, it once again simply became a coaster. Then just recently, the Italian Job Stunt Track was launched. With this new attraction, no longer do you wait in long lines loaded with themeing only to climb aboard yet another coaster, but you become part of the show itself. Not only do you have the classic coaster elements of tight turns, airtime, and awesome G forces, but also in the process you weave through traffic, dodge bullets and explosions from a menacing helicopter, and narrowly escape through an LA aqueduct. With this new era, an attraction can no longer be judged by heights and inversions. Words like, “tallâ€Â, “fastâ€Â, and “intense†will become some of the driest adjectives when describing a new coaster. Fans will no longer want you to tell them about the height or speed of a ride, but rather the experience you had. PKI constructed the ride to bring this new era upon us, and in my humble opinion, they hit the nail right on the head. Godspeed to you, Ryan
  7. the fish tailing sucks then. SoB fishtails more. It's a brand new spring mechanism, it'll loosen up over time.
  8. According the Siebert, the fishtailing was working tonight, but the turbulance from the steps wasn't.
  9. For those of you who have ridden, what do you think?
  10. This MAY be just for the fastpass, it's not clearly defined. Gold Passholders are treated like celebrities every day, but this Friday night we pull out all the stops. Join us for this private event and you'll enjoy double rides on 20 of your favorite attractions, huge merchandise sale around the shops on International Street, and Fireworks when the park closes at 10pm. Plus, be one of the first 1,500 Season Passholders through the gates and receive a FREE PHOTO ID LANYARD! Store your cash and show off your Gold Pass with this handy wallet / photo ID holder combo! THE FIRST 2,000 GOLD PASSHOLDERS THROUGH THE GATES THIS FRIDAY, SATURDAY, AND SUNDAY WILL BE AMONG THE FIRST TO RIDE THE NEW ATTRACTION! Friday, April 29 - Saturday, April 30 - Sunday, May 1 This Friday, Saturday, and Sunday! Cost: Buy a pass and you could be among the 1st to ride! THE FIRST 2,000 GOLD PASSHOLDERS THROUGH THE GATES THIS FRIDAY, SATURDAY, AND SUNDAY WILL BE AMONG THE FIRST TO RIDE THE NEW ATTRACTION! Buy your 2005 Gold Pass today be among the first to experience a sneak peak of the all-new attraction before it’s official premiere on May 20, 2005. The first 2,000 Gold Passholders through the gates this Friday (5-10pm), Saturday and Sunday will receive a Gold Pass Speed Lane ride reservation ticket! This ticket will have a return time stamped on it so can go enjoy the park and come back during your reservation time window. Buy your pass online now! Our production crew of Hollywood experts are putting the final touches on the special effects, scenery, and soundtrack. Because this technical rehearsal is strictly a work-in-progress, you may experience long delays and/or the preview may be cancelled at any time.
  11. I think you're the first person in this thread yet who has the right idea.
  12. BoddaH1994

    cedar fair

    Mod edit: I decided the Cuban election process wouldn't work on this one. Made yes and no options.
  13. Well, to put it straight up, what do you think PKI would have to do in order to get on par with its sister parks?
  14. Seriously... you act like we're at a serious disadvantage. There are probably only 100 people on earth that would notice something like that, and they're all on here.
  15. What's the deal? Granted, the park has made some good and bad decisions in the past year or so about their ride selection, but it's not like it's not worth riding anymore.
  16. darn the man.... If they're open, I'll still be there.
  17. Face/Off is kind of the forgotten coaster, but I love the disorientation that you get after you get off the ride. Nothing beats that!
  18. I think more than anything I really feel at home there. I have had the blessing of becoming friends with many employees and fans, which is something that I wouldn't trade for anything. The best part of going to the park is the darn near 100% guarentee that I'll run into somebody I know.
  19. I am totally sympathetic to those employees that have to stand out in the cold all day, but I think the park should do something to compensate if they close really early or not at all. I realize that on the back of your ticket, it says that they don't do rainchecks, but I would still understand it if someone paid almost $50 to get into the park and they were only open for a few hours.
  20. To my understanding, Paramount did make the films and do own the rights to those films, but sold the ride concept to MGM.
  21. The best part was how they managed to make it so it seemed like he looked directly at everyone in the queue area. Of course, it didn't make much sense after the line went directly into the ride house, but when it was packed, it was almost interactive... he was talking directly to you.
  22. I was against wearing website shirts until I joined the staff of this site and decided to support the cause. Now I inherently wear a PKIC shirt to the park whenever I go. It's actually turned out to be kind of cool because a lot of people that I had never met before come up and start talking to me because they recognize the logo.
  23. You might be a PKI addict if.. you get mixed up in PKI employee drama even though you live an hour away and have never worked there.
  24. You guys probably noticed a window of several hours this afternoon in which the site was down. This is a result of Nexigen making MAJOR improvements to their system which will make PKIC a bigger and better site than ever in the coming months. Unfortunately sparatic downtime is the price we have to pay in order to make these improvements. PKICentral and Nexigen both thank you for your patience during this process. Ryan
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