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Everything posted by Browntggrr

  1. Comparing Magnum ('89) to Goliath (2000) & MF (giga) to X2 (4th dimemsion)? Intresting....
  2. Yes I was. It is encouraging that even though his is gay, he knows where to draw the line. I wish more people like him (and I don't mean gay) had an open mind like that where their beliefs do not cloud judgement. It really depends what the shirt says. If it was something like: "Jesus Christ 4 Life" it probably would not be an issue. It is was something along the line of: "I'm Christian & Pro Life; abortion is MURDER" I can see causing an issue and should be dealt with accordingly.
  3. ^ That is one heck of a strong statement. Thanks for sharing!
  4. Really?? What reason did they give you to ask for such a request?
  5. In respect to your opinion, I see it as a publicity stunt. If you want to support gay marriage, more power to you. Hold a rally, or contact your local government official to voice your opinion. And no, this is nothing like Rosa Parks and how African-Americans were treated at that time in our history. Comments like that really show on how some Americans don't understand what was happening back then.
  6. If coming from the East, use the "back way" to CP. That road has some really nice beachfront houses & great shots of Lake Erie & has it's own parking tolls. Don't be scared off by the Bon Air section of Breakers. It is not the nicest section by far, but it provides what a park enthusiast needs- bed, shower & a/c.
  7. In support of brakes? BLASPHEMY!
  8. Bar/ restaurant. It was a dream of mine, and I was lucky enough to do it, and I'm lucky to be out of it.
  9. No it is not. Employee theft is a concern for most businesses. It is also more difficult to catch the criminal since most security measures are pointed "out" instead of "in" (if you understand my meaning). When I owned my business, I would have friends go in and "check" my staff from time to time to be sure all items were being accounted for. Some intresting things I found: http://wiki.radioref...rren_County_(OH http://www.visitking..._jobs/index.cfm http://www.visitking...20Guidebook.pdf http://masonbuzz.com/2011/06/08/suspects-wanted-in-kings-island-credit-card-theft/
  10. ^ It is rather safe to say the example of the incident and subsequent safety reputation at SFKK is much worse than the thefts of unattended personal belongings at various parks.
  11. Since the discussions have been primarily about reputations, I don't see why 7 years or 7 days make much of a difference. It happened. It is also good that it has not been a rash of incidents.
  12. Stroller theft seems to be an issue at Disney: http://www.everythingwdisneyworld.com/2009/11/should-you-worry-about-stroller-theft.html http://micechat.com/forums/disneyland-resort/1389-theft-disneyland-dca.html Camera theft at Disney: Six Flags thefts: http://www.wsbradio.com/news/news/six_flags_theft_warning/nj4p/ http://www.ultimaterollercoaster.com/forums/cgi/forum1.cgi?read=148194 http://www.ajc.com/news/cobb/cobb-police-investigate-thefts-547583.html
  13. It's not the same- but better than nothing!
  14. ^ Nobody wants Vortex operating more than KI. You may want to call GR and explain your decision to not go to the park due to Vortex not operating, they may clue you in as to Vortex's possible return date.
  15. Perhaps HUSS has fixed the issues that have plagued both maXair & Delirium. Like a fine wine....
  16. Unless KI is stealing themselves, they cannot get a reputation for thievery. It is also not KI's fault that someone is stealing, just like it is not a bank's fault they get robbed (and we all know on how much time and money is put into a bank's security). Going to the park is no different than anywhere else. Why anyone would leave valuables unattended at KI as opposed to anywhere else is rather confusing. If lockers are unavailable, I suggest going to guest services and asking them what to do. I'm sure they will make every attempt to find suitable means to secure your belongings.
  17. Since when do real security cameras deter thieves let alone fake ones?
  18. If there are actual facts to prove the rumor, can it be considered a rumor anymore? Rumors are based upon perception. A person can claim "fact" to most rumors just based on how they want to look at the information (i.e.- remember all the signs for DB and Maverick?).
  19. I was just at CP a couple weeks ago and thought that the old B & M "hook a male" seat has since changed.
  20. Never but Its a new style of trains compared to the TOGO trains used on KC. Oh, you are comparing two different ride manufacturers in TOGO's 1984 KC trains to B & M's 1996 Mantis trains and simply called them new due to the different design.
  21. As was said earlier, end of story.
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