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Everything posted by BoddaH1994

  1. Cool auctions! That stuff looks very interesting!
  2. Yes, so long as you are the one who took it.
  3. May I refer you to rule #2? Half the fun of this contest is not knowing who subitted what.
  4. Any pic, so long as you took it and it was taken legally.
  5. lol... good point It's a reliable ride that gives thrills to many. Does it really have to spin?
  6. He is correct, no one has ever died from jumping in the fountain. Oh, and Cardinals12, every member on here is allowed to discuss whatever they want. You do not run this site, nor do you have any authority in the park. If you want to start your own site and have things YOUR way click here for some information on hosting. Until then, you WILL follow the community rules and you WILL respect the other members of this forum or you WILL be a ghost here on PKIC. pun intended
  7. According to the PKI mailer that I just received, the deadline for getting your pass processed and receiving free parking for the 2005 season has been pushed back to Nov 7th, which is the last day the park is open for the 2004 season. Ryan Source: PKI Newsletter
  8. Until recently, it was Dane and I who did every update, took every pic, etc. Recently we acquired Bill who has, in my opinion, proven himself over and over in only a matter of only a couple of weeks. His skills behind the DV cam have made our ability to cover excellent events like this that much better, and hopefully enable us to bring to you, what you would consider, a better product. Kimberly, thanks for hanging out with us Saturday night. The pleasure was all on our side of the fine-crafted Philadelphia Toboggan. Once again, a special thanks goes out to everyone who planned, organized, sponsored, and attended this event. Quite a blast, wasn't it? Ryan Save the Flyers!
  9. Your wife and kid were sick, which accounts for them not being there, but YOU were fine... Just kidding, Charles. It's noble that you look out for your family so much. :chef:
  10. The staff of PKIC was honored to attend PKI's Fall Freak Out yesterday! The day was loaded with all sorts of sorts of events including: Flight of Fear backstage tour (King Cobra Trains in there) Beast backstage tour Son of Beast backstage tour Yet another amazing Stevie B scavenger hunt Dinner with a special guest speaker ERTs and EHTs (exclusive HAUNT times) and the presentation of an ACE landmark at The Beast Oh yeah, and while all this was going on, PKI also had an AMAZING reincarnation of Fearfest! This concept has improved by leaps and bounds since last year! Click here to see our Fall Freak Out pics! Click here to see our amazing Fearfest pics! PKIC would like to thank ACE and GOCC for sponsoring such an amazing event. We would also like to give a big hand to PKI's stellar marketing team. This once again proves that they are the best in the business! Regards, Ryan PKIC Staff Dane: Bill has just wrapped up the editing on 3 new videos! First a video of Flight of Fear in the bowl of the empty train. Second, clips of The Beast walkback including a amazing shot of the group with The Beast flying by. Third another snapping video with all of us going crazy. And the snap to end all snaps... Watch it, you know what I mean. Click here for a link to the video section.
  11. It's a shame that you thought so many attractions were a waste of your time. I thought they did great this year!
  12. Expect lots of pics and maybe even.... video? Doors have really been opening since we brought on Zoso.
  13. I haven't established when the last day is going to be, but I am going to give you at least a couple of weeks, so those who haven't taken any pics can make an attempt to enter the contest. There is one submission per user. The only exception would be, if you submitted a photograph and BEFORE the deadline you wanted to change your photograph, that would be fine. While we're at it, this will be digital only. If you only have a film camera, you have to scan it to submit it. No mail-ins. Good luck everyone!
  14. I can almost guarentee that it will be back next year.
  15. That's an easy assumption, but I can think of about 10 people who go to PKI every night to specifically ride the scooters. Between them, they have likely spend thousands of food, prizes, etc.
  16. Premier makes flying scooters. Click here to check out Priemer's web page featuring the flying scooters.
  17. Although Bisch-Rocco is no longer in existance, Premier has started creating flying scooters.
  18. For this particular problem with the ride, it is difficult to do the necessary repairs in order to get it rotating again. Due to this, the ride would experience several days of downtime. I suppose the park decided that, since the ride can be operated safely in its current state, it would be better just to keep it open to the public rather than have it down for several days attempting to fix such a difficult problem with little effect on the ride's experience. I wouldn't doubt it if you saw it fix soon since they have several days to do maintanance now.
  19. Ok everybody, the season is coming to a close, but don't worry, PKIC will keep you entertained all through the offseason! I know that it's been several months since we have had a contest, but this is one that we've wanted to have for a while, and I'm getting the ball rolling now. Here we go: this is going to be a PKI photography contest. The rules will be relatively simple, but pay attention. 1) Your photograph must be PKI related. (duh) 2) Within the photo, there must be NO INDICATION of who you are or any kind of affiliation. 3) One submission per user. 4) All users must be registered in the PKIC forums. 5) All submissions must be sent to PhotoContest@PKICentral.com. Tell me who you are and send the pic. Deadline will be named at a later date. Here's the interesting part. We're going to post all of the photos with a number, YOU GUYS get to vote on which one is your favorite. That is why it's so important not to indicate who you are in the picture, to make it unbiased. The winner of the contest will be receive a mystery prize package. Questions, comments, concerns? Post them here.
  20. I just wish someone would write a handy, affordable, pocket-sized unofficial book about Paramount's Kings Island so people don't just walk into the park without knowing anything.
  21. How can you afford that after quitting your awesome job at BBY on the Geek Squad???
  22. Well, a one-time trip to PKI isn't complete without a spin around SOB, so I'd recommend riding it, just ride defensively!
  23. I don't know if you can say that... granted, they just added a few smaller (using the word 'smaller' loosely) attractions and not some multi million dollar coaster or whatever, but you have to think... they more or less gutted and redid the area... anything that wasn't removed was revamped or repainted.
  24. Best seat in the house is the middle seat of the back car.
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