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Everything posted by Browntggrr

  1. Given that, you should watch out for rides like AE at KI and MR at CP as well as most coasters that have MCBR that almost grind you to a halt- FoF as an example. Please don't take it the wrong way, as I do respect your opinion.
  2. I still don't see where "vertical" construction was ever mentioned. Now that StR is open, that is what the press has been discussing, and it has since been positive. Why bring up another new ride that intentionally re-opens the wound from the last new ride's delayed opening? Yes, get out of the enthusiast state of mind- we may know why StR opened up late, but for most guests- they don't. All they will hear is "another delayed new ride at CP", it is best to keep StR and the unannounced ride as seperate as possible.
  3. Why does it matter who makes the announcement? And why does there always have to be a conspiracy theory when it comes down to announcements? Anyone who honestly believes the issues with StR or the resignation of an employee has driven the decision to announce a new ride in mid August is really grasping at straws. Why can't it just be the most obvious reason? The ride construction will be staring soon, and the area cannot be boarded up as with Maverick (*officially* announced Sept. 6th 2006), but is in a large area like DB; and like DB, is announced early. No conspiracy theory necessary. Announcements don't *have* to be made when vertical construction begins... they announce a new attraction when they feel the business will best benefit from it. Typically, this is done as specials for next year's passes are announced, and the new ride is a hook for existing passholders to re-up or for would-be passholders to put their cash down. I do not believe for a second that the PR team hasn't at least toyed with the idea of pulling forward the announcement to help get positive messages flowing after all the issues with Shoot the Rapids. We may never know if the date was changed, but as someone with a Communications degree and a minor in Public Relations, I am certain it was discussed. I suggest reading the entire thread before responding as it is quite obvious to see where the "conspiracy theory" idea came from. And who made the comment that an announcement *has* to be made when vertical construction begins? I can't seem to find that comment anywhere.... Not to mention, since there have only been some sewer & water line markings, vertical construction is easily months away. Potential ride removal, clearing of land of cement or other buildings, and pouring of footers take an extremely long time. I also don't see how a potential accouncement of a 2011 ride will shed a positive message on the issues with the 2010 attraction. That entire thought could easily backfire and just bring back to light the issues StR has had which could end up tainting season pass sales which are usually announced (in CP's case) after Labor Day. CP's best action is to keep both rides out of the same conversation. Now it does make sense, as Captain Picard mentioned in post # 37, to combine a ride announcement with 2011 season pass sales.
  4. ^^ I doubt the writer has even been on I-305 yet, or most of the coasters on the list. Which is why lists like that are usually treated like a joke.
  5. I would say that is a fair "extreme" list. All are extremely tall, fast ,and expensive.
  6. I am always astonished when a guest will be walking back to the midway after riding WWC with the comment "I don't know you would get THIS wet". I supposed they missed the numeorus signs stating: "You WILL get wet on this ride".
  7. I don't see why it would be an issue, and I do not know of a violation infraction, unless it would be a private policy that the business has. And thinking about it, filling up a larger drink container with water would be much easier (and cheaper) than serving numerous small drink cups. Food/ beverage businesses take back empty drinks and refill them all the time in: draft beer glasses, rock glasses (that ice does have your booze in it) or "bottomless" soft drink glasses/ souvenier cups. Now where it does get tricky is if a guest wanted to refill a bottle of beer with draft beer or a winery wanted to re-use a wine tasting bottle as a bottle to be sold. That is a violation.
  8. $10 in KIC Bucks** goes out to whoever can tell me what movie that come from. **Please note, as always, KIC Bucks are worthless in any market. I believe the movie you are refering to is Ghostbusters Hey now, don't try and claim my prize! Check out post # 200...
  9. It is too bad you were not able to experince Conneaut Lake Park 25 years ago as what has become of CLP today is nothing more than a sin. Fighting over control of the park, poor attendance, and numerous bankruptcies have equaled the park looking run-down and rides not operating; have left guests and enthusiats alike pessimistic. The park is slowly moving forward, and with any luck, that trend will continue.
  10. Obviously, this was the scene at KI: EDIT: DANG! And this was before there was a prize involved!
  11. Were the stores just closed, or were there employees in the stores? I ask, only because since there was no power for some time, there would be no way for items to be rung up and sold as well as no A/C making the stores quite miserable to be in anyway.
  12. Why does it matter who makes the announcement? And why does there always have to be a conspiracy theory when it comes down to announcements? Anyone who honestly believes the issues with StR or the resignation of an employee has driven the decision to announce a new ride in mid August is really grasping at straws. Why can't it just be the most obvious reason? The ride construction will be staring soon, and the area cannot be boarded up as with Maverick (*officially* announced Sept. 6th 2006), but is in a large area like DB; and like DB, is announced early.
