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Everything posted by Browntggrr

  1. Did I hate the Paramount KI era? No. Hate is a rather strong word. I am more disappointed with their ownership compared to the previous owners. That said, I consider it a time where the park had a status quo feel. With a few exceptions, the park did not continuously improve like other parks. Their additions did not make up for their subtractions.
  2. The sasquatch family has moved on to another entertaining spot....
  3. I'm sure there are some that believe those movies are the best movies ever made, just like some believe SoB is the best wooden coaster out there. Yet, just because some people love them, does not make it above a decent movie. If you polled movie goers (not coaster enthusiasts) asking what is their favorite Paramount movie, I have no problem stating that those movies would not enter the discussion.
  4. Those movies were decent at best. Movies like Drop Zone, Days of Thunder, and Face- Off are all terrible.
  5. ^^ It will take time to make everything look better. CF has had less then a handful of years to make up for what the former owners left behind, but so far, CF has done a remarkable job.
  6. I forgot this: I suppose it is a matter of opinion, but, Racer now crosses over a midway. Also: Does SoB not count since it is SBNO? I can see it from practically anywhere in the park.
  7. So DB is a bigger carnival ride than IJ? Again, really? Paramount already destroyed the KI themeing with their additions. To say that rides CF has since put in ruined anything is looking through rose-colored glasses.
  8. So DB made Rivertown less appealing? And TR didn't? Really?
  9. I too liked KI when it was based on theme. International Street Octoberfest Hanna-Barbera Rivertown Old Coney Adventure Village Unfortunatly many of those themes were lost to a company that wanted to advertise itself through naming rides after poor movies. I am happy to see CF try and get back to KI's roots of what made it a great park and not an advertising mecca. Also: how can you possibly compare Disney to a seasonal park?
  10. Given that a potential sale of CF ended due to company value rising, and, that the economy still is on life support, I really can't see another group coming forward and making an offer. As far as bankruptcy goes: CF has not missed any payments to date to file for any type of protection. Given the recent refinance conditions, I believe CF has cleared the hump and is holding steady.
  11. This is too funny.... Why does everything have to be about a new ride? Why can't things just be meant for the most obvious of reasons? A present that has Snoopy on the name tag- is really for Snoopy. A pile of dirt- is really just a pile of dirt. A closed coaster- is really still closed.
  12. ^ Not adding a haunt, but using the station as a staging area to build props and store material for HH.
  13. And in a shocking turn of events, one day after being reported on PointBuzz: But let's not forget this (before it gets deleted):
  14. I'm gonna toot my own horn here. I first mentioned SoB's station as a staging area for HH on July 20th. http://www.KICentral...=1entry392458 It's funny how ScreamScape then mentions it 2 weeks later... So yeah, I have no problem testing out what Lance says.
  15. Still think? When did I ever think it was going to be a coaster?
  16. The footprint seems to be quite large. It could be 2 Star Flyers.
  17. I wonder how the weather will effect ride operations as it gets quite windy on the shores of Lake Erie.
  18. That looks good on paper, but it hardly ever turns out that way. The opening & closing of a business are two of the most stressful times a business has. To dedicate your time to interact with guests is fantastic, but you are robbing Peter to pay Paul. Many, MANY times your attention as a manager/ owner is needed to be be directed elsewhere. And yes, the trams were very convenient. They also were a huge liability since guests had to climb up to get in. Unfortunately, like many things, cost vs. benefit came into play. Cost won again.
  19. Via Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/cedarpoint
  20. http://www.KICentral.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=22330 Ironically, the earlier post has the same exact title....
  21. SoB testing? Yeah. Right. I'll believe it when I see it. Now what I do believe: ScreamScape has reported that the land clearing is from a local sasquatch family setting up chairs in anticipation of witnessing work on SoB.
  22. Just because there is a new (is it new or just moved?) dirt pile does not mean ground has been broken for anything. Dirt is often used for many things- landscaping, filling in holes, putting out fires, etc. Calling someone a liar over something that is pure rumor and can only be seen from hundreds of feet away is plain rude.
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