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Everything posted by Browntggrr

  1. Don't sweat it Purple. Although we may disagree on some things, at least you choose to use intelligence in your posts. Thanks for the shot at me. In my opinion it is not necessary to bump up a conversation that was done. If people are talking about you, atleast you are doing something. I wasn't taking a shot at you. Paranoid much?
  2. Do you mean the steel rails the trains are attached to?
  3. That does clear some things up. Yes, living a single life in downtown Columbus, you would look at things & for things much different than a person with a family looks at things. Having a family sheds light on many things that have gone unnoticed under the *single* eye, simply because, there was never a reason for a single person to look at things from a family perspective. Aside from that, I would rather see a development try something like this than do nothing at all.
  4. While you can't imagine, others can. Many people start thier families in their 30's. Having a carousel in a new housing development is very attractive for many people. But given your comments on others' family choices, I'm sure you have already started your family, and know exactly what to look for...
  5. There are, but that doesn't mean supports are completely unreachable. There is a support on Magnum just before the bunny hills that people would try to touch all the time, as well as a support on MF coming off MI that people would reach for. It never made sense to me. Why would you want to hit something with the tips of your fingers going 50+ mph? I did hit the helix tunnel on Beast with just the tips of my fingers by accident, and dang, did it hurt.
  6. Don't sweat it Purple. Although we may disagree on some things, at least you choose to use intelligence in your posts. So it is, economically speaking, better to risk $12,000,000 for a ride that has only been successful on paper rather than starting out fresh? And where did the $8,000,000 price tag of demolition come from? I would also like to know why it would cost $20,000,000 for another big addition. Many other successful coasters have been well under $10,000,000.
  7. It should also be noted that all the same trees are still there.
  8. Are we sure that it is even dirt that has been moved around? If yes, I would have expected to see a dirt pile/ mound. I also don't see a change in the grade/ slope of the area consistant with the moving of land. It could be dead brown grass due to the hot, humid, dry summer.
  9. I don't think SoB is being taken down this year or next year but here are a few thoughts: I would be shocked if there was not some sort of insurance premium on SoB SBNO. The cost of that premium? I have no idea. It could be cheap. But if it's not, leaving SoB SBNO is throwing money out the window. Taxes could also be a cost. OH may be different than PA, but there have been numerous factories that have removed unused structures in PA to keep their taxes down. Also, I am going to assume that maintenance expenses for SoB were figured into KI's 2010 operating costs. Since the ride is SBNO, that money is not being used and could very well be used for deconstruction costs.
  10. I have a difficult time believing all these items were out of sight. A thief is not going to take the time to pry a car door open if they cannot justify it. If they can't see anything worth stealing, they will most likely move on to another car where there are items that can be seen. Out of sight, out of mind. And yes, could security be beefed up? Sure. Security can always be added. But that doesn't stop a thief's intentions. Banks are robbed everyday...
  11. There currently is no height limit, or there never was a height limit?
  12. Technically CP is landlocked. They still have room in the park to add many rides, and still have the parking lot to expand into.
  13. ^ You really think if he entered the contest to win? I have entered many wedding 50/50 and simply put bride/ groom in the name slot.
  14. Jail? Really? Yes, what he did was bad, but, I don't believe it to be malicious enough for a jail sentence.
  15. Wow. Not only did he cause $5000 worth of damage, he could potentially cost the park $75,000 in lost revenue.
  16. So the park gave him a PR opportunity... The money still goes to a good cause, it still will create a small media stir for the good cause, and if small PR opportunities were not given people that have the money to donate, they may be less likely to do it. Good move on the park's part. It may influence others to do the same.
  17. I don't necessarily disagree with the "money making" aspect of it. But if people just followed the simple rules of the road, and just drive safe, I really don't see why the cameras are such a problem.
  18. For a guy that is so "into" the industry, it was a real pee wee article...
  19. http://www.usatoday.com/travel/destinations/10great/2010-07-22-roller-coasters_N.htm
  20. Or, just slowing the thing down somehow. CF already has a: slow, uneventful, uninspiring, rough, wood coaster, in Mean Streak.
  21. DB is one of a kind. What other coaster has it's exact layout & elements? LOL!
  22. Did you forget that hints and clues are just hints and clues. If they came out with the actual exact information, they would not be hints and clues anymore, just the announcement of the actual ride. What is the fun in that?
  23. Magnum is tempermental. The ride heats up, and cools down fast & frequent because of being on the lake. That temperature change really beats up the trains, specifically the wheels & berings. You can have one ride in the morning, and one 2 hours later (in the same exact train/ seat) and have a completely different ride. Then again, it could be that it is sinking....
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