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Everything posted by Delirium13

  1. I don't believe that that website has been updated in a while so I wouldn't take that as a hint towards anything. Interesting note though, 2 of the 3 pictures of The Beast in addition to the front cover of the 'card' were of Son of Beast.
  2. Great pictures, thanks for posting! Looks like they still have a lot of work to do over the next 14 days, when were the pictures taken?
  3. Very nice trip report, this year seems to be shaping up to be a great one for the park. I actually had a similar experience with the lockers last year, I got my key and when I found my locker it had no lock on it, no big deal just had to switch out the key, but something they may consider addressing in the future even if that means, at the very least, figuring out which keys no longer match a locker and get rid of them to avoid confusion. I need to get out to the park again soon, hopefully sometime next week because my short Opening Day trip wasn't enough for me. Great pictures by the way!
  4. That is weird! When I clicked on the topic again I was so confused. But yes my photo is live feed so unfortunately when the ride opens it will seem like I am calling the carriage full of riders test dummies.
  5. I noticed lighting equipment at the front of the tower that looked similar to the lights used on the back for Starlight Spectacular. I'm not sure if they're new or not and I left the park before dark so I do not know if they were used or not.
  6. I renewed my Gold Pass online and everything worked perfectly. It was great not having to wait in line to process it again this year, especially with yesterday's line to do so.
  7. ^^ That sounds awesome! Unfortunately I only got to ride two rides today (Beast and Crypt) but both rides both have their own soundtracks. I love the idea of giving each ride its own music, I'm interested to find out what other rides have received this treatment. Kudos to KI!
  8. After listening to both I'm about 99.9% that "We Built Our Own World" is the song that plays in the queue. The new music certainly is quite epic, it's a shame the ride experience doesn't live up to it. As soon as they closed the gates and the music ("Dream is Collapsing") picked up in the ride chamber and the show lights came on as we slowly began to be lifted up I was extremely excited, only to be let down. You go through the short cycle and then the gondola takes a while to line up and once it does and the loading/unloading lights come back on you can just sense the overall disappointment and disbelief that the ride is already over, and most likely a few people will boo. Thew anticipation and right when the ride begins and the music picks up are the best parts of the experience, but the ride itself... not so much.
  9. Just got back from a very crowded park, only got to ride two rides but still had fun! New things: -As has been said here The Beast's lift has new music, but they also play great music in the queue too, really adds to the anticipation to ride. -Another thing about The Beast's queue that made me happy in addition to the music is that the two TVs that would always play ESPN are now gone! I was so happy to see them gone. Those gone plus the new music = an awesome Beast queue line experience (Well it at least made the 2 and a half hour wait a little more tolerable ) -New paint in various places around the park, the living Liberty Bell's hanging structure seems has been either fixed or they built a new one which looks very nice. -Crypt (SPOILERS, but not very detailed, I'll post more details later): (Now I only rode once last year so some of this may not be new if not, I apologize, but here's what I noticed): Very nice new music score played throughout the queue and into the ride chamber. The Tomb Raider lamps are used in the cave again (last time I went they only used the red lights under the path) The new doors are opened by the ride ops manually, but look nice. More skeletons. Two new monsters in front of the animatronic bat/demon thing which seemed to be moving and making more noise than last time. Once you get in the chamber the music continues to play, but once you get the all clear it gets louder, building up the excitement, the ride lights come on and then.................... You're treated to a ride that feels no longer than a minute. Final consensus on the Crypt: Nice buildup, but the ride needs to be longer! Sorry about the quality of this post, I'm in a hurry but wanted to share. I'll write a more detailed Trip Report later tonight.
  10. If you look inside some of the phones in the ride stations, I know for sure Adventure Express last year, some have the Paramount's Kings Island logo in them.
  11. This should answer your questions: http://www.visitkingsisland.com/public/park/dinosaurs_alive/index.cfm
  12. I heard a radio commercial this morning with the Fun and Only song. That'll be stuck in my head the rest of the day now....
  13. After having driven by the park a week ago on my way to Columbus I agree, WindSeeker is really a nice addition to the skyline. I can't wait to see it up close.
  14. Well technically if they were putting a map out for the 40th anniversary that would be next season, 2012. Edit- I misread your post, I thought I saw the words 'this year' somewhere in there, sorry I must be losing my mind... Edit 2- Just saw that you edited it, I guess I'm not losing it!
  15. I'm sure whatever they have left to do with the control booth won't take them long once they finish the ride carriage. Maybe a day or so I'd guess. As for the lights on the carriage, I am extremely happy to see that! Definitely goes along with the rest of Coney Mall's flats quite nicely. I can't wait to see this thing run at night!
  16. This thread was originally about how the recent Kings Island Newsletter said the park was opening for its 40th season April 30th. Not to be confused with their 40th anniversary which is next year. I do not know the exact reasons for why Son of Beast214 is banned but I would assume it has something to do with the fact that just about every post he made was related to Son of Beast being closed, were poorly formed grammatically (TOS violation), etc. The conversation about Facebook is because the same user Son of Beast214, now banned from KIC, was blocked from Kings Island's Facebook page, for presumably similar reasons.
  17. ^ There's no reasoning with you, is there? Son of Beast is closed and quite frankly the way I see it, there is a better chance that it will never reopen than there is of it reopening someday. There's no point in arguing with you because you just completely disregard everyone's logical responses with posts more ridiculous than your last. Son of Beast is closed and will be for the 2011 season. Get over it.
  18. Here are some more photos posted by someone on Facebook which give a view from WindSeeker from above the 'tophat'. They also show Action Theater's new entrance pathway, stemming off from the exit. They are some very cool shots! These are not my photos:
  19. Magic of the Movies was not a good show at all from what I can remember.
  20. And I'm very glad they did! It looks A LOT better with the pavers than all that concrete. Before when the concrete was originally there I couldn't help but notice how much there was in the ride area, and along with many other people here, wondered why they weren't bringing the new pavers down closer to their new ride, but now they are and the area already looks much better! Now as to why the decision to put the pavers in after the new concrete was poured and dried I do not know. As KIfan73 said a few pages back, maybe one of Kings Island higher-ups looked at the area and thought the same thing as some of us looking at the webcam: Too much concrete. Why the decision was made is a moot point now, I'm just happy it was made. Just another link in the chain of good decisions this off-season by the people at Kings Island.
  21. Kings Island just linked to this story on their Twitter: Kings Island’s dinosaur project puts area man in time crunch Gives some information into the construction, as well as a good look at the documents from the "planning" picture that was posted on facebook.
  22. Thanks so much for posting these photos! Sounds like you all had a blast! I really need to get down to these parks, especially Kings Dominion, its similarities to Kings Island has always interested me and I305, Volcano and Dominator look like awesome rides! These photo trip reports are making me jealous and more anxious for April 30th to get here so I can get out KI, I miss it so much! Thanks again for posting these, it's nice to see a photo trip report of KD that didn't focus almost entirely on I305, as I've noticed around the internet...
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