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Everything posted by Delirium13

  1. Very nice trip report and very nice photos! Glad you all had a great time. Dollywood is one of the parks on my list that I've been wanting to make a for a long time now, hopefully I get the chance to visit soon. Thanks for taking the time to share!
  2. Yes my mistake! I changed it now. You're also correct. That's what happens when we assume. I was on my way out the door and made that post assuming that Canada's Wonderland opened later than Cedar Point, my bad. Just look at the pretty pictures
  3. Canada's Wonderland is the first to complete their tower. Here are a couple of pictures of our Kings Island's WindSeeker's Canadian counterpart, completed: (From Canada's Wonderland's Facebook) Edit - Thanks Beast1979, I meant 3 of 4! Edited again - Thanks Vortexfan.
  4. I didn't see anything wrong with that Tweet, in fact I saw it as them addressing what was said in the Tweet about the lack of trees, while having a little bit of fun, like Gordon Bombay said. Not everything has to be taken completely seriously, it was a message to a fan over Twitter. The message from the fan, was kind of taking a joking jab at the map and the park jabbed back. It's all in good fun, lighten up.
  5. Kings Island is definitely on a roll this off-season. So much work being done this off-season, it seems we keep getting more surprises as opening day gets closer. It started very early on with Flight Deck being repainted, then shortly after that we found out all of Coney Mall would be receiving the new brick pavers, in March we found out we were getting a new attraction in addition to WindSeeker, and now we find out that the Crypt is getting some much needed work. This has been a very exciting off-season indeed, in which the park has been making some very smart decisions on what to add, improve, and work on. It's really nice to see existing rides, especially ones that at times seem forgotten, get some love from the park, especially a themed attraction such as the Crypt which Cedar Fair doesn't typically do. I am extremely excited for opening day to see what these "enhancements" end up being! On a side note, I hope those spiders are among some of the things that are removed, they always seemed kind of tacky to me...
  6. Oh for some reason their Twitter page hasn't updated for me yet, I guess I need to clear my cookies, cache, or whatever for my internet. Apologies to the original poster for doubting you.
  7. I couldn't find the Tweet on KingsIslandPR which is why I thought it was an April Fools joke by the original poster at first, but if that Kings Island Ride Operations Facebook page is legit (and judging by those photos inside the Crypt it appears to be) then I am very interested to see what becomes of this. Gotta be careful when info is posted on April 1st!
  8. From what I can tell, it appears that it is still sand, smoothed out presumably for the pavers. I'd assume that the pavers will be going in soon if that is indeed their plans.
  9. Honestly, this is not the first time the map has been treeless. See: 1989 and 1997 for just two examples.
  10. Looking at that picture and then looking at the webcam and the difference is amazing, almost unrecognizable. I see that that picture was take when License to Thrill was playing, my first Action Theater movie (unfortunately I missed out on Days of Thunder). I remember after License to Thrill I fell in love with the Theater and made a point to try out the new films at least once, it's a shame that it has been reduced to one side and somewhat of an afterthought.
  11. Click here and it'll take you to the Math and Science Day booklet scroll down a few pages and you can see the map and zoom in pretty far. It's still not as high quality of an image as I'm sure they'll post in a few days to the website, but still gives you a better look, albeit a sideways one.
  12. ^^^ I saw that on Twitter too and got a good laugh too. Honestly people, it is a map. And I actually kind of like, nice to get a change every once in a while. I think everyone can rest assured that the map is not an indication of future plans to tear down every tree in the park. And for everyone mad about the depictions of the rides, the new map is just as accurate on most rides and more so on a few others. I'm surprised no one who is mad about the 'big hill' at the end of Adventure Express has gotten mad about how The Racer ends side by side on the side close to Flight of Fear on the old map. It's a map everyone, not the end of the world.
  13. My guess is that they decided to use that answer to that question when they noticed that there was a mistake on the sign, and that it was not intentional.
  14. The park is guilty of it as well: I hate that sign...
  15. I was just coming here to post those! They are absolutely amazing! I really like the one looking out to the park with the Eiffel Tower and Drop Tower in the background.
  16. I can't answer your second question, as I have been wondering the same exact thing. BUT, I believe the eighth piece will be put in place today because the small white lift thing (I'm guessing that isn't the technical name) that lifts the pieces so the yellow crane can pick them up is in position, which is only the case when they are about to lift, from my observations. Can't wait to see the final piece put into place!
  17. Very true, I'd like to see a view like the second picture once all 8 pieces are in place. Edit- Kingsrattler, there are 5 pieces left.
  18. Very cool pictures posted on Kings Island's Facebook, they are not my pictures:
  19. I'd also imagine a lot of the "riffraff" who vandalize the park are kids whose passes were paid for by their parents, were dropped off by their parents, and are enjoying the park virtually for free. So the parking and cost of admission has little to no effect on them. (Disclaimer: There has been a lot of sensitivity about comments like this lately - so yes, this is an assumption of mine and no, I don't think everyone who fits the description are vandals) It really is a shame that people feel the need to ruin things just to look cool, ruining everyone else's experience.
  20. Looks like they might be getting ready to lift the third piece. Edit- They are currently lifting the third piece.
  21. Well it isn't brand new, it was formerly Chang at Six Flags Kentucky Kingdom.
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