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Everything posted by Browntggrr

  1. Many successful PR methods at one time were also considered groundbreaking. This could be one as well. Time will tell if this is a good decision, or, if our guesses are even on the same page as to what KI is attempting to accomplish.
  2. I'm surprised they don't they move valuable items to higher ground at the end of the season given the flood history of that area.
  3. Strange compared to what we are used to- yes. But is there a better way to promote the park and new 2011 ride than to stir up intrest for HH or a new 2012 ride early?
  4. ^ That could very well be it too. A trail that big (according to the print shown) would take some time to prepare.
  5. CLP is on the right track. I only hope it continues in that direction. And of coarse Waldameer, where else would the Erie school kids enjoy the last days of the school year?
  6. And what did you do before ERT existed?
  7. Yeah, all that was in the article provided and the name speculated by the author. It will be intresting to see the final plans, if the final plans do come out 3/18.
  8. I have heard that before, but never seen confirmation of it.
  9. I had that exact spelling, and had to edit it after reading the article again. But hey, this is CF. Using -saur would have required them to do a bit more themeing.
  10. Take a step back and really think about this: What motivation would KI have to promote something, from all appearances, seems to be rather big and new, just for another modification announcement for SoB? The last thing KI needs is to promote this venture only to get the proverbial egg on their face and tie it in with SoB. The ride is dead and the park needs to move on. With any luck, the only tie in with SoB this announcement has is it's deconstruction. Stratosoar is still out there too.... EDIT: http://cpguide.drewborg.com/tag/stratosoar/
  11. Why does everyone feel the need to be a moderator on this site? Great question! We will start with answering your own question....
  12. http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2011/03/07/BA0E1I4D3K.DTL At one time I believed the CA governor was playing hardball directly at CF to lower their buy-out on the GA contract. Now, I believe he is playing hardball with 2 of the 3 NFL teams in CA, as sending a clear message to the 3rd. Each needs/ wants a new NFL stadium, and by the governor's comments, it seems rather clear no money will come from public funds. Although, that attitude can change quickly if the right buttons are pressed. LA wants a team and at least 6 NFL teams want new stadiums. If a city ponies up the money for one of the current teams to move out of CA (or if one of the other NFL teams find a new home other than LA) the governor may have his arm twisted.
  13. That could explain why it looks good... Some people tend to take better care of their perpared foods if they personally know the customer.
  14. Even though I am VERY sentimental... Does Beast really need a walk back anymore?
  15. ^ That looks fine for me! As for the orange grease- I always thought it to be redish/ yellow color.
  16. I didn't suggest that one was right. Nor did I suggest that either was wrong. Clearly, Disneyland and Cedar Point have been absolutely fine remaining pretty close to the extreme areas of the spectrum. My suggestion, as I clearly highlighted above, was that certainly meeting in the middle has been created incredibly successful results, and might be something more parks should make an objective. I also wouldn't dare bring parks like Waldameer or Kennywood into this debate. I would say that large, corporate thrill parks and large corporate theme parks are more closely related to each other than they are with any smaller parks, be they themed or not. Oh, so you simply regurgitated exactly how everyone feels not from either end of the spectrum, but from the entire spectrum. Thanks for explaining how we all feel.
  17. CP has never been a "theme" park, and they seem to be doing well. The same goes for Kennywood, Hershey, Waldameer, CW, etc. Perhaps it is not all people that want/ need a "well-themed, immersive experience" to have a good time.
  18. http://investors.sixflags.com/phoenix.zhtml?c=61629&p=irol-newsArticle_pf&ID=1534959&highlight= Has anyone tried this type of pizza?
  19. When I owned my small business, my contract was with Pepsi and they performed all the work & maintenance for free.
  20. Adding to the conversation: http://www.keysfleamarket.com/fleamarket/state/ohio.htm
  21. Remember the source of information. Journalists have been known to make mistakes.
  22. I asked that very question to a CP exec. From what he told me, the screen was positioned at an angle where the majority of the severe winds would not harm the screen. Also, the screen has very small holes to allow wind to pass through it. But living on the shores of Lake Erie my whole life, I completely agree with you. We get crazy, severe weather.
  23. I did not take your comments like that at all. It just frustrates me when businesses use excuses like that to promote something else- in this case a operating ride vs. a ride that is down. Or when people (I am not pointing fingers at anyone in particular) do not understand why certain precautions are followed and voice an uneducated opinion. Some years ago, I was present for a workplace fatality- so I am a bit sensitive on the subject. All the safety procedures for that machine were followed (i.e. lock out/ tag out, zero energy etc.), but, there was stored hydraulic energy that was not released. The common statement "we have done this 1000 times" was used, but the result was still catastrophic. While we learn from mistakes like that, I firmly believe every accident is preventable.
  24. Wow. That blows my mind away. IMO, DNA collection should be obtained in cases of a sexual nature or repeat offenders, and not in situations like this.
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