  13. I'm confused. What do lights being off or on in stores have to do with a generator in the parking lot?
  14. Can DH define most? My family was there until 11:30 pm; I seen first hand what was and was not running, and cannot agree with his statement. Just cause power was restored does not mean the ride was running!! Or that each ride needed to be inspected by the same maintenance crew that was obviously already busy.... It is funny how what people "read" and "understand" are two different things, as "Power on" and "operating" are two seperate things.
  15. Actually, now that I think about it.... everyone on Monday appeared to be a season pass holder, and since I have a pass as well, I didn't notice the sign, but the people collecting money for parking never said anything. Why would they say anything and hold up the line of people entering the parking lot? The "rides down" signs are quite visible for everyone entering the park. Unless you are one of those people that ignore the signs in an airport, then get mad at a flight attendant because they say "Enjoy your trip to Yemen" after going through the safety procedures, but the flight is already on it's way and you are supposed to be going to Detroit.
  16. Where to start.... KI has much more than 10 rides, so even with the 5 that were unfortunately down, it certainly does not equal half as you stated. Funny how you can observe the smallest of things, yet, did not observe the rides down sign near the ticket booths.
  17. This is where people need to look at the big picture. I owned my business during the Great East Coast Outage of 2003. As a restaurant, I had to close my kitchen down due to health regulations (ventalation system inoperable, coolers inoperable, ice machines down, etc.). My computer system was also down, so there was no way for me to track money for what was being sold at what time & I would have had to keep the cash drawer open. The security cameras were down, as were the phone lines- so help was not as easily accessable as usual. I took the safest path- close the doors. Sure, people were ****ed, but what choices did I have? KI was in a similar situation. Communications were lacking, staff is (not to sound insulting) young & inexperienced to the point- many need to be led by the hand when thrown a curveball. Their first priority should be the guests' safety. Next is security. Then comes determination. I'm sure maintenance believed it would be a quick fix. That led to the decision of not allowing refunds and still allowing guests in the park. Unfortunately, they were wrong. But how many times have we all waited for something, just to find out we were wrong for waiting also?
  18. This entire situation is confusing... If the power goes out at your home, it is blamed on: the electric company, weather, bad drivers, etc. But if the power goes out at KI, it's KI's fault? Do the people deserve their money back? No. Just like a rainout in baseball; you don't get your money back, but, they will give you a free ticket for another day. If the power was out, there would be no way for GR to print out a ticket for another day. Even if the decision was made to give out refunds, the power was still out. Credit card machines were down (which most people use), so the cards were unable to be ran. There was no way cash could have been used as when the power went out, the drawers are to be locked and only opened by management to prevent thefts not only by guests, but by employees. Power outages are a no win situation for businesses. They cannot conduct normal business, they cannot predict when the outage is going to happen, they cannot predict when the power will be restored, it will be impossible to make the customers happy since there is no power and no way of reimbersing the customer and whatever decision they make- it will no doubt be wrong. In a sense, KI was powerless...
  19. No matter what decision KI made, they were going to be screwed.
  20. It's not only the new CF coasters that are red, or a shade of red: FH @ KI Magnum @ CP ID @ CP Mantis @CP SF @ Dorney TH @ MA SS @ Knott's SB @ Knott's Xcelerator @ Knott's MM @ VF Boomerang @ WoF Mamba @ WoF Patriot @ WoF And it wouldn't surprise me if a missed a couple...
  21. I would guess the reason why DB's color changes from yellow to beige is to give the appearance of an actual Diamondback snake. In this picture: http://www.outdooroddities.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/04/huge_Diamondback_rattlesnake_del_rio_texas.jpg it looks to me that the color is more vibrant near the head, and fades toward the tail.
  22. I would assume something like this: http://www.sears.com/shc/s/p_10153_12605_03415367000P?vName=Tools&cName=ElectriciansTools&Lighting&sName=Work%20Lights&sid=IDx20070921x00003a&ci_src=14110944&ci_sku=03415367000P Lights like this are VERY bright, and easy to handle. I remember watching a Discovery or Travel Channel episode years ago on what a miantenance crew goes through to inspect a wooden coaster. They would use a hammer to hit the track and listen for certain sounds (i.e. deep sound=solid, short sound=loose). They also knew what problem areas had loose nuts and areas that need to be inspected closer than others. It was a very intresting show. Sorry I couldn't give you more info.
  23. http://www.indystar.com/article/20100701/BUSINESS/100701002/Holiday-World-has-app-to-go-with-the-map
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