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Everything posted by Vortex

  1. Top Gun is a good coaster. When Top Gun was frist opend everyone was happy. Now as the ride is getting older and faster all the PKI fan boys what it out of the park? Now I have been to PKI with two coasters that hang under the tracks The Bat and Top Gun. I would like to have The Bat back but, I know thats not going to happen. So keep Top Gun in the park.
  2. Just take out all of the Paramount Movie props and put the Kinds Island Logos and rides signs in its place.
  3. Sorry beast37 people post alot of rumors on here all the time. Its hard to know if its ture or false.
  4. Another rumor about a coaster can you wait till IJSC opens frist.
  5. Thats odd I thought the IJSC had a loop. Look realy hard when the cars come out in to the splash down.
  6. How about build some indoor rides in the park so they could be open all year. That way it could be like Universal with snow in the winter. I thought the water park was the 2nd park in Kings Island. Call the new area the Back stage area.
  7. Mild I hate those signs. Why did Paramount add them in the frist place?
  8. I am not sure on the theme, but I can tell you that the frist season for the ride is the same as the S.O.B. The ride would be where the IJSC is today. I think that area is right it has been a long time had to look that one up.
  9. parking your car. lol some one had to say it.
  10. To bad the park could not just build a ride called Timberwolf in the same area. Another wooden coaster or Change the name of Son of Beast to Timberwolf. That or a Paramount Monster movie.
  11. Yes the Coaster is now at Geauga Lake and called X-Flight. At one time it had a Bat Man theme when Six Flags owned the park. Also the coaster never made it to Kings Island at one time was going to be in the park till it was sold. Here is a link to some photos
  12. I have to go old school on this one I miss not seeing The Bat at Kings Island. Also the Demon and the Bavarian Beetle.
  13. They where already thinking of changing the cars when Top Gun crashed.
  14. Its the best themed coaster for a park that is only for a season and not a year. If you think about it Kings Island would spend more money on rides if they could be open all year, but its only open for a short season each year. Why in the world would you build a Disney type ride with theme at Kings Island to be open for 7 months.
  15. I don't know what the next big thing is for PKI, but I am sure the people that work their are looking in to it. PKI has alot of open land. If they take out the pay for rides you got a very big area in Action Zone and two small good size flat areas in Coney Mall.
  16. The video was not the the best. I hate those videos off of digital cameras. Whats up the the kid that said PKIC sucks?
  17. Sorry Test Track is just a very big slot car not a coaster. Yeah you could make a copy of test track in Epcot with the go-karts or the little cars that go very slow.
  18. Vortex

    New Camp Ground

    I don't think a campground will be coming back any time soon. Till I hear something from the park their is no campground.
  19. Face-Off is a clone you will find the same coaster Invertigo at PGA. Invertigo at PGA opened their coaster before PKI got Face-Off. Sorry I am not tring to bash just get the facts right. Also look at www.rcdb.com for dates and other facts.
  20. Well that or they could retheme The Paramount story to the Kings Island Story. I bet alot more people would walk in that area if that happend.
  21. Top Gun might be getting a paint job that it needed. Also they might be repairing some parts of effects and things in that long line for the coaster. As for the lower que the last two years I saw empolyes taking parts off and taking them home on the last day.
  22. The loop has been taken a part and you can see the pieces if you look hard from the SOB lift hill if the grass is not that high.
  23. Vortex

    Water Rides

    The ride had two drops a left and right. One boat droped and then the other boat went they both had the same track back to the station so it could not have raced.
  24. Vortex

    Water Rides

    Well I voted for Kings Mill flume. I am just glad that Kings Island fixed up a old Coney Island ride and rethemed it unlike taking it out.
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